I'm not the type of person to make complaints but after using this product I feel it's necessary. I used the product when I noticed dandruff at the roots of my hair, head and shoulders being "Britains number one hair brand" I decided to trust the brand as I heard good reviews and purchase 3 bottles for £10.
After my purchase, I used the product which was the original two in one for dandruff. After multiple uses, I notice my hair becoming modernately greasy, buying three different types of head and should products I decided my hair might be more suit to one that specialises in reducing grease.
This change was the worst thing I could of done, my hair went more and more greasy after each use. By the time I'd had enough and decided to change back to my old products the crown of my head was severely greasy and turned sticky. I was general disgusted at what the products had done to my hair not jus to the crown but all over, my hair got so bad I got extremely self conscious of leaving the house and felt people where looking at me as I looked dirty.
Moving back to my old product didn't help at all, I remained greasy. After two weeks I decide enough was enough I needed to do something, I had to buy a £6.99 bottle of neutragena. Finally, my hair was fixed and completely normal.
This has effected me greatly and really knocked my confidence, not only the personal costs I have felt but also the financial costs. The three bottles have set me back £10 and then fixing it cost and extra £6.99, I feel like I've been robbed.
I am disgusted at what the product did and how my trust and confidence was shattered by this firm and the brand they have portrayed to me. I cried numerous times and was extremely reluctant to go to collage with my peers.
This product has effected many areas of my life this past two weeks and I would certainly not recommend a head and shoulders product to consumers as its not worth any time or money.
Unfortunately I didn't take a picture so cannot show the effects the head and shoulders products had, I was more concerned about solving the problem this product had caused in my life.
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