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Indusind Bank Ltd Reviews

Wonderful service
Jun 18, 2024 10:53 AM219 Views

Indusind bank ltd is awesome bank according to another bank .I am to much satisfied .we can strongly trust and can deposit or transfer easily

420 Cheater Banking
Apr 07, 2023 07:06 PM482 Views (via Mobile)

Very bad experience to open in such type of dirty bank

Unprofessional and Cheater staff kept only they see own com.ission they not care of customer

All sr staff even CEO MD ZM Head credit card all cheater

They not refund my FDR amount which laying with tham

I given Ten lakh FDR and taken credit card if limit 9lakh

I use for less than one month

They charge me 17500 for card fee

And I surrender my card on 20th March my bill due date 24th March amount was 7.99.000 they deduct from my FDR on 27th March they deley as they put me more charge for late payment my money with tham than how late fee

Four days u sleeping in 27th March u deduct amount

Now demanding 32000 from me

That purely cheating with customer going to file case against tham 420

Also they offer me life insurance i given tham one year premium 3.70000.00 but before they show me some thing after i receive policy that was not that one there employees for own commission they given me useless policy now they say no refund for that

In every thing they cheat customer

They kept girls to make fool to customer

I am sr citizen they looted me more than 700000 seven lakh

Plz be care full don't open or deal such type of 420 Cheater bank

Harish kumar Hinduja

Worst experience
May 10, 2021 12:29 AM2236 Views (via Mobile)

Experienced worst in my life in IMFS Dhanbad Branch. As an employee, although my performance was good as my target was to do 11business per month and I always did more than that, still I got ZERO times appraisal due to no reason explained by even zonal head. Later, I found that there you can get promotion only if you "are good in his eyes" or you are "bhumihar by caste" whether you have any talent or not , doesn't matter. I have example of Amrit jha, of IMFS Dhanbad branch, IMFS Dumka Branch, IMFS Hazaribag, IMFS Ramgarh and many others. I am not writing with any of my personal enmity. If company can, please take email or any professional test to check their ability. So, finally I resigned from it.


Indusind Bank Ltd
Egregious Deportment & Scurrilous Locution.
Mar 02, 2021 10:35 PM2107 Views (via Mobile)

On 18-12-2019, at around 10.15 a.m.,

Me & My Spouse had visited IndusInd Bank,

Dombivli(E), so as to alleviate me,

to refurbish my Aadhar Card.

As, we approached Ms.Pooja Chitre,

who was seated, outside the Exit Gate,

& apprized her, the said verity, in a trice,

she contumeliously enunciated my Wife,

to remain quiet. Forthwith, when my

Spouse ingeminated her, as to whether,

we should stand in queue, the said Female

Employee irreverently notified my Wife,

that, 'she is requesting her, to keep silent.'

Also, a Security Guard, who was standing,

outside the Exit Gate, presumptuously

articulated my Spouse, to remain mum.

At the outset, I would like to asseverate

the above-mentioned Employees, that,

they had, indubitably, NO authority,

to verbalize the aforesaid impertinent

wordings. Also, let me unwaveringly

assert them, that, they should ameliorate

their idioms & tone of voice. How dare

they express, such sort of unchivalrous

verbalism? I, too, would have proliferated

my vowel in the same riposte, but, in view

of the veracity, that, they are the Employees

of IndusInd Bank, I was unflappable in the

matter. Didn't they had the etiquette,

to behave in a reverent manner? If NOT,

it would be befit on their fraction, that,

they seal their appalling way of behaving,

& memorizes the cardinal didactics, as,

how to have a colloquy with my Wife.

We vehemently remonstrate against their

egregious deportment, &, malapert tonality.

Also, I would like to steadfastly notify the

aforesaid Employees, that, since, we had

visited IndusInd Bank, to update my Aadhar

Card, &, in view of the factuality, that,

my Spouse had propounded her germane

queries to the aforementioned Lady,

the question of my Wife, remaining taciturn,

doesn't crop up. Further, their shameful &

flippant locution, of'requesting my Spouse,

to keep nonvocal', doesn't bob up, &,

therefore, it would be pertinent, that,

they bring to a cessation, such sort of

effrontery & vexatious utterance. Such

sort of comportment, &, parlance is,

unequivocally, abominable & execrable.

Thereafter, having perspicuously stated

my Name & Mobile No., to the above-named

Lady, she sardonically verbalized that

'Fish Market has been made', &,

subsequently, enlightened us, to visit the

said Bank, at 12.00 p.m.

Regarding, the aforementioned Lady's

vexing diction of'Fish Market has been

made', I would like to resolutely expound

her, that, since, the reverend Populace

had visited IndusInd Bank, to spruce up

their Aadhar Card, the question of her

unblushing utterance, doesn't pop up.

How dare she utter, such sort of obnoxious

parlance? Didn't she had the manner of

speaking? If NOT, it would be apt on her

fraction, that, she comprehends the

rudimentary precept, as, how to have a

conversation with me. Such sort of spoken

language is, unambiguously, ignominious &


In addition, I would like to reminiscent the

above-named Lady, that, when Folks

excogitate to modernize their Aadhar Card

in IndusInd Bank, unpretentiously, there

would be humongous Populace, who intend

to modify the said Card, with ebullience &

vivacity, &, therefore, her utterance is,

indubitably, detestable & godawful.

Subsequently, having visited the said Bank,

at 12.00 p.m., to meliorate my Aadhar Card,

I approached the above-mentioned Lady, &,

explicated her, the said veracity.

Instantaneously the above-named Lady

bestowed me, an Aadhaar Enrollment/

Correction/Update Form, to be filled in.

Having attained the requisite procedure,

I handed over the said Form & Xerox Copy

of PAN Card to her.

Forthwith, the aforesaid Female Employee

saucily enunciated me, 'to keep PAN Card

ready.' Let me accentuate, that, since, I had

bestowed her, the Aadhar Enrollment/

Correction/Update Form, as well as,

the Xerox Copy of PAN Card, was it not of

uttermost momentous for her, to fastidiously

peruse, as regards, the said Documents,

which, she didn't deem indispensable?

Also, in conformity to reality, that,

my Documents were handy, likewise,

the aforestated Female Employee should

have displayed the same celerity,

in examining the documentation, which,

she didn't cogitate felicitous.

Moreover, while, procuring my thumb/

fingerprints, the above-named Lady

encapsulated me, to place the thumb

of my right hand, on the Electronic

Device. After myriad indefatigability,

when my'thumb impression' was not

discernible, she discourteously uttered

'what have you done'? Also, the said

Employee specified that, due to'sweating',

my thumb impression is not'palpable'.

As regards, the aforementioned Lady's

malapert colloquialism, let me italicize,

that, since, she was accomplishing my

'thumb impression', the question of me,

'having done', doesn't clock in. How dare

she attribute the animadversion on me?

Besides, I would like to assert her, that,

the veritable reason is, NOT, due to

'diaphoresis', but, as a result of,


my'thumb impression' was nebulous.

Also, I would like to obdurately notify

her, that, she brings to a standstill,

of imputing the caviling on me.

Furthermore, when the above-named

Lady produced a Machine, in front of me,

so as to facilitate her, to meliorate my Iris,

I was under the rumination, to have a grip

on the said Appliance, as a result, did the

needful. Forthwith, the said Female

Employee enounced me, in an sassy

manner, not to grasp the Iris Machine.

Regarding her caddish utterance, let me

tenaciously elucidate her, that, since,

I was under the cognition, to have a

clutch on the Device, hence, did the

requisite. Besides, was it not imperative

for her, to expound me, as regards,

the said factualness, which, she didn't

excogitate ? Also, I express my vehement

remonstrance against her caddish

comportment, &, therefore, it would be

befitting on her fraction, that, she amend

her ungracious tone.

After, having meticulously perused my

aforementioned Form, &, the Xerox Copy

of PAN Card, the said Lady enucleated me,

to pay Rs.50/-, as Aadhaar Card Modification

Charges. Also, she versant me, that,

Aadhar Card would be delivered at my

Dwelling, within 10 Working Days.

Since, I destined to be abreast, with the

Aadhar Status, therefore, placed a

telephonic call, at UIDAI's Toll-free No.,

on 28-12-2019. However, I was

flabbergasted, when, a Female Employee

acquainted me, that, due to Corrigendum,

my Documents has been rejected. When I

enquired, as regards, the apropos reason,

the said Lady expatiated, that, she has not

received my Archive. As, I apprized her,

that, the Xerox Copy of my PAN Card has

been submitted to IndusInd Bank,

she notified me in a succinct manner,

that, the same must NOT have been

sedulously scanned.

Consequently, Me & My Wife visited the

IndusInd Bank, at Dombivli(E),

on 30-12-2019, at around 10.15 a.m., &,

recapitulated the said facts, to the

above-named Lady. In a trice, she saucily

aggrandized her vowel. As regards,

her amplified tone, let me state

categorically to the said Female Employee,

that, she should mend her tone of voice.

I, too, would have augmented my vox in

the same tenor, but, in view of the factuality,

that, she is an Employee of IndusInd Bank,

I was halcyon in the matter. How dare she

amplify her obstreperous tone? Didn't she

had the decorum, to converse in a

deferential manner? If NOT, it would be

congruous on her fraction, that, she capiche

the omphalic sagacity, as, how to have a

colloquy with us. We emphatically objurgate

against her insolent deportment.

Further, during the course of our Visit to the

above-mentioned Bank, as, we indicated

her, the veracious minutiae, for having

rejected my Documents, she impudently

specified my Spouse, to bestow her the

'verbatim reason'. Let me emphasize, that,

inspite of having unambiguously stated the

said veracity, she iterated the ungenteel

locution. Since, the Lady Employee of

UIDAI had illumed us, the veridical

information, regarding, my Documents

being disallowed, &, the same, being

conveyed to the above-named Female

Employee of IndusInd Bank, hence,

the question of having postulated us

the'specific reason', doesn't pop up'.

Such sort of deportment is absolutely


Later on, the aforementioned Female

Employee, verbalized my Wife, that, she is

in ample boredom, to update Aadhar Card

of Customers. As regards, her temerarious

statement, I would like to unfalteringly

articulate the said Lady, that, since, she is

a Salaried Employee of IndusInd Bank,

it was requisite for her, to metamorphose

the Aadhar Card of the reverend Populace,

in an urbane manner, &, undoubtedly, NOT,

in a vexatious fraction. How dare she

express, such sort of preposterous

comments? Is she NOT oblivious,

pertaining to the protocols of etiquette,

of IndusInd Bank? If NOT, it would be

pertinent on her fraction, that, she gains

the noesis, regarding, the axioms of the

said Bank. Such sort of demeanour &

lexicon is, unequivocally, ignominious &


Besides, the above-named Lady asserted

my Spouse, that, we should Visit Cyber

Cafe, or, Other Place, to fathom the

univocal discernment, for having

disavowed the Documents, &, to update

the Aadhar Card, afresh. As regards,

the Female Employee's jeering

verbalization, I would like to tenaciously

inform her, that, having already paid an

amount of Rs.50/- to her, on 18-12-2019,

for refurbishing my Aadhar Card,

the question of visiting the Cyber Cafe,

or, Alternate Place, so as to be au courant,

with the befitting perspicuity, for having

vetoed the certification, doesn't arise, &,

therefore, it would be fitting, that, she brings

to a cessation, such sort of imprudent

proposition. Since, we had NOT sought her

advise, it would be germane, that, she cease

such sort of undue & unwarranted

utterances. Also, as, we had expatiated her

the said veracity, &, hence, to propound us,

to visit the said Cyber, or, Alternative Place,

so as to be au fait, with the unequivocal

perspicuousness, is, posolutely, impertinent.

Similarly, the aforesaid Lady derisively

stated us, that, IndusInd is a Private Bank, &,

she has an experience of 15-16 years, in the

banking industry. Regarding, the Female

Employee's mordant phraseology, let me

exposit her, that, the said knowledge in the

banking system, &, IndusInd, being a Private

Bank, are in no way affiliated, while,

ameliorating my Aadhar Card, which,

she has dexterously NOT cogitated.

In view of the verity, that, we were inflicted

austere vexation, by the above-mentioned

female Employee of IndusInd Bank, I was

coerced to approach the Branch Manager,

as a result, proceeded towards his Cabin.

As, I implied him, regarding, the abhorrent

conduct of the said Lady, in a jiffy, the said

Gentleman intimated, that, since, he is busy,

I should approach the Sr. HRD Manager.

Further, he specified me, that, he is having

a colloquy on Phone, &, also, there are two

more Folks, in the Waiting Line.

Let me festinate, that, even though,

the Branch Manager was assiduously

riveted, he should have secerned &

taken cognizance of my grievances,

which, he didn't conjecture. Such sort

of demeanour is, undoubtedly,

unpalatable. Besides, I would like to

reminiscent the said Gentleman, that,

it was indispensable for me, to approach

him, &, indubitably, NOT, the Sr. HRD


Likewise, had I intend to approach the

Sr. HRD Manager, I would NOT have

proceeded in his Cabin. Also, he had

NO authority, to encapsulate me,

regarding, his'engrossed' utterance.

Even if, he was occupied, it was his

utmost responsibility, to auscult to my

grouse, which, he didn't cerebrate pivotal.

Additionally, I would like to signify him, that,

even though, he was having a conversation

on Phone, &, there were two Gentlemen,

in the line up, my dudgeon was, in no way

cognated, to his said phrasings.

Since, we were imposed the ginormous

indignation, by the aforementioned

Female Employee, hence, had mailed an

E-message to the Head - Customer Care,

of IndusInd Bank, on 13-01-2020, wherein,

a Lady Executive responded to my Email,

& resolved our resentment, in an unrivalled


On the cornerstone of the aforestated array

of facts, let me expedite, that, IndusInd Bank

has been instituted, so as to simplify it's

venerable Hoi Polloi, to consummate to

fruition, their desideratum, in a peerless &

unparalleled manner, &, NOT, for the

malapert conduct, incivility parlance, &,

flippant tone of the above-mentioned

Female Employee.

Beware of your money with Indusind bank
Apr 23, 2020 10:31 PM3272 Views

I have an account with Indusind bank . Recently I have an unsuccessful ATM transaction where amount has been debited from account . I have informed the same to bank very next day and they asked for 8 days . I have waited for 10 days and since I have not got any response I have asked them to put me to escalation point. Let me tell you that their behavior is the pathetic one which will make you think 100 times before you continue banking with him. They were literally asking me to go the bank where I have withdrawn money from and there are not going to take any responsibly for it and they are not going to refund that amount back to me. They are not even bothered when I told them about complaining to RBI

If any one has experienced similar issue, I would request you to join hands with me so that we can file complaint together so that these guys at least would respect us

Best bank to work with
Apr 19, 2020 01:07 AM3278 Views (via iOS App)

I have joined Indusind on 23/05/2016. I worked over there for 3 years. Best bank to work with. Indusind gives you promotion in 1 year. In my case it happened. I joined as a Deputy Manager and within 1 year I got promoted as Manager. There are lots of other exaples for the same senario.

Don't go indusind bank my personal suggestion.
Jan 01, 2020 07:29 PM4371 Views (via Mobile)

I worked only 20 days in indusind bank, it's lots of pressure daily there asking me out put in current and saving Account, credit cards, insurance. Seniors damnation is there, no freedom life, wasted my 20 days.

Bad customer service
Jan 27, 2019 12:10 AM6674 Views (via Android App)

This bank is very bad bcoz in non metro city branch they do not have any credit card for the customer only secured credit card is there if you opt for secure credit card then u have to do FD & they will also ontime charge on that min 5k which is non refundable. they will give u gift voucher only. Another point is that after opening your a/c with them they will force u for upgrade your debit card which will take amt Min 2.5k max 10k excluding tax. They never gives any loans to the customer they want life insurance from u after that they will forget u. basically this bank is like broking house. so my suggestion is that plz be alart from this bank.

Mar 11, 2017 02:45 PM10764 Views


I had applied for a indusind forex card on 08.03.2017 @ 11.57am and the order no is 3921 . I have been calling your forex helpline and talking to your Ajay and Rohit on the same since the branch at mysore says that have no information on the order . When I again contacted AJAY he assured me that the aishwaryasingh23mentwas successful and that he would call me back after checking with the branch . he call me back after 2 hrs and tells me the same thing that the branch has no information and that he will check with his senior and call me back in one hour . This was on the 09.03 12 pm . till now no call .

Today morning I call your forex helpline again and ROHIT picks my call and says the same thing, that my aishwaryasingh23ment is successfull and why I have not collected the card from the branch . Branch still has no communication as of yesterday evening when I check( today being a holiday) . Then I tell rohit that please check with mr ajay that he had raised a complaint on 09.03 on the issue and what happened to it . he put s me on on hold comes back and says that my transaction on aishwaryasingh23ment has failed . 180 deg turn . how is it possible? I have the aishwaryasingh23U transaction ID with me saying it is succesful, I have your own site saying the aishwaryasingh23ment is done successfully, I have the debit done already in my cc account,i have both ajay and rohit telling me that the aishwaryasingh23ment was successful first and rohit changing his stance later .

what kind of service is this? where is the money I have paid? and where is the information to the customer whats happening? if at all there is an internal problem in INDUSIND why the customer is to be put thro all this trouble.

CAN SOMEBODY IN INDUSIND REPLY TO THIS SORRY STATE OF AFFAIRS and train your call center people to be correct and couteous? if indusind wants 37000 rs badly they could ask for it in better fashion not cheat a customer like this . BEcause I feel that this is something I feel is near to that or that / cheating .

if something does not happen in the next 2 days to my money or order owill have no other alternative than seek legal recourse . INDUSIND does not even have the courtesy to reply to my mails to reachus correctly, or talk to or SMS ME . is it that they are so hard up?

no regards


sainisandip3MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
Every time slow working.
Jan 20, 2017 06:43 AM14798 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends.

today I am sharing my experience with my sweet and lovely friends .today we are discussing a indusind bank.

friends this bank is too bad, my friend account also available in this bank.this bank service is so poor friends.

this bank is not good for using, this banl stuff doing his work everytime slowly slow. this bank customer service is very poor.

many people dislike this bank because this working slow and not helping the customer amy is a too bad bank friends.

never open any account in this bank.bad bank service.

thanku for rading friends.

Jorar Namkum Ranchi India
Indusind bank
Jan 19, 2017 08:30 PM12383 Views (via Android App)

Indusind bank ltd employees about IndusInd Bank culture, salaries, benefits , work-life balance, management, job security, Have been using IndusInd money transfer service for very long time. . Also, at the moment of initiating the remittance, it offers the best exchange rate amongst the other service providers. . I am not much happy about Indus Ind Bank Money transfer.good banking

If u found onrole job in IndusInd bank plz ensure
Dec 17, 2016 09:38 AM16364 Views (via Android App)

Hai guys I am recently left job in Indus Ind bank Ltd I would like to share my experience .

One of my suggest me there is openings in IndusInd bank onrole jobe when I go for interview that time our RM( regional manager) side like that only .

I got AQM position After joining I found that contract base job 18.5k salary + incentives

As they said onrole they will give resource to generate the leads

After realise that they will not provided lead and resources They give Indus Ind name pay slip

No esi also provided .

sharmaakash2504MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Worst bank
May 24, 2016 03:19 PM15519 Views (via Android App)

I have opened an account in indusland bank which is a salary account so when my company credits me salary it takes 2 days to come to my account and they have an ATM near with chowki at malad station in west that doesn't work at all my card just got stuck in the machine also indusland bank debit card won't work at all ATM machine so I don't like it at all and if in case my salary account is changed to normal account I have to maintain 10000 rs to carry forward my account seriously their policies sucks.

pulakkumar007MouthShut Verified Member
Jharia India
Mar 11, 2016 08:04 PM16026 Views (via Android App)

Dear friends

A BAKWAS bank in terms of rules and regulations.I was its customer since 2007.As usual lots of promises and assurances before opening an account but as soon as you opened the account all hidden rules would come out and when after 3 months you would updated your passbook you will find a lot of deduction. Why and how these deduction are made, your branch will not tell you .Now what ! you have to call customer care then the amount was reverted at their wishes.

No facilities for small customer they only search for big investor .Their minimum balance rules is also very complicated .sometimes they say you have ro keep minimum ?10000 in your account .But if you have a fixed deposit of ?200000 then you can put you account on zero balance but again here is a confusion branch is telling one thing and head office is another I could not understand why the branch is for.There is only 1 branch in Total in Dhanbad district

Bakwas bakwas

Two wheelers loan
Mar 08, 2016 07:20 PM15176 Views (via Mobile)

Hi friends I took 1 two wheelers loan from Indusind bank.Bike cost was 46400 and loan was for 28400 as I paid 18000/-.But they showed it as 35000/ and bike cost ad 47900- .When I disputed there was no satisfactory answer.

They were threatening me about spoiling my credit scores. After several attempts still no answer. Please suggest. I found this bank as complete fraud .They are just stealing the money from customers.

ankita_6mbaMouthShut Verified Member
Haridwar India
Worst employee ever
Jan 21, 2016 04:55 PM20437 Views

I am going to share my real experience of employement with indusind bank.

I was recruited as a relationship manager in TRM channel of Delhi, MotiNagar.

I was glad that I got a brand name to work with.

but later I found about the cons of my profile. it was a pure sales profile. online sales'.

Even it was worst than a BPO. It was a voice profile about which I was unaware and we were forced to touch a target of rupees 2 lacs every month which was a way harder for anyone.

we used to call a certain portfolios of employees and call them and pitch for debit and credit card, homeloan, account upgradation.

seriously it was a pathetic and low profile job.

I left that job after 4 months due to excessive pitching over the call.

customers used to bang their phones on our faces and we could not say anything.

Worst payscale, no hikes, no free lunches.

Worst place to work
Aug 16, 2015 01:18 PM21190 Views

I joined this bank as a management trainee customer service manager this year in the month of june, I got placed through my college campus placements, the work culture is absolutely depressing.

I got into a contract with them for a year so obviously I will have to stay here for one long year otherwise I will have to pay them a lakh.

There is too much politics in this bank and they dont sell their products they always sell third company products, ill never call this a bank this is some third party distributors, and for freshers it s a worst place to start their career.

The sales pressure they put on you is very high and damn you will lose confidence in yourself and become depressed. sometimes they even abuse us infront of everyone, I'm from tamil nadu I dont know how it is in PAN India.

But here myself and my counterparts are suffering a lot, i'm just waiting for an opportunity to get the hell out of here. this is one miserable bank with salary below standards, long working hours, sometimes you work on sundays too.

No work life balance and also they torture their own customers to keep transacting with them unlike other banks. Im writing this review from the bottom of my heart so that nobody ever thinks about getting placed in this bank, guys however desperate you are to get a job, please dont try here, just forget about this bank and try somewhere else. thanks for reading:)


Indusind Bank Ltd

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