Talking Straight
Lee Iacocca along with Sonny Kleinfield ( a reporter of New York Times)
This book is a unique book written by a very high achiever
A person so close to becoming president of USA.......its a wonder why
he did not become president !!!!
Because the The kind of america could be made would have been super.
Mr. Lee Iacocca answers and gives us readers his views , methods
and solutions for so many ills prevalent in america is amazing and not
only that the language and words are so reaching you and so simple
and eloquent, this has to come from an american.
As we all know Mr.Lee Iacocca has written his biography LEE
IACOCCA which was translated into 28 languages and 20 million or
so copies sold is a very great achievement. Now this sequel to LEE
IACOCCA is TALKING STRAIGHT its maybe better than the 1st one, I
myself prefer Talking straight very much.
Mr.Iacocca took a loan of 1.2 Billion Dollars from USA government
and truned around Chrysler Automobile company which was loosing
6 million Dollars per day into a profit making company and was able to
pay back all the loans he took and made chrysler a very happy company.
This does not come around without sweat and sincerity, there are
so many yearnings he displays for us all readers to see in this book are
so plain and so practical which makes ADMIRATION inside us spurt
without any obstacle for Mr.Lee Iacocca.
His achievements as a businessman, his success as a businessman
is secondary. But if you eye the merit of this book he wrote
TALKING STRAIGHT is a pure reading pleasure and inspirational.
I spend my money and put my energy in reading the book , I need to
be recompensated for that in the material I purchase for my pleasure .
I think I got it back immensely reading this book.
his views about Japan, Automobile Industry, American Presidents,
Policits, National Debt of America, Lawyers, Children, Schools,
Management, Mother reflect very positively on the person he is , but also
as a reader you get immense benefits and great pleasure in reading
about it.
I will keep this book in hardcover in my liberary for others to borrow
from me if they want. I think this book deserves to be purchased and
borrowed Everywhich way you can.
Inspiring people, please proceed to be inspired !!!
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