On 18-12-2019, at around 10.15 a.m.,
Me & My Spouse had visited IndusInd Bank,
Dombivli(E), so as to alleviate me,
to refurbish my Aadhar Card.
As, we approached Ms.Pooja Chitre,
who was seated, outside the Exit Gate,
& apprized her, the said verity, in a trice,
she contumeliously enunciated my Wife,
to remain quiet. Forthwith, when my
Spouse ingeminated her, as to whether,
we should stand in queue, the said Female
Employee irreverently notified my Wife,
that, 'she is requesting her, to keep silent.'
Also, a Security Guard, who was standing,
outside the Exit Gate, presumptuously
articulated my Spouse, to remain mum.
At the outset, I would like to asseverate
the above-mentioned Employees, that,
they had, indubitably, NO authority,
to verbalize the aforesaid impertinent
wordings. Also, let me unwaveringly
assert them, that, they should ameliorate
their idioms & tone of voice. How dare
they express, such sort of unchivalrous
verbalism? I, too, would have proliferated
my vowel in the same riposte, but, in view
of the veracity, that, they are the Employees
of IndusInd Bank, I was unflappable in the
matter. Didn't they had the etiquette,
to behave in a reverent manner? If NOT,
it would be befit on their fraction, that,
they seal their appalling way of behaving,
& memorizes the cardinal didactics, as,
how to have a colloquy with my Wife.
We vehemently remonstrate against their
egregious deportment, &, malapert tonality.
Also, I would like to steadfastly notify the
aforesaid Employees, that, since, we had
visited IndusInd Bank, to update my Aadhar
Card, &, in view of the factuality, that,
my Spouse had propounded her germane
queries to the aforementioned Lady,
the question of my Wife, remaining taciturn,
doesn't crop up. Further, their shameful &
flippant locution, of'requesting my Spouse,
to keep nonvocal', doesn't bob up, &,
therefore, it would be pertinent, that,
they bring to a cessation, such sort of
effrontery & vexatious utterance. Such
sort of comportment, &, parlance is,
unequivocally, abominable & execrable.
Thereafter, having perspicuously stated
my Name & Mobile No., to the above-named
Lady, she sardonically verbalized that
'Fish Market has been made', &,
subsequently, enlightened us, to visit the
said Bank, at 12.00 p.m.
Regarding, the aforementioned Lady's
vexing diction of'Fish Market has been
made', I would like to resolutely expound
her, that, since, the reverend Populace
had visited IndusInd Bank, to spruce up
their Aadhar Card, the question of her
unblushing utterance, doesn't pop up.
How dare she utter, such sort of obnoxious
parlance? Didn't she had the manner of
speaking? If NOT, it would be apt on her
fraction, that, she comprehends the
rudimentary precept, as, how to have a
conversation with me. Such sort of spoken
language is, unambiguously, ignominious &
In addition, I would like to reminiscent the
above-named Lady, that, when Folks
excogitate to modernize their Aadhar Card
in IndusInd Bank, unpretentiously, there
would be humongous Populace, who intend
to modify the said Card, with ebullience &
vivacity, &, therefore, her utterance is,
indubitably, detestable & godawful.
Subsequently, having visited the said Bank,
at 12.00 p.m., to meliorate my Aadhar Card,
I approached the above-mentioned Lady, &,
explicated her, the said veracity.
Instantaneously the above-named Lady
bestowed me, an Aadhaar Enrollment/
Correction/Update Form, to be filled in.
Having attained the requisite procedure,
I handed over the said Form & Xerox Copy
of PAN Card to her.
Forthwith, the aforesaid Female Employee
saucily enunciated me, 'to keep PAN Card
ready.' Let me accentuate, that, since, I had
bestowed her, the Aadhar Enrollment/
Correction/Update Form, as well as,
the Xerox Copy of PAN Card, was it not of
uttermost momentous for her, to fastidiously
peruse, as regards, the said Documents,
which, she didn't deem indispensable?
Also, in conformity to reality, that,
my Documents were handy, likewise,
the aforestated Female Employee should
have displayed the same celerity,
in examining the documentation, which,
she didn't cogitate felicitous.
Moreover, while, procuring my thumb/
fingerprints, the above-named Lady
encapsulated me, to place the thumb
of my right hand, on the Electronic
Device. After myriad indefatigability,
when my'thumb impression' was not
discernible, she discourteously uttered
'what have you done'? Also, the said
Employee specified that, due to'sweating',
my thumb impression is not'palpable'.
As regards, the aforementioned Lady's
malapert colloquialism, let me italicize,
that, since, she was accomplishing my
'thumb impression', the question of me,
'having done', doesn't clock in. How dare
she attribute the animadversion on me?
Besides, I would like to assert her, that,
the veritable reason is, NOT, due to
'diaphoresis', but, as a result of,
my'thumb impression' was nebulous.
Also, I would like to obdurately notify
her, that, she brings to a standstill,
of imputing the caviling on me.
Furthermore, when the above-named
Lady produced a Machine, in front of me,
so as to facilitate her, to meliorate my Iris,
I was under the rumination, to have a grip
on the said Appliance, as a result, did the
needful. Forthwith, the said Female
Employee enounced me, in an sassy
manner, not to grasp the Iris Machine.
Regarding her caddish utterance, let me
tenaciously elucidate her, that, since,
I was under the cognition, to have a
clutch on the Device, hence, did the
requisite. Besides, was it not imperative
for her, to expound me, as regards,
the said factualness, which, she didn't
excogitate ? Also, I express my vehement
remonstrance against her caddish
comportment, &, therefore, it would be
befitting on her fraction, that, she amend
her ungracious tone.
After, having meticulously perused my
aforementioned Form, &, the Xerox Copy
of PAN Card, the said Lady enucleated me,
to pay Rs.50/-, as Aadhaar Card Modification
Charges. Also, she versant me, that,
Aadhar Card would be delivered at my
Dwelling, within 10 Working Days.
Since, I destined to be abreast, with the
Aadhar Status, therefore, placed a
telephonic call, at UIDAI's Toll-free No.,
on 28-12-2019. However, I was
flabbergasted, when, a Female Employee
acquainted me, that, due to Corrigendum,
my Documents has been rejected. When I
enquired, as regards, the apropos reason,
the said Lady expatiated, that, she has not
received my Archive. As, I apprized her,
that, the Xerox Copy of my PAN Card has
been submitted to IndusInd Bank,
she notified me in a succinct manner,
that, the same must NOT have been
sedulously scanned.
Consequently, Me & My Wife visited the
IndusInd Bank, at Dombivli(E),
on 30-12-2019, at around 10.15 a.m., &,
recapitulated the said facts, to the
above-named Lady. In a trice, she saucily
aggrandized her vowel. As regards,
her amplified tone, let me state
categorically to the said Female Employee,
that, she should mend her tone of voice.
I, too, would have augmented my vox in
the same tenor, but, in view of the factuality,
that, she is an Employee of IndusInd Bank,
I was halcyon in the matter. How dare she
amplify her obstreperous tone? Didn't she
had the decorum, to converse in a
deferential manner? If NOT, it would be
congruous on her fraction, that, she capiche
the omphalic sagacity, as, how to have a
colloquy with us. We emphatically objurgate
against her insolent deportment.
Further, during the course of our Visit to the
above-mentioned Bank, as, we indicated
her, the veracious minutiae, for having
rejected my Documents, she impudently
specified my Spouse, to bestow her the
'verbatim reason'. Let me emphasize, that,
inspite of having unambiguously stated the
said veracity, she iterated the ungenteel
locution. Since, the Lady Employee of
UIDAI had illumed us, the veridical
information, regarding, my Documents
being disallowed, &, the same, being
conveyed to the above-named Female
Employee of IndusInd Bank, hence,
the question of having postulated us
the'specific reason', doesn't pop up'.
Such sort of deportment is absolutely
Later on, the aforementioned Female
Employee, verbalized my Wife, that, she is
in ample boredom, to update Aadhar Card
of Customers. As regards, her temerarious
statement, I would like to unfalteringly
articulate the said Lady, that, since, she is
a Salaried Employee of IndusInd Bank,
it was requisite for her, to metamorphose
the Aadhar Card of the reverend Populace,
in an urbane manner, &, undoubtedly, NOT,
in a vexatious fraction. How dare she
express, such sort of preposterous
comments? Is she NOT oblivious,
pertaining to the protocols of etiquette,
of IndusInd Bank? If NOT, it would be
pertinent on her fraction, that, she gains
the noesis, regarding, the axioms of the
said Bank. Such sort of demeanour &
lexicon is, unequivocally, ignominious &
Besides, the above-named Lady asserted
my Spouse, that, we should Visit Cyber
Cafe, or, Other Place, to fathom the
univocal discernment, for having
disavowed the Documents, &, to update
the Aadhar Card, afresh. As regards,
the Female Employee's jeering
verbalization, I would like to tenaciously
inform her, that, having already paid an
amount of Rs.50/- to her, on 18-12-2019,
for refurbishing my Aadhar Card,
the question of visiting the Cyber Cafe,
or, Alternate Place, so as to be au courant,
with the befitting perspicuity, for having
vetoed the certification, doesn't arise, &,
therefore, it would be fitting, that, she brings
to a cessation, such sort of imprudent
proposition. Since, we had NOT sought her
advise, it would be germane, that, she cease
such sort of undue & unwarranted
utterances. Also, as, we had expatiated her
the said veracity, &, hence, to propound us,
to visit the said Cyber, or, Alternative Place,
so as to be au fait, with the unequivocal
perspicuousness, is, posolutely, impertinent.
Similarly, the aforesaid Lady derisively
stated us, that, IndusInd is a Private Bank, &,
she has an experience of 15-16 years, in the
banking industry. Regarding, the Female
Employee's mordant phraseology, let me
exposit her, that, the said knowledge in the
banking system, &, IndusInd, being a Private
Bank, are in no way affiliated, while,
ameliorating my Aadhar Card, which,
she has dexterously NOT cogitated.
In view of the verity, that, we were inflicted
austere vexation, by the above-mentioned
female Employee of IndusInd Bank, I was
coerced to approach the Branch Manager,
as a result, proceeded towards his Cabin.
As, I implied him, regarding, the abhorrent
conduct of the said Lady, in a jiffy, the said
Gentleman intimated, that, since, he is busy,
I should approach the Sr. HRD Manager.
Further, he specified me, that, he is having
a colloquy on Phone, &, also, there are two
more Folks, in the Waiting Line.
Let me festinate, that, even though,
the Branch Manager was assiduously
riveted, he should have secerned &
taken cognizance of my grievances,
which, he didn't conjecture. Such sort
of demeanour is, undoubtedly,
unpalatable. Besides, I would like to
reminiscent the said Gentleman, that,
it was indispensable for me, to approach
him, &, indubitably, NOT, the Sr. HRD
Likewise, had I intend to approach the
Sr. HRD Manager, I would NOT have
proceeded in his Cabin. Also, he had
NO authority, to encapsulate me,
regarding, his'engrossed' utterance.
Even if, he was occupied, it was his
utmost responsibility, to auscult to my
grouse, which, he didn't cerebrate pivotal.
Additionally, I would like to signify him, that,
even though, he was having a conversation
on Phone, &, there were two Gentlemen,
in the line up, my dudgeon was, in no way
cognated, to his said phrasings.
Since, we were imposed the ginormous
indignation, by the aforementioned
Female Employee, hence, had mailed an
E-message to the Head - Customer Care,
of IndusInd Bank, on 13-01-2020, wherein,
a Lady Executive responded to my Email,
& resolved our resentment, in an unrivalled
On the cornerstone of the aforestated array
of facts, let me expedite, that, IndusInd Bank
has been instituted, so as to simplify it's
venerable Hoi Polloi, to consummate to
fruition, their desideratum, in a peerless &
unparalleled manner, &, NOT, for the
malapert conduct, incivility parlance, &,
flippant tone of the above-mentioned
Female Employee.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.