Nothing learned at IHM PUSA is of any use. This place is to party and learn the trades of ragging. The teachers don't care much if students pass or not. They are only worried about there salaries. Dont even try to correct the teachers in anything, there response will be to get out of class. Total rejects.
The students ran the school. Administration did nothing. In my time there, school could not even protect the well being of our girls in the college from the polytechnic colleges next to us. We had to do it ourselves. IHM PUSA DELHI is a waste of time and of no use. Most of my batch and seniors are not even in the industry, most moved to IT... Kinda funny.
I hope the school has improved and also the teachers. We need pro's from the industries to teach us, not industry rejects. Nothing more I can say. I think I P Singh, the principal should have not left from the college. The buildings are not maintained. We spent more time climbing up the girls hostel then anything else. We also got most of the exam papers from printers...
Like I said total waste of time. I spent more time outside the college then inside. My Popli was the worst of them all. Total wannabe gunda. He spent more time insulting students then actually teaching them. Lucky I did not enroll in that college to study. Was more for time pass while I was in India. Currently running my own business, got sick of the Hotel Industry..
Hilton Hotel AGM in Tucson Arizona USA. No time for ones self when in Mangement. I started at the bottom doing Night Audit and moved up in a year on my work ethics to become the AGM of the Hotel. Pay is pretty crap as well. I think I was putting about 3200USD in my pocket a month. Peek salary. Unless you are working at the Grand in NY. People get student loans and go abroad, Australia, Switzerland to do your Hotel Management. Job Placement is better as well. Griffith Uni at Gold Coast Australia..

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