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Islamic University of Science and Technology - Pulwama (IUST) Image

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Extracurricular Programs:

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1, University Avenue, Awantipora, Pulwama 192122, JK


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Islamic University of Science and Technology, Pulwama (IUST) Reviews

Aug 07, 2018 01:19 PM 561 Views (via Android App)

Islamic university of science and technology ( IUST ) is located in puwama. As the majority of the studends are from MUSLIM backgroud but there is nothing such that it will look like MUSLIM institite. .

A request to the Management is try to maintain ISLAMIC culture there

ToeAaMouthShut Verified Member
Kkk India
Best Vocational Courses
Jan 08, 2018 03:16 PM 831 Views (via Android App)

University is not an old one but just a few years back it came into existence. It has made a great impact on the entire educational sector of state of Jammu and Kashmir particularly Kashmir valley. Its location is very much accessible from all over the state as it's located on NH-1A and has a nearby Railway stations as well.

Academic Programme : IUST has introduced very innovative and job oriented courses besides the traditional subjects. It runs courses in Engineering and technology, Sciences, Journalism, Linguistics, etc

Administration: is indirectly controlled by government and at university level by Vice Chancellor of the University. It's running smoothly than Kashmir university.

Extra Curricular Activities : it fully encourages participation in various co curricular and extra curricular activities. It has made a good reputation in cricket and some other sports.

Alumni Network : Although being a new 21st century University it has started making great contribution towards education in state. People from this university are getting adjusted in reputed companies accross the world. Be it in Engineering and technology or Sciences or even in Civil services.

Recommendations : its a nice University although improvement is needed in various sectors also.

Number one university in Kashmir
Feb 23, 2017 11:25 AM 1160 Views (via Android App)

Islamic university of science and technology Awantipora kashmir is one of a brilliant university in kashmir beacuse of its location, facilities for students and new courses plus new syallabus.In north India IUST is top class university.There you have girls hostel now.Even established in 2005, IUST is incredible university at starting


Islamic University of Science and Technology - Pulwama (IUST)
umarhussainMouthShut Verified Member
anantnag j and k India
Needs improvement..
Dec 17, 2016 11:12 AM 1303 Views (via Android App)

Islamic university of science and technology is located in awantipora town of district pulwama.The university is located on a hill side.Although university has been established some 10-12 years back but university is not meeting the ever increasing demands by students like diversity of courses, intake capacity etc.Also university campus is not very much established.The campus iz small with some 5-6 blocks.University should offer diversity in courses so that students should not feel inconvienence.

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