India post is an very old post we are using it from earlier my grandfather is using, my fater and whole family is using even I too using when its time to send a patsel to a post or send any important document, we used india post
Memorial days
In 1990s when no telephone is there, so we send the letters to our friends and relative thats the lovely movement of my life, but its slow but interested, I write a letter to my father mention my leg is fectured and that letter delivered at 4 month after and my leg is fine, thats interesting movement
And posted a rakhi by my sister recevied my me its really a great movement of my life.
In technology
We send a document throw mail or sending a greeting card of any thing by fax or mail, but its can't take the place of India Post
Is Old is Really a Gold Post
few weeks ago my uncle send my birth cetificate from my village they do the registory or speed post, but I need it urgently I thought its delivered in a 3-4 days but it delivered in a week, late delivery, so don't depend on that seriously saying friend they do delivery but some thing late
Secondly I say that, I have open a Rd account in indian post office, my openning date of before 15 day of the month, so its a per month depoist of 1000 rupee so its a holiday on day 13, 14 on ocation of festival and 15 is in sunday so I go 16 for perinum of 1000 rupee they charges me 20 rupee extra for late, so why this because my opening date is before 15 so its a fine so I pay it.but at a time of my friend deposite withdrow fund they delay in giving fund, So why at that time give extra to my friend for late fund giving whats that. I pay fine so why they can't pay fine for delay funds
Customer servies
We are standing at line paying a deposit thats irritating no online depoist
Some post office at its old facilty no printing machine write transation by hand its take lots of time and manwork
Claim settlement
If you are do at time so its no delay, but you delay they also delaying alot
I thought 7% on rd
But old people above 65 age have a high interest around 9-10% must check and ask from your post office member
Range of plans
They can't tell properly, if a elder one go so they tell about all plan
Staff attitude
Ok ok some time but sometive over but its ok as seen the facility given by govt.
Thank you
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