Hannibal is a follow on to The Silence Of The Lambs.
The Silence of the Lambs was a great book and a movie.
Dr Hannibal Lector walks out from that book a free man
and lives to tell another tale, with who else but
Special Agent Starling who is all over again on his trail.
He likes to be chased by Special Agent Starling and always gives her a good lead.
This book is no match for the original Silence of
The Lambs. That was a Class Act.
Hannibal comes to Italy, peruses his love for
ancient archietecture and medivial methods of
tourture and killings, gives gripping lectures
on the subject to the tourists.
A wicked local Police detective finds out who Hannibal
really is, greed gets the better of him and he decides to
hand over Dr Lector alive and transport him to America
in ways less than legal, just to pocket a few hundred
thousand dollars posted as a reward by another evil man who
lives in America.
However, the Police detective becomes easy meat for Dr Lector, and he arrives in America on his own.
Dr Lecter goes on his killing spree and cannibalistic ways.
He establishes contact with Special Agent Starling and ends
up making love to her.
In between, there are many gripping sequences of killing and
myhem, action packed histrionics and gory deaths.
Richard Harris' forte is DIALOGUES, diabolic mind sets,
and psychology of deranged minds.
If you like serial killer stuff you like this Hannibal. Go read it.
I read this book for no other reason except to learn more
about Dr Lecter's psyche. I learned nothing more.
Better still, read the Silence of the Lambs.
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