I wont be able to be a share with you an INDIAN BANK OF INDIA.SO lets start, this bank is one of the govenment bank. So many people review I read that time so people say good and best so some say not good.so that time I wont to be decided to open in the bank account in that bank so I go for it .when I was also a open in this bank account at 2 year ago that time.
I was take a open accounting form and fill all the detail and provided all the need document to the bank after two and four day later I go my passbook on that passbook I got my account no .so that time I wont to be a deposite 10000 ru.in my account. First day I am not facing any kind of problem but after I need money that time I am a facing so many problem.that problem are below.
1.ATM SERVICE POOR. ONE of the poor service of the ATM .i wont ot be go for the money suddenly machine are to be out of oreder I was so angery becaouse so many prople say first impression is the last impression .that time I dont know other bank ATM machine also a accepted to the any bank card. So one of the my friend to me. Then I go went to bank ATM machine get the money that time I understand this is the one of the worst service in this bank.
2.PHONE BANKING. other thing is that a phone banking I wont to be a tell to the bank I wont to be a phone banking of the customer care to know the account balance in my account.that time also so harasment from that bank of banking serivice two day I got the phone banking after automatically it service can be a stopped I again angry from this bank
so the next day I will complent about this service so they solve it .bank staff told me I dont get again this proble.
3.INTERNET BANKING. internet banking also a very important now a day and all the work happen from the electronically maching it is very good of our indian technology.to the internet banking also a so slow now a day when ever I wont need the information so the banking page is getting load.take to much time.that is unusefull.
such a so many type problem are face by this indian bank so worst bank
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