Hi....I was touring the Book Mela with a friend of mine.....and was looking at some books which had a heavy discount on them.
And guess what .....i found this book with a 30 % discount. Now if it was up to me.....i'd sell this book at a hefty 30% premium. But NO....thats India for you. Anyways....i thought about buying the book for two reasons. I might find it useful....and incase I didnt.....i could always gift it to somebody who needed a pick-up-trial boost. And I have no dearth of friends who need that.
Right now thought....the book is doing rounds at some friends place.....its getting circulated properly.....once every 2 days....i still havent seen it after it got borrowed the first time.
Anyways...back to the book. The book provides a great insight as to how to acutally 'patao' girls. No hang on....that isnt correct. What the book actually tells us....is something like....All Guys have something which the others dont have....and the normal crap. But then what the book instructs us is......that.....the real hardship is just in getting the initial talk with the girl. What exactly do you talk with a girl.....whom u've just spotted at a bus stop or say Crossword or something,......thats difficult believe me.
This book also has the ideas of 26 gorgeous women.....who narrate how they've got picked up....and what kind of guys they like....and what they said.....and stuff. The interesting thing to note here is....One lady actually said.....he must not be too smooth.....that is....the lady shouldnt feel like he uses this line all the time....and is smooth as silk flirting without a tad bit of nervousness or discomfort.
All you potential flirts out there.....keep this in mind. Appear to be a little nervous and a trifle discomfortable. You dont want to be seen as a proffessional flirt.
Apart from that it also tells u.....that one of the things a women really loves is a guy's wit. Thats about the only thing i've been blessed with. I was in the Crossword chain of stores once....and there was this girl sitting at a table reading a book titled ''The World's most Amazing Organisms''
I've got a good eyesight so I read it from afar.....but even then I walked past her table slowly......then went ahead a couple of paces....and walked in reverse (reverse means reverse.....You can turn a car around and head back.....or you can reverse the car....and here reverse is what i'm talking about....i didnt turn around....i actually just walked in reverse like Micheal Jackson doing the moonwalk)
I stopped by her table....peered down at the name of the book and made a pretence of walking past.....and obviously she stopped me. ''Excuse me, Can I help you''. ''NO'' I said ''I just misread the title for something else''
She glances at her book......ponders on it for a moment....tries to think of alike sounding words.....
''World's''.....nothing much there....maybe Word.
''Most''.....Nothing there either.
'' Amazing.''....not much words sounding alike that
''Organisms''.....Organisms.....and she thought....uhhohh....he didnt....
but by that time....i had already walked off to the back of the store. 10 mins later she comes to find me.....her face a bright chilly pinkish-red. (I was going to take a snap of her with my cellphone...and show it to the Asian Paints wala who is going to come soon to colour my room.....like they say in the Asian Paints Ad....i would say ''Mera Wala Pinkish-Red)'' But there was no way.....i could get her to pose for me....so I dropped the idea.....now i'm painting the room cream or maybe something else.
But thats essentially what the book says.....Talk....it doesnt matter what u say.......you can even explain Einstiens General Theory Of Relativity to her.......but talk. If you do the former.....i cant guarantee you'll impress the girl.....but you mighty well will impress some scientists and physicts.
The book also deals with the fact....how different guys are blessed with varying specifications.....like a good body, charismatic personality, wit, inner virtues etc. Its just upto identifying and developing what you've got......into a potential girl-impresser.
A great book....a must read....and buy it and read it if you ever feel low on confidence.

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