Matunga, Kingscircle has a number of south Indian restaurants. If you have a weakness for south Indian dishes and you crave for these items once in a while then this is one of the place worth trying out. I would not say this is the best joint.
The hotel is tucked in a corner of the road in the circle of Maheshwari Garden circle leading to Baudaji Road.
If your guiding factor is tasty food prepared in a reasonably hygenic surrounding then this is a place. Rates are quite cheap - compared to other posh hotel standards. The Hotel is not very big, definitely looks cramped. It has a small mazannine floor and a rickety staircase. By sitting by the table you can have a look at the kitchen. Nothing great.
No separte A/c section. Not very posh looking. The hotel definitely needs a fresh coat of paint and a better ambiance. Maybe the proprietor is assured of a continuous clients and hence not much bothered about upgrading !!! The waiters are typical south Indian - not in uniforms - come to you in a business like fashion and take the orders and serve.
Menu is fixed with a few special on holidays. No elaborate items.
In the mornings if you are feeling lazy or too pre occupied to prepare breakfast you get hot items served immediately..
The items, by now, all are familiar of. Idli, Dosas, Medu wada etc. You may select any of these items. These are served hot. The most important is the dishes are quite tasty.
This hotel is good only for those who want to have tasty dishes and definitely not for those looking for frills and add-ons.
Bisi belle baath is one dish I really relished when I had gone recently.
One word of caution : Do not visit on sunday evenings after 8.00 p.m. - as you may need to wait for a long time - that too - standing.
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