Course: The course is having attractive modules and IMT as an Institution is good when it comes full-time courses but EPGP for working employees is totally a waste of time. Classes over video attracts us but the delivery of classes were pathetic and the take-away is negligible at the end of course. Some classes were good but 80% of the classes were just lecturing on a high pace and difficult for you to follow and understand. After all just think that they are covering one subject in just 3 classes - so everything is a capsule.
I strongly believe this is just a money-making business for both NIIT and IMT.
Classes: There will be exam at the end of each module and are objective questions. Your marks depends on how much your NIIT centre allow you to discuss with your friends sitting nearby. They told they will monitor everything over CCTV, but it is easy for you to discuss and secure good marks. I secured fair scores, but I am writing this negative review as at the end of day the value the course gave me is negligible. Heard that in some centres down South and in Mumbai there were strict monitoring by invigilators and difficult for you to discuss with friends. After all, take a new tab and google for the question. The instructors are taking questions from internet. We came to know very late when asked to some guys how they secure high marks.
The classes were extremely boring and if you are lucky you NIIT centre guys will don't mind if you leave home early by keeping the computer ON. They will shut it down after classes. Note that some instructors randomly pick you to share views and to answers some questions. So attend first class of all module to see how the lecturer is.:)
Attendance is taken into consideration so dont bunk it, just come to centre, mark your attendance and login. Then go for chai, samosa or kachori. I bet that I secured 85% by not even hearing any lecture of one module - because Temple Run was very addicting and Google and NIIT guys helped in exam.
Campus Session:This makes a little sense to this program as you are in class and getting direct lecturers. Note that the hefty sum you paying for this( apart from course fee) is making sense - by having some on-campus class and a 3-star accommodation and food. The second and last campus module will have a workshop which is the only positive thing I found.
Conclusion:If you are already into management background and your company is sponsoring for the course, go ahead. I didn't get any special recognition by adding this label to resume, after all it is just a certification not a PG degree. IT guys and other non-management background must stay away.
If you are still going ahead with course I suggest you to ask some alumni for easy-exam centres;). Else it is difficult to crack the questions in limited time, and others will secure very high marks than you. Nothing is fair in this world, only the end result matters.
Finally some Be+ve factor:
Hope I can kick start my management career with this EPGP label in future and the total 2 Lakhs I spent will makes sense.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.