I assume you are reading this text to find out whether to use the services of https://indiafloristnetwork.com/ or not. Well, the terse suggestion is, dont!
With a wonderful layout and somehow high google ranking, this website claims to deliver gifts at all parts of the country India, but the truth is, they are there to make you put your money in a black box and forget about it. You would not get your gift delivered to anyone and would spend months trying to connect to their so called customtakeouter service line. Talking about customtakeouter service line, there is only one mobile number which they have mentioned on the website for follow ups. You would have to be very lucky to be able to get connected on this call, but you can never be lucky enough to speak to a genuine person at the end of the wire.
When my gifts did not got delivered Worth Rs.1200/-), I tried calling this number and every time I got connected, the call was given to a manager for claims and he asked me to send my account details to him for the refund transfer to take place It has been 5 months, and there is no sign of it. I do get promotional emails from ifn@IndiaFloristNetwork.com.
After checking the internet I realized that this website has been cheating customtakeouters and earning bad name to our country as I am sure many foreign nationals would also be using this site by mistake.
If you dont trust me then please do read other reviews for this website across the internet.
There is a case registered against this website at https://core.nic.in as well.
This website should have been blocked by now and above all, the people behind it must be punished for the fraud!
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.