Hello Friends
This is the first time I am writing on Mouthshut. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes. I would want to share memories of my Japan Tour. Japan-the most expensive country in the world. I had been there 2 months back. I saw places like, Miyajima, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Nara , Tokyo, Osaka. The experience at Hiroshima was amazing. Who would say this city was destroyed in 1945. Today it is back in action. The museum, the peace memorial hall and the park is definetely a tourist attraction.
HISTORY: America dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 at 8:15am, Monday.
140,000 people were killed on the spot. This number then increased to 2,30,000. The reason why Hiroshima was targeted because there were no prisoner of wars there.
Every year on 6 August , there is a prayer meeting held at 8:15 am at the Peace Memorial Park. A Cenotaph has been raised in memory of the victims in the centre of the Peace Memorial Park.
The Peace Memorial Museaum: The museum has been maintained very well and provides details of the sequence of events that took place when the nuclear bomb was dropped and the after effects. The Bomb Dome- First called as the Hiroshima Commercial Museum is still being maintained very well.
The Hiroshima peace memorial Hall for the atomic bomb victims is an effort by the Japanese National Government to remember and mourn the sacred sacrifice of the atomic bomb victims. The role is to offer a Hall of Remembrance.
The Hall comprises of :
1: 12 Pillars supporting the ceiling-These pillars symbolize the links between the lives we live today and that grief striken time of sacrifice to the atomic bomb.
2: The fountain in the centre is a monument which depicts the time of bombing-8:15. the water is offered as consolation to atomic bomb victims who died of begging for drink.
The victims information area displays names and photographs of atomic bomb victims and tells how many people died. Computers are also provided for checking individual data
War is work of man
War is destruction of human being
War is death
To remember the past, commit oneself to the future
To remember Hiroshima is to Abhor nuclear war.
To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace
Do let me know if I have missed out on some imp info so that I can update my diary.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.