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IFB Convection Microwave Oven 30SRC1 Reviews

IFB 20SC2 very bad product with pathetic service
Jan 08, 2014 11:46 AM 34361 Views

I own a IFB 20SC2 micro, and from last 4 months I am chasing behind IFB service center peoples to get the problem resolved. after using the micro from 10-15 min the micro Trips the RCCB of my home. The main issue is that the IFB technical peoples in Pune regions are not ready to accept that this is an IFB techinical fault, they are insisting that their micro is perfect and there is a fault in my huse wiring.

Here is the complete saga from past 4 months(complain ID 11661802/ 15 oct 2013). Once the micro trip I thought its a problem in my house wiring. Initially I consult a local electrician suspecting a fault in local electric line, but he recommended that there is a fault in micro because of current leakage in Micro. After that I am in constant touch with Pune IFB service center but they are not able to understand the exact problem. According to them, there is no problem in the micro, the micro is working fine. When I check the micro at my home, it tripped my home RCB again.

I suspect there is definitely a fault in my house RCCB, I rent a new RCCB from local shop and check the micro again and the new RCCB also tripped. Probably a fault in my house electrical line. I called my nabour and ask can I use my micro for a short while and to my disbelief the micro tripped the RCCB of my neighbor house too. So I concluded that the mail problem micro is not resolved by IFB service center. I called them and asked what rectification they have done and what are the faults in the micro. For that they don’t have a specific answer and then mention that there is a fault in my MCB. Then I explain that I have a RCCB in my home that trip every time I use IFB micro. Then the IFB technician Mr Dipesh(9689497747) told that he don’t have that much technical knowledge to understand the difference between MCB and RCCB. I explained to him that a MCB is used as a circuit breaker if there is an over current to a particular switch and an RCCB is used to break the main circuit if there is a current leakage in the system here in this case a Microwave. But still he insist that he can’t help me because of his limited technical knowledge.

This discussion itself took 3 weeks, to avoid any further delay I asked Dipesh whom shall I contact who will have the technical knowledge to understand the exact problem and can solve the issue, he suggested to call Mr Hemant(9028095077). So I called Mr Hemant and he also took 2 week, then he told he cannot resolve the problem. So I asked him did he understand the problem, he told that he know the problem but he is also not aware of the difference between MCB and RCCB. I explained him the difference between MCB and RCCB. and ask him did there service center have a RCCB, of which his simple reply was no. This make me to pull my hair off my head, I am trying to explain an issue to IFB technical center who don’t have an RCCB than how am I expected them to resolve an current leakage issue with an MCB. I asked them to arrange a RCCB and test my micro, his reply was he will try.

After 1 week I follow-up with him and he gave a simple answer that he cannot do that, to which I asked who can help me to avoid any further discussion with he gave me another number of Ms Vani( 9325985936). I called Ms Vani and follow the same procedure of explaining the problem and the difference between MCB and RCCB. She confirm me that she will look into the matter and will update me immediately. I thought I will get an immediately reply, but I had to follow up with her too. And she also told that she cannot help me. But she can give her technical person number Ms Harshali. So I called Harshali(9326533215) and repeated the same thing, she told me that she also don’t know the difference between MCB and RCCB. And for my single case she can not install RCCB in her technical center in PUNE.

Now I was really irritated by the answer of a so called technical person of IFB who dont know the difference between MCB and RCCB but can not install an RCCB which is a must for testing an current leakage in an home appliance( in case here for IFB). I asked her whom shall I ask so that I can help her to get the MCCB installed in her workshop area. She mention Mt Vinay Mathur can help in this case. I called Mr Vinay Mathur(9322886917) immediately and explain the issue, he told he is not aware of the issue, he will consult his technical team and get back to me immediately. I thought I will get an immediate reply as I escalated the issue to regional level, even after 4 Hrs I didn’t get a reply. So I called him and ask did he has got any update. He mentioned that he will call me back tomorrow. So I asked when shall I expect a call he replied tomorrow afternoon.

Even after 2 PM next day, I didn’t get any call from him, so I called him to my call he mention he is out of station and can not accept my call I ask him pls come to my home with a technician to understand the exact problem. He told he will come on Monday to my home. SO I took a vacation from my office to meet Mr Vinay, he didn't turn up till 2 PM so I called him and to my shock he answer that he can not come because of some emergency and will come in this week. I am writing this mail now because I didn't got any call from him and neither he is picking my call. If he is in some emergency he shall send some other person to at least visit my home and have a look into the issue.

Here are the list of peoples whom I was in contact from last 3 months but still result is same. Dipesh(9689497747) Hemant(9028095077) Vani(9325985936) Harshali(9326533215) Vinay Mathur(9322886917) To my amazement I got reply from all of them that the micro is working fine and the IFB micro is build to work with or without MCB and RCCB. This is the reason I ask them the difference between MCB and RCCB. The problem is straight forward, there is a current leakage in micro. because of stubborn nature of IFB service team they are not ready to accept that and they give a simple reply that the Micro is working fine with MCB. I will not name the person but one of the IFB top management person in above list told me that there is a possibility of current leakage of 0.5 Amp, I

feel that someone from IFB shall give their service team some basic technical training. at least basics of IEC 61008 [Standard applies to residual current operated circuit-breakers] which is a minimum thing a home appliance shall follow. And according to which a 0.5 Amp current can result immediate cardiac arrest.

Expert's friend and beginner's best friend.
Jan 07, 2014 02:09 AM 32438 Views

This IFB microwave oven is really awesome. Its very easy and simple to handle and use.

That's why I said its beginner's best friend.

Its durable, can be easily maintained and its service is also pretty good. Food is awesomely cooked in it.

Looks beautiful. Fabulous to use.

Talking about whats not good, there are very few things:

Some parts like the dish kept inside or the roller is unnecessarily costly, not much but somewhat.

No other complaints.

I will say this IFB microwave is perfect.

Thank You.

Evn after 2mths free cooking classes not conducted
Dec 19, 2013 01:33 PM 12834 Views

I had lodged complaints with reg nos: 11738061 & 11750892 which are almost 2 months old.

Everytime I call up I get a std. reply that within 24 hours someone will call up for the cooking classes, but till date no one has cared to call up for the free cooking classes.

Their customer service is worst. They give all false promises and simply dont care for their customers.


IFB Convection Microwave Oven 30SRC1
nagpur India
Dec 10, 2013 08:05 PM 6652 Views

I had bought an IFB 20PG3S about 4 yrs back .About 15 days back, I had booked a complaint regarding some burning smell.

My complaint no.11930409 is still pending.I have made several calls to the customer care, service center at Nagpur but till date my oven has not been repaired on the pretext that the spare part is not available. Each time I call, a false promise is made like, it will be done within 24 hrs, / 2 days and so on.

They are just bluffing me.I just can't understand, why do they have to manufacture such a thing if the spare part can't be provided. Tall claims are made at the time of purchase regarding after sale service but once the product is sold nobody bothers.


IFB delivers dead pieces to consumers, be alert
Dec 06, 2013 08:44 PM 9990 Views

I am forced to write here due to my bad beginning with IFB product and service.

I purchased a 38 lit microwave on last Thursday (28 Nov, 13), after repeated calls engineer comes for demo on Tuesday (3 Dec, 13). He found that the piece is dead.

He said it will get replaced, since then I have called them many times to get the status and since last 2 days I am speaking to Mr Gaurav (9389605301) from IFB. He assured that the piece will get delivered today but it is not done. His excuse was that the delivery went yesterday too but they didn't had your numbers so couldn't reach you.

It has put a very bad impression about IFB as a whole because of poor product & service response and I am afraid to think how this journey would be with such a bad start.

For past one week, it has become a show piece.

Writing here with a hope that immediate possible actions would be taken.


  • Abhishek Khandelwal.


dehradun India
IFB responds
Nov 26, 2013 01:06 PM 7616 Views

It's a good brand guys and this I had experienced on my own. I bought my Oven last month and I was feeling that the locking is very hard and more sound comes when I look at other brands in market. I did a complain regarding this and the same day technician turned up.

There was little problem the door hinge a little and after adjusting its moving smoothly. Thanks to IFB service response.

I am a happy customer now.

Defective product and horrible customer support
Nov 22, 2013 04:27 PM 9238 Views

We bought the IFB Microwave 38SRC1 thinking we were getting an all-in-one microwave with convection and grill. It worked ok for a couple of weeks, then from time to time it kept stopping in the middle while heating. It would work for a few seconds and then stop and we would have to re-set the timer again. This was infrequent to start with but then it became very intolerable.

We called their customer support, which firstly is very rude, and they take a very long time to handle their cases. We went mad over the phone with them. Most of the time they claimed they had some computer issues and told us to call back. Finally, we got the IFB showroom owner in our area to chase them down and get them to send a technician to repair the microwave.

The technician came and they decided they had to replace some parts which needed to be ordered from their factory in Goa. They took more than a week to get those parts(I live in Bangalore, which should not take that long)! They finally fitted the parts and the microwave still doesn't work!

They told us they cannot even replace that piece because they don't have any in stock anymore. They want us to choose another model, but why should we? I ought to get a full refund if they cannot replace the exact same model.

Please don't buy any IFB product because their customer support is horrible to say the least. It was the biggest mistake we did.

Never ever buy any IFB product
Oct 31, 2013 11:32 AM 9725 Views

I am very disappointed in IFBs after sales service/support. I bought a Microwave Oven 2 years back. Just after 30 days oven stopped working. Logged a complaint a technician visited and found a relay and main board went bad.

To my surprise he said board will be not covered under warranty. Because I have not installed any stabilizer with oven and due to high voltage board burnt! I explained to him My 47" LG TV, Fully automatic LG W/M, LG refrigerator is connected to same power and nothing happened in 2-4 years period.

He responded he doesn't know about these but IFB product should be used with Voltage stabilizer to claim the warranty and I need to pay Rs 2500 for board replacement. Then I followed up with call center, and Bangalore service head. Finally they replaced the board free of cost( one time courtesy) and forced me to buy their'so called' IFB re-branded voltage stabilizer for Rs 750/-.

When I checked it I found it is a'Over voltage protection switch'( manufactured by a local company)  not voltage stabilizer. They charged me Rs 750 for just after market voltage protection switch.

It worked after that but used it very less. I always felt door is very difficult to open. strange sound observed during the operation.

Last month again a new chapter stated when same Microwave Oven stopped working again. I called to IFB support center. A technician visited again. He said door lock has been broken and need to replace and will cost Rs 800. We agreed and he promised to visit next day and kept the oven in dismantled state. He never visited again and never picked up our call.

I followed up Call center. Spoke on’toll free number’ many times, they always have a ready made answer " forwarded this complain with high priority. "within 24 hrs some one will attend". Spoke to Sanjay from'Superior' team. He assured me he will follow up and update me before EOB. Which never happened.

Today I contacted same 'Superior' team member Joy. He promised to revert within 24 hours.

This is my experience too. So never ever buy IFB products.

chennai India
IFB service is very poor
Oct 26, 2013 11:57 AM 11267 Views

I had got this IFB microwave oven thinking that the brand is good. The oven worked for 2 months and after that it started to give problems. There were problems and the same was communicated to the service agents and they normally take 20 days to attend it. The worry is that we you need to remind them more than 5- 6 times in these 20 days.

After they take the machine to their place they take 14 -15 day to repair it and then the machine works for the next 10 days or so  or so and then breaks down.

I have dumped it in one corner since I have repaired it for number of times. The service levels are so very poor that we are not able fix it at all.

In case someone from IFB reads it at-least they could call us.





IFB & Vijay Sales:Worst for customer service
Sep 11, 2013 07:25 PM 6796 Views

I bought IFB Convection Microwave Oven 20 SC2 on 24.2.13. from Vijay Sales. When the timer suddenly stopped working in 5 months, I complained to the Customer service of IFB. the person came home and said that there is a spark coming in the oven and we should not use it at all. A new part will be installed for FREE as this is an absolutely new machine and well within warranty. From then till date, I have been continuously in touch with each and every service person from IFB namely Ms.Hemlata, etc...

They all are mentioning that the part is coming specially for my machine from Germany and now she says that I need to pay for the part. Imagine such a big brand has pathetic ovens and a more pathetic customer service. Looks like someone is swimming through the 7 seas for this part to reach me. This is a complaint against the company and also Vijay Sales, Opera House branch who did not help me a bit even though I kept in touch with them continuously.

This happens only in India ; I know for sure if I was abroad, I could do much more than this. Friends, never buy an IFB from Vijay Sales...they would only loot you.

This Is All In One Microwave Oven For You!
Aug 23, 2013 11:08 AM 8597 Views

The combination cooking feature cooks food through a combination of microwave and grill while the multi-stage feature sequentially selects up to three levels of cooking across the microwave, grill and convection modes.

The Deodorize feature cleans the grill elements by burning residual food particles. Thus, maintaining a hygienic, germ and odor-free microwave. All, in a matter of minutes.

bangalore India
Aug 17, 2013 11:09 AM 11123 Views

Please note i am writing about the microwave which I purchased from Girias two weeks back-

  1. Never ever go Giria's in domlur is junk showroom and useless manager, who even do not how to sell his products and arrogance

2.After purchasing I saw the microwave is dead one and went got replaced again, and now the digital display is not working.

  1. The call center was supposed to arrange for demo, till date nothing is done, the worst is the none of the guys in the service center pick up the phone nor respond to the calls you make. Especially airport road service center, which the no was provided by the call center.

If you want you can call them and check. Never buy ifb product, better go for lg, samsung, products are good and service center response is very good, atleast they pick up phone and respond not like these idiots, who even doesn't pick up the phone or call back.

Better stay away from all IFB products.

Delhi, India India
IFB Microwave 25DGSC1 not working properly.
Jul 24, 2013 11:12 PM 7916 Views

I purchased this oven on 13 March 2013 from IFB Point, Vikas Marg, Delhi.

Since then I am trying to operate it but couldn't. Contacted customer care many times, and even after that, the person who makes the visit are not able to operate it, due to lack of knowledge and training on this product which is not give by the company.

Even the booklet does not mention how to cook different meals given. Really, I am just fed up with this microwave and feel cheated by the company responses.

bangalore India
Nice IFB Microwave with latest features
Jul 23, 2013 11:26 AM 6274 Views

We are using this product for sometime now.It is quite effective in cooking various range of dishes including tandoori veg/non veg items/continental.

Have been using a LG previously and this is a refreshing change in terms of the cooking options. Quite satisfied with the product.

Got a good demo and installation service.

Hyderabad India
Appalling after sales service
Jul 16, 2013 10:22 PM 5666 Views

Since November 2012 our microwave model 30 SRC1 had been out of order despite repeated complaints.

Our new conditioned microwave was sent back to us today but in a battered and worst condition.

We have seven registered complaints (the latest of which is dated 8 July 2013 with complaint number 11073304) and we have made numerous phone calls.

Bangalore India
Burnt as soon as we switched on :(
Jul 01, 2013 05:57 PM 5860 Views

We bought this product on Sunday. And when we switched on the oven the casing inside the door burnt.

Raised a complaint with the IFB customer care. Till now, no trace of the service person.

Have requested for a replacement of the device.

Let's see how it goes.

Chittorgarh, India India
Jun 30, 2013 12:23 PM 10167 Views

I bought 25sc3 ifb microwave in dec 2012.its perfectly fine no complaints. starter kit which came with the product has less items and cooking book was also missing.

Good buy
Jun 26, 2013 11:09 PM 9880 Views

I have used this for the past one year. Its been very versatile ad easy  to use. We have used it to even bake a cake.Its a very good appliance and I would recommend this to everyone.

Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India India
May 06, 2013 11:36 AM 96996 Views

I had purchased a IFB Microwave oven, 20 LITRES CONVECTION(20SC2)-10034-226093109-1 from IFB site bearing Order Number - 372038 on 16th April 2013. I was informed by the delivery people that the technician will visit my place and install the microwave oven. Till today, NO one has visited me nor called me.

I had registered a complaint lot of times in their TOLL FREE number and my last complaint number was - 10750023. However, NO one even bothered to call me till today.

I also called Sasmita, their franchisee in J.P.Nagar, Bangalore and requested her to send someone and even after her confirmation, my PROBLEM WAS STILL NOT SOLVED and NO ONE VISITED MY PLACE till today.

I am frustrated with the service if IFB and hence am writing this review. My intention is to protect other consumers to fall in the same trap in which I fell.

Good product
Apr 10, 2013 12:37 PM 7651 Views

I bought a microwave open from girias couple of months back I bought a ifb mircrowave oven. I like that product very much. Its easy to use and low power consumption.

Its really great .


IFB Convection Microwave Oven 30SRC1

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