The Host - The Reason :
It is the attractive cover which made me to buy the book. I couldn’t defy the Vampire eyes staring at me. I turned the book and I read a poem, byMay Swenson which starts with a question, ‘Body my house my horse my hound what will I do when you are fallen….’I don’t had to think twice to make my decision and The host is my possession now.
The Soul:If there is one word I search for the meaning the most, that is ‘Soul’. I enjoyed reading this book which talk about ‘Soul’ quite in depth. Stephanie Meyers took the Hindu Philosophy way for the ‘Soul’. The lead character, the ‘Wanderer’ had eight previous lives in different worlds, last being the world of sea weeds. Even when this concept is as ancient as ‘Bhagawata’, there are good novel points on Soul discussed by the author. ‘We die a little death every time we leave a host. We live again in another.’ The soul is one, which has no death and no limitations. It is the host/body which set limitations.
The Story: Melanie Stryder opted for suicide despite her love to her boyfriend Jared and only brother Jamie, when the new ‘soul’ to her life was denied a chance to live. The attempt turned as a failure where the healers of the soul implanted a new soul, ‘Wanderer’ (Wanda) inside her. Knowing that Melanie was a strong woman the souls gave a strong contender in ‘Wanderer’ and asked her to invade Melanie’s memory and thoughts. Wanderer however met with a difficult task where Melanie was not ready to give up her thoughts, memory or love. Now, Melanie and Wanderer lived as two souls with in one body. Wanderer was searching for the reason of Melanie’s resistance. However, through Melanie’s body and thoughts Wanderer starts to feel and understand human relations and love which now occupy Wanda’s mind. Wanderer now is in love with Ian where Melanie is still under the influence of Jared. What the soul can do if it has no free body to respond? How the lovers will fight for the sole body? The Host is a love triangle story too, where it is more than that.
The female Host:The author tries to make a statement. Male or female, it is the same soul we are sharing and no discrimination is required. ‘I’d inherited a different role in the human community. People carried things for me now and let me pass first into a room….’ The author’s view is crystal clear. The author sees Females as the ‘Host’ species which is the hope of survival.
The Mother:The first temptation thrown to ‘the wanderer’ was the probability of ‘motherhood’. Stephanie Mayers stress that Motherhood is the height of any human relation. ‘..mothers are irrational here. Too many emotions involved. Motherhood is always emotional – even for you souls.’ The soul’s understanding of a mother readiness to sacrifice her own life if it was refused to her child was beautifully explained in the novel. The author insists that in all species, in all births and all worlds, mother is respected and it is the motherhood that gives the females a higher place than others. The author throws her heart when she discusses ‘motherhood’ and can feel the emotion with which ‘wanderer’ rebel the mighty Kyle & Jared. The book is rightly dedicated by the author to her mother.
Aborted:Why there is a denial of life? The author asks a simple question to the doctor - can he separate the body from the soul? ‘…my survival instinct was every bit developed as the average human’s.’ The author doesn’t accept the condition that such acts are done to save the elder. For a soul, it is the youngest the eldest. When ‘Wanda’ sees a broken child on the table, she questions the kind of pain we humans shares. She says that the human race is far behind in mourning our lost souls. No wonder, our own ‘soul’ became alien to us!!
Expectation: The novel was a good read in the beginning setting high expectation. The healers of soul, the insecurity of the soul in a new host, the resistance, the soul trying to find out the incidents which lead Melanie’s suicide attempt – all these were done brilliantly and I set a high expectation from the novel.
Confused:Once the story is set and the reader is looking for its forward movement, I am met with dark metaphors. I felt the dark story telling style took a toll on the entertainment value of the book, given the lack of incidents at this middle stage. I was transported to the caves and holes with dirty cloths and unfamiliar food and I really felt the boring pregnancy period.
Bored:I would have given away the book by midway, somewhere around page number 200 but somehow I thought I will not surrender that easily. And I carried my boredom to next hundred plus pages. The story was not moving at all. Even love was not happening.
Clue:I managed to get some clues upon which I could make some sense to those dark proceedings and from there own the reading was little more pleasant. Thanks to Jared’s extendable antenna and the sole gun. I could see ‘Wanda’ and ‘Melanie’ being two souls and in one body and it is a perfect fit.
Excited:The slow narration and uninspiring proceedings took a big U turn in last 200 pages or so and I finished those pages in no time. The story was moving with a soul and a heart in these pages, which was much missing in the middle part of the novel. The love triangle & the powerful good bye made the wanderer a darling which she was not earlier.
Overall: The concept Soul is discussed and handled well. The subject female and mother is stressed brilliantly. Some Sudden changes in the attitude of characters and the love of Ian to Wanda didn’t explained by the author and it took extra time to digest. Too many names and darkness did confuse the readers, but thankfully Wanderer, if not Melanie managed to create a cord with the readers. The book can be termed as good, but it falls short of excellence, thanks to those slow paced dark middle part.
Recommendation:Hardcore Stephanie Meyer fans will love this novel for sure. For a light reading, I think the book may not suit. However, for those who love to swim deep there are gems all around. For feminists, they will find a good weapon in the novel.
My rating: 3.5 stars
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