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HDFC MasterCard Credit Card Reviews

Bangalore India
Donate money in form of Late Payment
Oct 31, 2008 06:24 PM 2660 Views

These people are very smart in looting us in form of Late payment fees. As per Terms and Condition, the cheque payment has to be done in 4 days advance from Due Date. And unfortunately, if your due date falls after weekend, and even if you drop the cheque 4 days prior, you will slapped with Late payment fees+ Interest charges.

Guyz! Please be careful! with this bank, if you are paying by cheque, please pay in 10 days in advance., to avoid late payment charges.Infact the guyz paying by cheque are getting only 45 days Grace period against the 50 days provided by company.

And their Service is pathetic. Every time you call, they say Server is down. please call after one hour or four hours.

Moral of the story is please be careful, if you are paying in cheque. After dropping the cheque at Drop box, follow up the bank people regarding your credit status.

Mumbai India
Subscribe only if can afford late fees.
Jun 12, 2007 02:25 PM 2715 Views

These people are here just to rob you in every possible way. With a blink of an eye you miss thier last day of payment. you get you bill 1-2 day prior to the due date and if you cudn't pay there would be a heavy fine plus heavy interest charge.

I received the bill on 09/06/07 i.e Saturday & came to know that the last date is 11/06/07. This can be confirmed by the the sign at the sign, date & time of receipt of the bill. so you see, I was left with only one day and that too I had to pay cash in the ATM.  And may be i'm new to ATM or card swapping (though I had been using HDFC card for quite a few years without any problem), this concept is beyond my understanding as why I was told that the pin is incorrect after I made all the choices & entered the amount. I had been  following this simple logic, be it ATM of HDFC, net banking, emails etc. that if your password/pin is in correct you are notified immidiately just after submission and not after you have composed your full mail and hit "send".

I had the card of my wife and she gave me the pin no. which I might have gotten wrong because of mis-communication and at that time couldn't contact her. I made a cheque in the morning so that I could drop it in a dropbox on Vasai footover bridge which I came to know, has been removed either on sunday or monday itself.

So I finally dropped the cheque at the ATM after trying up all these. And I sincerly hope that these people would be kind enough as not to charge a late fee for this whole episode. In last 1-2 bills I did receive a late charge because of my fault so I always paid it without any hesitation as I knew it was my fault, but this time things were different.

Although you get good discounts on movies etc. but with one miss of due date, your all savings are equaled

Times Card.
Nov 08, 2004 11:30 AM 4173 Views

Hi Friends,

What prompts me to write a review on ''Times City Card'' is the reviews that exists on the MS.

My experience with the Times card has been very good and I am using it for about 4 years now.

Since it is equivalent to a CITY SILVER Card the holder of Times card can by default avail all of them. Added to this the Times card offers to its members a number of brilliant offers like Movie ticket, Entry pass to Dramas, Entry pass for live show and concerts, in addition to this the card holders enjoy discount at chocest restaurants and also bars.

Come Dusshehra time and they arrange entry passes for best Garbas.

What is more you get discounts on billing with classifieds etc with TOI.

The product is worth its annual charges of 750 bucks that they charge, for a long exixting customer they also have the way to waive this fee for 3 years or so.

I recommend this card.

Alok Ranjan


HDFC MasterCard Credit Card
Buy any other Co-Branded Card But this
Jan 21, 2002 12:11 AM 3537 Views

The Product

Times card is a master card and is a co-branded card of Citibank with The Times of India. TOI tried their hand at finance starting with Times Guaranty which flopped miserable, Times Bank did well but they sold it to HDFC in boom time and must have had similar plans for this card also, but what started with a bang with a series of Colour advertisements in their own publications. A host of other benefits like Special discounts at big restaurants, super stores, couples with free movie tickets and invites to new year parties is doing miserably now. All the so called benefits have all but stopped coming through as after the initial hype died down and no buyer in sight the card is on its death bed.

The Ground reality

Today when all the other co-branded cards are promising the earth this card is just hanging out there as the numbers have increased and they have ensured that very few get the offers and as it is the numbers of special movies/ programs have fallen down drastically. The only real discount you get is on the classified advertisements that you may release that too in their own newspaper i.e. The Times of India.


Please dont go for this card as unlike other Citibank Cards no one will even ask you if you ever discontinue your card, or solve your problem if you have them. If you really want a co branded card go for IOC card where there is no transaction fee if you buy petrol from there pumps and there is definitely a saving angle to it. In case of even normal card you get discounts on your annual fees if you negotiate properly with the issuing company at the time of renewal, but for Times Card you wont even get a courtesy call, leave alone a discount.

The advise is that don’t buy this card, if you care for those Rs. 750/- of yours.

Times entertaintment card
Jan 15, 2001 02:26 PM 3453 Views

When I subscribed for this card I was told that with this card I have got a free gift voucher from shopper's stop worth Rs. 500 /- against the annual fees of Rs. 700 /- which I never received when I called up to find about this the citi bank guys asked me to chekc out with the agent from which I got the card and there was no contact to this guy.

Even they committed that there will be theatre tickets, Movie tickets or some or the other functions every week which you will be entitled free of charge. Uptill now since last 4 months there were only 2 functions and that also they had a lucky draw for limited people only. They have a web site also but they don't even update this site for the upcoming functions. it only apears on this site once the function is thru.

This is not only my experiance but also my friends are facing the same problems.

I don't understand why this 2 big organisations have to commit such wrong things to get more subscription.

Other wise there services for credit is quiet good.

I simply won't recommend this card b/s the other facilites are even availabe with other cards at acheaper rate.

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