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P-2/70, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Near Badarpur Metro Station, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110065, DL

+91-11-43204700, +91-11-43204701, +91-9999962290, +91-9999538238

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Institute of Hotel Management, Delhi Reviews

Apr 09, 2017 02:36 PM1706 Views (via iOS App)

This is an institute for hotel managemant near badarpur . last year I cleare my hotel managmant cource from the institute.i had a relly good expireance with the institute.the teachers are relly humble and helpful they are always helped me out if I have any problum releted to the cource.the way in they are teaching is relly grate.there are lotes of other activites releted to the cource to help the students for understand everything precticuly as well.

know am working in a hotel near ashoka road delhi .

it is a grate place to complete your cource

hiley recomanded


Baroda India
IHM PUSA waste of time and money.
Apr 14, 2009 09:23 AM11176 Views

Nothing learned at IHM PUSA is of any use. This place is to party and learn the trades of ragging. The teachers don't care much if students pass or not. They are only worried about there salaries. Dont even try to correct the teachers in anything, there response will be to get out of class. Total rejects.

The students ran the school. Administration did nothing. In my time there, school could not even protect the well being of our girls in the college from the polytechnic colleges next to us. We had to do it ourselves. IHM PUSA DELHI is a waste of time and of no use. Most of my batch and seniors are not even in the industry, most moved to IT... Kinda funny.

I hope the school has improved and also the teachers. We need pro's from the industries to teach us, not industry rejects. Nothing more I can say. I think I P Singh, the principal should have not left from the college. The buildings are not maintained. We spent more time climbing up the girls hostel then anything else. We also got most of the exam papers from printers...

Like I said total waste of time. I spent more time outside the college then inside. My Popli was the worst of them all. Total wannabe gunda. He spent more time insulting students then actually teaching them. Lucky I did not enroll in that college to study. Was more for time pass while I was in India. Currently running my own business, got sick of the Hotel Industry..

Hilton Hotel AGM in Tucson Arizona USA. No time for ones self when in Mangement. I started at the bottom doing Night Audit and moved up in a year on my work ethics to become the AGM of the Hotel. Pay is pretty crap as well. I think I was putting about 3200USD in my pocket a month. Peek salary. Unless you are working at the Grand in NY. People get student loans and go abroad, Australia, Switzerland to do your Hotel Management. Job Placement is better as well. Griffith Uni at Gold Coast Australia..

Pusa rocks
Apr 01, 2007 10:12 AM3568 Views

Ihm pusa is the best and it rocks It haa been a trend maker and torch bearer for the hospitality industry and wud always be!!!!!!

it has the best labs in india....its faculty are mst qulaified and tecnically stong which is nevr found in any other has won 8 out of the possible 9 nationl awards this year which ae given by ministry of tourism....all india toopers and batch toppers are from here only...and all this yeraa all india chef of the year is also from thsi college.... jsut luv this college....more over its nt studies only here cultural activities are also amasing..........any body wanna join just join it.cos its a brand name that wud be attached with you all ur life..and mind it u'll louve t!!!!!!

I just louve this college

ihm pusa is the best

it wud alwysa be the best and wud always be shining and glorified .....till it has such hud faculty and principal.


Institute of Hotel Management-Delhi
IHM Pusa : Best in Delhi
Oct 29, 2004 09:34 PM12761 Views

Title : IHM Pusa :

Review : IHM Pusa is an institution which has produced the whos who of the Indian Hospitality Industry. From Chef Sanjay Kapoor of Khana Khazana to Mr. Kachru of Raddisson .

The institution has been around since the 1960's and was set up with the assistance of the ILO. It has extensive market goodwill and is among the best in the country. IHM Pusa is ideal in case you are serious about a career in Hotel Management. It offers you enough opportunities to actuate your dreams. What you need to be is deathly serious about a career in hotel management. Thats important.

The institute blends theory with practise. You get enough time to pursue other interests.The important thing of course is to do well in acads AND learn the practical side . You will get industry exposure in the 6 month training period in the second year.That can be used to check out which department are you actually suited for.

In a rapidly changing market scenario IHM Pusa is facing stiff competition from the private hotel management colleges especially those run by Hotel Chains like Welcomgroup and Taj. Institutes specialising in culinary arts are targetting a niche market.

The boom in hotel management institutions and the flexibility they have in terms of curriculum ; and technology is a potent challenge. Hotel Industry being prone to business cycles; placement can be a problem in the recessionary cycles in the Hotel Industry. But a plethora of opportunities in other service industries has led to numerous avenues for employment. All in all ; a great institute to join if you are serious about a career in Hotels

Pros : Good overall experience

Cons: course updation meets with bureaucratic hurdles

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tell me about ihm pusa of hotal management

Jul 04, 2005

By: j6gandhi

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