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IFB Executive VX Reviews

This dryer is very good
Nov 17, 2015 02:38 PM 9531 Views

I want to share about this product that this is very good for drying clothes easily bcause this is fulli automatic and at cheap price now days in market if we want to purchase this then check the guide mannual of this dryes.

Beacuse it has lots of features for easily uses as in otherwords go through the mannual for best use in less time. at the end I would say that purchasing this product is good to have good cloth drying in good manner

VishwanthvenkatMouthShut Verified Member
Bangalore India
Ifb top load full automatic
Nov 08, 2015 05:34 PM 6667 Views

I have been using this IFB washing machine for 9 months and recently I got some problem with the washer and the drier.

I inquired with the customer care support and they responded in a short span and its good to see their service and because of some coins in my clothes which make them too malfunction that drier. I am happy finally to see my  washing working smoothly. It performs best and that the master piece from ifb

Kochi India
Ifb Maxi dry, good one, worth buying
Nov 06, 2015 01:05 AM 27955 Views

Drying the clothes  is a routine problem for people living in flats. This product dries the clothes to an extend but it do not have the quality to dry the clothes completely.

So even if we dry them once again we have to find a place to hang them or repeat the drying once again. Repeated  drying can spoil the clothes also. It will take another half an hour to dry them. Still its worth buying. Its needs a little improvement.


IFB Executive VX
Hyderabad India
Faulty product, Don't BUY, you will regret later
Oct 28, 2015 05:15 PM 7905 Views

I am using this machine from last 4 years and I am not at all happy with the product. Every 3 months getting issue, everything is changed in machine except motor during warranty period. Even service and sales persons say it is failure model.

I invested almost twice of its price on services, even the service people will come and give you all false reason for break down like, failed due to lack of stabilizer, failed due to hardness in water etc. I am fed up with this, finally ready to sell.

Customer care service is not good Don't take AMC
Oct 24, 2015 05:53 PM 9458 Views


Please don't take IFB machine . Customer care is not response properly.

I faced lot of issue with customer care.I took AMC but it is looking no use of AMC.

16th july complaint raised about sounding machine

Your ticket No. is 16001125

person came to home He opened machine top cover.

he didn't close top cover still it is opened.

issue not resolved sound issue not resolved

this is false message issue is resolved.

Your Complaint No: 16001125 has been resolved.

24th august again  same comaplaint raised.

Your ticket No. is 16275877. IFB CARE will get in touch with you shortly. Please call 18604255678(MTNL/BSNL)/39004321 for updates, quoting ticket no.

There is no action no reply.

26th again same complaint is rasied from your side.There is no action no reply .

Your ticket No. is 1100658977. IFB CARE will get in touch with you shortly. Please call 18604255678(MTNL/BSNL)/39004321 for updates, quoting ticket no.

26th Septemember again same complaint raised.

Technican came note down what is needed . but again no reply no action .

Your ticket No. is 1100805103. IFB CARE will get in touch with you shortly. Please call 18604255678(MTNL/BSNL)/39004321 for updates, quoting ticket no.

5th october again issue is resolved. This is false statement.

No action no person came then how issue is resolved.

Your Complaint No: 1100805103 has been resolved.



IFB service trap beware
Oct 21, 2015 08:12 PM 7001 Views (via Mobile)

IFB washing machine service is a big trap. Seeing same story repeated in mu friends house as mine fewmonths ago.

They will come on complaint very promptly. Ask you to take AMC. Then replace something. After few days PCB will stop working. Then keep calling them and they will make u run feom piller to post. Shout at every person in IFB for momths to get it fixed. It will take 3-4 months so be patient OR best "NEVER BUY IFB PRODUCTS".


IFB Washing Machines- Poor service coordination.
Oct 20, 2015 04:39 PM 13156 Views

I have a 6 Kg capacity top-loading fully automatic IFB washing machine since more than two years.

First, there was a recurring problem of the errors "E1" and "E2" appearing during operation right since the beginning. This was reported to them many times. However, it remained even after their technician would attend, and since we noticed that by switching the machine off and then on the error would usually go away, we accepted it as inevitable and even stopped reporting it.

Now the machine is out of warranty. In June 2014 the IFB Co. called to say that a free service & check-up scheme is on, & that their technician will attend our machine for a free checkup, to which we agreed. After every few weeks we would then get a call from their Goa factory if the checkup had been done, & when we would say "No", they promised to send the techn soon. This happened between 20 to 30 times and no techn came. Eventually in about Oct 2014 our machine stopped working and we had to book a complaint for it, which we did, reminding them also that a free checkup was promised so please not to charge any service charges. They said OK. But when techn came & repaired the machine, he said we have to pay the service charges(about Rs.300/-), which we grudgingly did.

After a few weeks, again their Goa factory called asking if our free checkup was done. This time we got angry & told them to stop phoning. But in 2 days, two very young trainee technicians came and spent about 1 hour opening and examining our(now already working) washing machine. It seems they were on a learning mission. When we used the machine after this, there would be a loud grating sound when it spun. i.e. these young technicians, who were being sent to learn about different machines to the customers' houses under the garb of a'free checkup', had actually spoilt the settings of our machine.  They had created a problem that was not there before they came.

Well, we took even this in our stride and used the noisy machine as it was, till eventually we began using the washing machine less and less - after gap of a few days or even a week or two. And this led to the machine becoming dead again - it stopped working altogether.

Coincidentally, again around July this year, we were offered a free checkup by IFB. We said OK. Again this year, they kept promising, then reneging on the promise, then calling to confirm, and then promising to send someone soon. So after a few months, eventually when a techn came, he declared that the clutch assembly(which spins the machine)(and which had developed that ugly grating noise after the two young boys fiddled with our machine in the previous "free checkup") was dead, and needed to be changed. This would cost a few thousand rupees, he said.

So being taken aback, we asked for some time. In the meantime, after a few days we got a call from IFB's Goa factory asking about our free checkup. I told the lady our entire experience, including how their two young trainees had spoilt our machine, and asked for time to think if we should opt for repairing this machine, or buying a new one with buy-back of the old one. She said we could buy a new IFB machine and the IFB Co. would give us a good buy-back for the old one.(Remember, our machine was the TOP LOADING type.) After inquiring with her senior she said this would apply ONLY if we purchased the FRONT LOADING model(which is a very expensive model with a few features like inbuilt water-heating which we did not require). But I insisted on the toploading model and we got into an argument which ended in my asking her never to phone me again and that IFB had a very poor policy on customer service. She also angrily said "OK, we will close your pending case."

And would you believe it? In a few minutes IFB sent me an SMS message saying: "Dear Customer, after your confirmation on closure of the issue up to your satisfaction, we are closing the Incidence E76273 in our Escalation Channel System."

I had even tweeted about this on Twitter. But IFB was least interested.

I had bought IFB washing machine with high hopes of a quality product, AND after sales service. I was even prepared to buy IFB again on buy-back when their customer service executive offered this option. But their service leaves much to be desired and is a big(HUGE) disappointment. It nullifies any advantage their product may otherwise enjoy.

IFB seriously need to consider this.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck with a dead IFB washing machine.

And I believe IFB's own trainee techns are largely responsible for it.

rdarazMouthShut Verified Member
Bareilly India
Big No To This
Oct 16, 2015 11:50 AM 21745 Views

In this greatly quick world one ought not anticipate that any home apparatus will get repaired. Simply dump it and purchase another one, particularly IFB, they will never come while they generally confer.

They have most exceedingly awful administration. My clothes washer under guarantee, still they are not ready to give the administration. The clever part is heightening wont have any influence on accelerating the procedure. My true proposal is simply don't be driven by IFB's universal image yet once your item hits repair market you wind up squandering time and cash calling the flippant administration engineers.

Presently days my occupation is to call their number and request redesign. I encourage my companions to share however much as could reasonably be expected to counteract individuals to face this sort of issue. As reaction from IFB Appliances, they assume to call me yet trust me gentlemen they never call me. These all are promoting system.

IFB use and throw appliance
Oct 16, 2015 11:38 AM 21550 Views

In this extremely fast world one should not expect any home appliance to get repaired. Just dump it and buy a new one, especially IFB, they will never come while they always commit.

My old father and mother are washing their clothes by hand for last 1 month expecting IFB technician everyday. I even felt to find out the IFB beneficiary(s) and parcel the machine to them. It should be done by every IFB victims.

Wondering which machine should I buy now, cant wait even a day.

kolkata India
Pathetic after sales service
Oct 12, 2015 11:50 AM 23682 Views

Dont buy any Ifb product dudes, their service is really pathetic.I have registered a compliant for microwave oven 20 days back and call back three times, but custmercare guys says that a technician will visit in 24 hours.But none of them have come for repair and custmer care have given me the service centre contact numbers but none of responds to the phone calls.Really irritated with the service.

Pathetic go for lg or samsung instead of ifb.Better buy for the service rather than high price and poor service from IFB

Pathetic is not he word for IFB's customer service
Oct 08, 2015 04:33 PM 8381 Views

IFB customer should definitely be a model to follow for ineffective customer service. Pathetic is not the work, I've been following up with IFB from the 02nd of Oct official and before that to a personal called Mari from IFB(is what he claimed) without raising a complaint, he was very sweet so helping that he himself will fix it without raising a complaint, the issue was the drum inside the machine is not workin, he made us wait for one week, but didn't happen and adding to it when checked if there will be any deduction for the old drum he said no and he also informed that the old drum will be taken by him, customer cannot have it,

So on 02nd Oct I started it officially, within full of anger and irritation, filed a complaints No:1100841228 and I informed that person clearly I want it to be looked on high priority I spoke to a person named Nataraj, who came to house on the 03rd and did a physical check again and informed by Wednesday or Thursday(07th or 08th oct) the issue will be closed  and assured, so we left it.

Yesterday I called the IFB center and confirmed to a lady with my details, who confirmed that by today the drum will reach us and we will fix it tomorrow which is today 08th Oct, Today again it was me who had called and a lady confirmed by taking my details, she told the technician has left the place with the drum he will reach your house within 12 pm, its was 11:50 I called her again she told that the technician will come and when I requested for the techie no. she told that she cannot give, With all the frustration that the people gave me when I am at work, I waited till 3pm again I called and When requested to talk to Nataraj, they denied to connect the call and a person named Sholimuthu spoke to me telling he is the Manager and that they will fix the Issue my Monday, I wanted to talk to that lady who confirmed that It will be done today, but Sholimuthu very colly told that she is eating and she cannot speak, IFB il-treats customer I wanted to talk to a Manager and he gave me a contact no. which is(9790914174), spoke to him told all the story he said will check and callback, and I am still waiting for his call

I had again called to the IFB call center and registered a complaint

Does IFB team think about customers are we fools or how is it, do they think that customer will be fine with whatever nonsense they do

PFB, the contact details

Mari(the Hero)- 9790914174

Nataraj /Sholimuthu and a lady -04442661671


I have waited Patiently and only know I am emailing  you guys

Is IFB doing me a favor or is it doing it free of cost



Bangalore India
IFB-Executive Elite-Pathetic AMC service.
Oct 03, 2015 03:12 PM 13863 Views

I have been using the above product from some years now.  I had signed up for 3 years AMC also.

22nd we had called up for service as there was some screeching sound to the IFB help line no.  ticket no 1100774054 was raised and a service engineer came on the same day.

He said that bearing, belt and plastic cup were gone and said that it is not covered in AMC.  We paid Rs. 1550/- including scaling powder.

23rd again it stopped again.  He came on 24th and said found that the control circuit has blacked.  Took it for replacement.  Then he called up and said we do not have AMC at all since the cheque had bounced.  My father asked to speak to the Manager and forwarded the copy of payment by cash.  First of all, saying that my cheque has bounced is an insult to me.  Shows the way records are kept.

The AMC is available till 02/11/2016.The problem was fixed on 26th September.  Immediately after running for 5 minutes it stopped.

From 26th we are waiting. Now the service person is not picking the call.  Both me and my wife are working and my parents are calling the service guy and he is not picking the call.

From last 11 days, washing machine is not working.  My old parents are washing the clothes.  This is not fair.What is your escalation matrix for service calls?

Who is tracking open calls and ageing?Why should I pay for AMC for such shoddy treatment?

Two times I have mailed.  Two times I have called.  Spoke to the regional incharge.  I have been told that today.

Alleppey India
Sep 29, 2015 07:16 PM 18161 Views

I am a victim of this nasty product. I bought this  in the year 2012. From the first day my family suffer a lot. Now it is placed in a corner as it is a waste. Ifb  people ask me to pay another 7000 Rs for repair this. I already paid 3500 for replacing the Tub.

So plse avoid purchasing products from IFB.After 3 years its Tub, Steel Drum, Bearing all the main parts are damaged. I am also planning to file a suit before the consumer court for damages.

Now washing has become so easy
Sep 28, 2015 10:16 PM 24968 Views

All IFB washing machines are fully automatic and are two kinds Front Loading and Top Loading. - In today's fast paced world people have lesser time for almost everything. Presenting IFB Front Loaders, a new age washing machine range for a new pace of life.

Why live in drudgery of housework when you could take up a new hobby or cook or paint. Or do something you have always wanted to do.IFB machines are designed to save water, detergent and energy. The Water Saving system ensures that the machines take only the required amount of water.

Now, with my IFB 6 kg washing machine, my life has become so much easy. I can wash out all dirt and stains from my clothes with the help of its 2D shower have many special and exclusive washing programs that have genuinely facilitated me a lot. My new washing machine is also very easy to operate. I have never experienced such amazing washing results.

Frustrating service care by IFB even in Delhi
Sep 27, 2015 05:29 PM 8645 Views

I have purchased this washing machine around 6 months back. Since installation it is delivering electric shocks.

This was brought to the notice of the technician at the time of installation itself but he ignored it as a minor matter and asked us to get the  wiring checked. After a thorough examination of the house wiring the conclusion pointed to a snag in the machine itself.

-We contacted the center @ 01164722941 and lodged several complaints(last complaint number: 16359377).

  • The last person who visited(Mr. Sunil, Phone number 09650923039) assured us that machine will be replaced within 2 weeks. Well, even these 2 weeks are over now!

-In the last week we have contacted @ 01164722941 twice. Not only they are rude and give false deadlines, they refused to hear us  today on the pretext of today being a Sunday!

-Today I have contacted customer care again @ 18604255678 and I was told that the last complaint was unilaterally cancelled by the center, the  reason being mentioned that no one was there at home. Nothing can be far from the truth(Mr Sunil visited the home and we even has his phone number!). This is a highly unprofessional behavior!

  • Today a new complaint ID has been given to me 16529251 and I hope that this will not be cancelled /closed down without a resolution!

It has been a torturous experience with IFB service even for a genuinely important issue.

Regret buying an IFB product
Sep 22, 2015 05:18 PM 24207 Views (via Mobile)

I had a pathetic experience with IFB lately. I'm planning to file a case in the consumer court too! I called the customer care guys 2 weeks back and asked to replace the connect pipe from the tap to the washin machine and these guys could not still get one yet!

I humbly request new buyers not to go for IFB

Good product , high price
Sep 20, 2015 01:54 PM 7572 Views

In Hyderabad, the weather is very good than north Indian, but also 5 months continue clouds or rain. In city center area, Banjara hills, there are many apartment and also very close to other apartments, both residential and commercial buildings, so less open space and drying clothes big problem.

So, after a wash in machine we have to iron all the clothes even towels.

Recently get to know about this IFB automatic 8 kg washer dryer machine, already knew IFB is very well known company and trusted brand, so tried this one.

So I have found this washing machine more useful than I have used before - fully automatic whirlpool and samsung both.

First of all in this capacity is much better when we have to wash curtains, bed sheets, we can wash them very easily in this one.

It is a front wash machine, but we have never used front loading before but have seen in my maternal home, also heard from them too, it is much better than top loading, after using I too agreed front loading is much better than top loading.

Washing feature is just like in good company fully auto matic, but the specilliaty of this machine is drying the clothes, it saves lot of time of us, now we do not need to take out clothes and make space on wire and hang it, now our balcony also looks neat and clean anytime, as drying machine in pur home.

Really clothes comes out very well, fresh. Its just magic.

The towels of like thick fabric also comes dry after a wash.

Warranty period is also of good time in IFB machines.

Yes, it is still little bit heavy by its price, I have also seen many IFB machines for normal washing also costs high. But if you have good budget than its good product to buy.

Pathetic support and service
Sep 16, 2015 03:34 PM 24319 Views (via Mobile)

Pathetic service . My consumer complaint to the dealer is mentioned in the email belowSir/madam

My machine is under your amc.I had launched a complaint about my machine two months ago.the model is senator front load.there was no action taken for 15 days.

Then after giving enormous number of calls one guy comes home does some two hour job and says this is not the problem.there is some other problem so I will send the other technician.then the other guy comes home says I need two parts.tub n some other.

I will get it in a day or two.he comes back after five up the entire machine n then says I have got a wrong spare part.again says I will get the right part in two has been 8 days since call no information.the machine is still kept fully open.

Please let me know how to get my work done.I have had the worst experience of my life with your company.I regret my decision of buying an Ifb future your co.products will not be there in our buying list due to your reckless and useless  customer service.hoping this mail does some good to us.we live in a family of 17 ppl n I have two lil's getting really bad.if ur company cannot rectify it then please give us a maid or a spare washing machine.hope this mail would make u ppl take some action.believing that you are not as senseless n reckless as your customer service in INDORE(m.p)

IFB Automatic 8 kg Washer Dryer Executive VX
Sep 12, 2015 12:10 AM 7860 Views

I live in mumbai, one of the most humid of places in all of India. And during  the monsoon  humidity levels reach the maximum levels. The result is  non drying of clothes. Clothes hanging at all nooks and corners of the house. And even after 2 days they do not dry completely. We had a videocon semi automatic twin tub.

It did us service for more than 2 years and was now literally falling apart. We were scouting for a new washing machine especially for a washer dryer combo. Very few of our acquaintances had a washer dryer combo so it was difficult getting a feedback about this particular product.

Eventually after a lot of research we zeroed in on the IFB Automatic 8 kg Washer Dryer Executive VX an 8 kg washer with a 6 kg dryer capacity.

No words can describe our satisfaction at the product. Clothes get washed and dried like a dream. After the cycle is complete the clothes are crisp dry warm and fresh.

Fold them and keep them in the cupboard even when it is raining cats and dogs outside. The wash and dry cycle takes about 4-5 hours. But that is any time better than clothes lying limply on the line for 48 hours and still remaining damp.

The amazing drying capacity overshadows this machines other ability. It gives a terrific wash. After a top loading machine we were surprised at the wash quality of this front loading machine. One day my younger son came after a muddy session of football. We simply dumped the clothes in the machine and activated the pre wash feature. The results were really surprising.

Worst customer support for IFB Washing Machine.
Sep 08, 2015 01:53 PM 12296 Views

We are using the IFB front loading(semi automatic Elite) . This is the washing machine, most of the time, we were getting issue, and it was start giving the problem. We have taken the AMC after insisting from the IFB personal. Let me tell you, it is worst service, I have witnessed from IFB, they take more than 7 days to even have a look.

So be very careful, while choosing the IFB product. Even if I talk to IFB personal, they will give very blunt answer, Sometime I feel government official are more well behaved than IFB  personal.

Even the personal who handle the customer complaints will abruptly disconnect the call that I will check and tell.


IFB Executive VX

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