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HP DeskJet 710C Reviews

This is an obsolete product
Jan 29, 2002 01:13 PM 3596 Views


This product 710 is obsolete about 2 years back.

The new product is 840c which is also on its way out the new product will be 845c. You could also go in for the hp 948 c which will cost about 9500/= and is a much superior printer as compared to 840 c.

The 710 c was a very good model and I have an old piece in my residence and it never gives me any problem at all.

The cartridge usage is also very good and I have printed a good amount of black and color and the cartridge is still in use.



Yet another tool of multi-national manipulations
Jan 20, 2002 03:15 AM 3557 Views

I have a 640C printer at home and a more recent version of it (840C or so?) purchased last year in my office room. These machines are like the conventional blades used for shaving (I do not do that, I have a beard!). One can at best use them for a few shaves that too if the hair is not too thick and over-grown and then one is forced to discard them. Same is true of these printers. One can use them for printing a few letters and addresses, and even a few sheets of material. But these printers are not suitable for reasonably bulky or voluminous work.

While the printing is elegant, the printers cannot be rated for printing alone. After a few sheets are printed, the printers start trouble-making, by ejecting junk material and (jamming) loose sheets along with what one would like to have printed.

Often I find them a pain on my neck. The exploitative dimensions of HP as a multi-national company appear in at least three ways: One, the printers have no resale value; each printer can work with only two cartridges fixed simultaneously, and each cartridge is about Rs. 1100 to Rs.1500. These cartridges together can print only about 400 pages in ''best'' quality printing. The cost is obviously prohibitive. Two, after the warranty period of one year, getting the printer serviced is difficult. The AMC costs about Rs. 2000 or more, whereas the cost of the machine itself is about Rs. 6000 to Rs.8000. Three, the web site of the HP is a jungle. I tried to get some help through it, but what I got in response was the usual ''automatically generated'' impersonal message.

Given the above factors, it is not surprising that internet users get a lot of SPAM in their e-mails advertising the HP Printer cartridges. The printers are not suited to Indian conditions, and are not within the reach of even the upper middle class.

I would not advise anyone to buy these printers unless and until the HP reduces the cost of the cartridges, start producing refills at cheap rates, and make the machines more robust and less sensitive as they are now. I would also expect the HP to simplify procedures to post complaints on its web sites and get quick and helpful responses.


HP DeskJet 710C

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