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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Reviews

Mumbai India
Nostalgic game
Nov 20, 2023 09:32 AM207 Views (via Android App)

Vice City is a timeless classic. The attention to detail in capturing the essence of the era, from the fashion to the music, is unparalleled. Tommy Vercetti's rise to power in the criminal underworld is a captivating journey, filled with memorable characters and unexpected twists. The soundtrack, featuring hits from the likes of Michael Jackson, adds an immersive layer to the experience, making every car ride a nostalgic trip. The vibrant color palette, combined with the sun-soaked beaches and bustling city streets, creates a visual feast. Vice City's perfect balance of engaging storytelling, diverse missions, and a distinct atmosphere makes it a standout entry in the GTA series, leaving an enduring legacy as a gaming classic.

Oct 08, 2020 03:06 PM772 Views

This is the great and best game for the pc and laptops and it''''s very attractive to us in when we are going to play with happiness

Nit Calicut, Kerala, India India
Worst graphics
Aug 03, 2020 11:19 PM987 Views (via Android App)

Vice city is popular game. It has many versions. But world changing everyday.

In this game, player has to complete all the missions. While playing you can use any vehicle in game , can buy any house or any other things.

The graphics of this game is worst. There are so many cheats in this game. There are so many missions in which destination are far away in map that feels like pure time consuming. Most of the missions based on violence. In which player have to kill someone as a mission.

However, if you are interested in games of gangster then you will be satisfied by the game VICE CITY .


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
YC24MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
The after sales service of this game is very bad
Jul 27, 2019 02:19 AM855 Views (via Android App)

I had purchased this game from Sayonara and within the one month of usage, this game stopped working, when I went back to get the game exchanged as I had paid 1299 for Ps2 based version at that time and it is tok expensive for anyone. The owner of Sayonara said that he won't do it because the company does not practice any refund, repair or exchange system, I didn't expect this from Rockstar games, I haven't played this game till today properly due to this reason.

Prasadkarri4321vMouthShut Verified Member
Tanuku India
GTA vice city is a fantastic game
Dec 28, 2018 10:15 PM1026 Views (via Android App)

Gta vice city is a wonderful game. I have playing this game for one year. I really enjoying this game as we came to the concept of the game tommy vercitti is thee hero character of this game in this game the Tommy is one of gang star he was ordered to complete the diffrent missions for earning of the game is good.concept of the game is also very good.this game available in both pc and android. Graphics of this game is good in pc. But the garaphics in the android is not so good but it is ok. I really like this game

paridarahulrp34MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Childish Graphics......
Oct 30, 2018 01:52 PM1113 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, I want to share a important message regarding to this game. This game has many bugs. Also the develepors are not updating this game. I have downloaded this game thinking that my day will go amazing by playing. But I saw that the graphics of this games is very childish. Yes , its true. Many people like this game but if you think that this game have amazing graphics then listen my opinion - YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD IT.

I have wasted my data on such type of third class game .

Darri Irrigation Colony ( Korba ) C.G India
Gta vice city
Sep 17, 2018 09:02 PM883 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys , now I am going to share my persnol experience of this , so lets get started , so guys if you the images and gameplay of this game then you Think that is good game but guys , it is not true , The graphics of this game and story is also good but I dont like its features and function , means if you drive cars in it then you feel like it is made up of paper , fighting techniques are also very bad , rockstar company releases various good game but I dont like this one . and many of missions of this game is not senseble means there is no sense , gta sanandreas are more better than this one , so dont play it

Vice city game
Sep 16, 2018 05:32 PM916 Views (via Android App)

Vice city game is the best of games . Your driving is control of game and game chat is activated fast easy use of keyword from game.My faveraoit game of Grand Thaft vice city game. I am fast driving for bike and cars. I am manege from police for 6 star. Vice city game of police is very dangerous if I am lucky from vice city game .I am not dieng from last way from 6 star police cached from me.I am 29 level par from game it game are dangerous from child. It is very bad habbit . My child do not work form school it is bad habbit from childhood .

WowitworksMouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
One of the best game ever created!!!
Sep 08, 2018 12:11 PM867 Views

Ok, if I'll ask you, Have you ever played GTA vice city, obivously most of you will answer YES!

I can say that it is the best game ever created and belive me I still play GTA vice city and I have completed the game so many times.

What I like about GTA vice city:

1) It's missions: you'll have to complete the missions if you want to move further, I think this is the best part of this game.

The graphics also seems to be quite realistic and the controls are just amazing.

2) It's concept

3) It is worth to purchse the game(Yes, it is paid).

So, if you want to play a game that brings to you an another virtual world and will give you all the rights what you want to do, just go for it!

Very interesting game
Aug 02, 2018 04:38 PM1266 Views (via Android App)

Hii freinds, today I am going to talk about grand theft auto vice city game. This is very attrective and interesting game. I have played this game 3 times. Maybe 2 times in laptop and 1 time in mobile. Playing in mobile did not get as much fun as it had to download the cheat app. If you want to take a gangster feeling then you can download this game and play it. It's graphics ar also great. In this game you will become a gangster. You have to cross the mission in this game, such as shooting, time bombing on a building. In this game you will play many missions. You can take any car in it. In this you can do anything by applying cheat like driving on water, flying the car in. This game is 1.4 gb for mobile and 1.4 gb for pc.

It is the lovely game forever...
Jul 17, 2018 06:20 PM1215 Views (via Android App)

Hello guys I am Gulshan Yadav I am using this game from many years really it is very good game and we never get bore with this game.

Concept of this game is simple we have to pass the level of the game and go to next level which is very interesting.

Design and layout are good of this game its is really good.

Features are best which will attract you while playing and function are also easy which are not so tough they are easy.

It us useful but it is useless when you play all time this game because it will divert your mind from your business and study so play in limit and it is useful.

Tommy !
Jul 16, 2018 09:45 PM1274 Views (via Android App)

All the concept of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is based on a one man army this game we see a misson is given by boss to us as a tommy and we getting compelet and get money and unlocked a new ilands are give in gta vice city.

The layout and design of gta vice city is awesome.we unlocked a new ilands and city's.A design of gta vice city is good a all the buildings and roads Bridget and all other design are best in this game.

Before some year I will play this game in my pc and now I search for Android and I did it I will play my favorite game in my own Android phone.and I complete all of misson is give in the game .i most of time play this game so you can try this best openworld game and one thing thats the game of 2010 year. Thank you!

omanshugupta022MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Welcome to the Gangster world!!
Jul 08, 2018 08:53 PM1423 Views (via Android App)

Hey guys! I am Omanshu And today I will be reviewing the famous game everyone have once played in their whole life that is GTA: Vice City. As an old game but still got pretty decent graphics . Here you start as a character named Tommy which later on gets to the top of the gangster world by completing several missions . Each mission gets harder and harder . * Warning* There is a helicopter mission that will take decades to complete , IT IS THAT TOUGH. You roam around in free world, get guns , drive cars , enter buildings , etc just a whole new experience that was for early time gamers. This game has made a home in our hearts as their is no other game like this . Rockstar did an amazing job doing everything . In the end , I will just say if you haven't played this one try it ! I am sorry if I offended anyone with my words . Thank You!

Nimbri Kallan Teh.Degana India
Grand theft auto vice city game
Jul 07, 2018 05:17 PM867 Views (via Android App)

I played gta vice city it is a good game . And I like the of the game but the games graphics are not good . But I like this game and the cracters of this game like tomy , lance , lawyer etc. But its not a better game now because new games realesed by rockstar games and they are better then it . But if you not have a high level pc you can play this game its run correctly in your pc . Its not better than gta san address in open world but it better in graphics .

So you can play this game and play it. Thank you

aniketmore15999MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Evolutionary game from rockstar
Jun 29, 2018 10:05 AM1085 Views (via Android App)

Grand theft auto vice city was launched in 2002 by Rockstar. This is the open world game. This game has good storyline, good graphics and best gaming experience. This game has almost infinite possibilities. You can do almost anything in this game. Gta vice city game has large number of missions. You have to complete all the missions one after another. Gta vice city is a good game but it has some lags due to which we cannot use it with full potential. Besides this gta vice city is the best game. However this game is not recommended to the childrens below 13 as its violations.

How is Grand Theft Auto:Vice City is..........?
May 29, 2018 01:42 PM1198 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, Vice city game is a biggest game which had created a history in the gaming world.Here a character named Tommy is given to your access.You are allotted to some missions you want to complete that mission or else you can free roam in the area.It is a gangster game can beat any one .there are lots of people in the can ride any car, bike and truck can also buy some house, buildings, factories.clothes can be changedto your can buy weapons to want to which already allotted in the game.You can earn money, this game is just like as a real life friend you xan play this game very comgortable and you will satisfied with the game guys.You can make so much fun with this game.So I recommend you guys to download this game.It is paid app but guy's it's definitely worth it.So that's it.Hope our article may help you somewhat.Atleast give us a loke and a comment guys.And yeah please follow us for more. Thank you, PEACE.

It is only on my experience friends

dharan152103MouthShut Verified Member
Amalapuram India
May 24, 2018 03:24 PM1026 Views

Hi friends today I want to share my experience about the game called gta vice city it is the wonderful game I ever played in my child hood days even my friends visit my house to watch this game while I am playing.its my favourite now also because I am too intrested in this game because it doesn't need any high graphics and it can able to work on minimum graphics too and even very low pc can able to play this game I used to play this games now a days too it doesn't contain any adult content even minority can also play this I am sorry if there any speeling mistakes

Mepally,Jagityal District. India
GTA-The game of ganstar is you who are palying....
Apr 11, 2018 10:24 AM1598 Views (via Android App)

A real wonder game in my life.He is a gangstar in this game.It is a intresting game forever.i knew some what who are playing this game they thought like thisthis game aducts the children and spoil their mindst. But it is fake( wrong) . It shows we didn't become like a gangstar.A game which is invented by a great man.A man who developing this game, who? A: It is non-other than you.

naveenbasliyal7MouthShut Verified Member
Hno 1361, Gopal Mandir, Chotti Line ,Radaur Road, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India India
Adorable game.
Apr 09, 2018 11:19 PM1305 Views (via Android App)

Hy all. I will tell u what I experienced about this game . I started playing it since my 10 class. And I felt in deep love with the game. So , I will discuss some of my personal experience as to why I love this game.

  1. Firstly let me tell u about concept. The concept is too awesome. You can ride bikes like hayabusa, ambulance ecen airplane too. Ao, it is awesome.

  2. The game has very low hanging issue. It donot hamg in between. And this makes this game a complete perfect.

3 The layout and design of the game is too sexy, you can visit tall buildings, visit oceans, also can surf boat too.

4 this game is worth time spending. And I play it. I dont feel bored . All I do is plug in headphones, and play the game.

So, I will suggest u to try it once

ymg1959MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Great game with great music.
Mar 21, 2018 10:08 PM2003 Views

I still really love this game even after all these years the 1980s setting of this game seems to stay in my brain.

The story of this game is simple you get betrayed in a deal at the start of the game and lose all your money and drugs after that you complete missions for various criminals and shady people who need favors done. You unlock new weapons, outfits, and safe houses(there even is a mansion in the game that you later unlock after a mission that is inspired by the 1983 Al Pachino crime movie Scarface). you progress through the game's story by completing missions in the game. The missions in the game are all generally good except for a handful of them which are really hard and sadly important to progress in the game's story e.g. there is one mission where you have to save your buddy who is being tortured by some gangsters and who will die if you don't help him. The problem with this mission is that it has a timer and if it runs out your buddy will die and the mission will fail even if you do manage to fight all the gangsters who are in the way of your buddy then you have to get your buddy safely to the hospital in a vehicle without him being killed by gangsters who now chase you in super fast sports cars and will usually ram in to your car at very high speeds which will cause you to spin out or if they damage you car enough will cause your car to explode what is worse is during missions the game does not save you can only save the game at your safe house WHEN NOT ON A MISSION! this can be a really big problem in this mission because not only is this mission hard but also very annoyingly longer than other missions in the game's story.

Fortunately for me, I overlooked the games hard missions and took it as a challenge to complete them, as once such a mission is completed the feeling of accomplishment is indefinite after this I went back to roam and drive through the beautiful streets of Vice City(which are based on the real-life Miami in Florida, USA) listening to 80s hit pop songs on the radio as the music is really one of the reasons the game is so good and also for me is the beautiful neon lighting of ocean view drive a location in the game all of this really brings the 80s feel to the game.

The weapons in this game are also quite big with different types of shotguns' SMG's assault rifle's and even heavy weapons like a handheld minigun and rocket launcher which are the most fun to use weapons in the game.

I also like how rewarding the game is as almost for completing every side mission or story mission you get a nice reward which is good as that was the driving force for me to keep trying that even if I failed a mission to try again as I know that I surely can expect a nice reward after completing the mission.

Rewards can be like new guns being unlocked at local city gun stores it can be new outfits or a simple reward of money which is the most common reward which you get for completing a mission or side mission.

The open world of the game is what I like the most like other GTA games in the series you can do anything you like in the city. Fight gangs, cause police chases, rob stores, or just blow up everyone in the city up with a rocket launcher.

While the game is quite good it has a few problems

  1. The game has a tendency to crash at random times which is a big problem as the game does not have auto-save you have to go to to your safe house to save your game which means if the game crashed and you did not save your progress till that point you lost all your progress.

  2. This game has a bug that causes your mouse to not work at all fortunately if searched online there is a simple solution that easily fixes this bug so it's not a hassle more of an annoyance.

  3. The graphics of the game have not aged well as this is an old game for that online there are many graphics mods that can make the graphics of the game look better and perhaps even the best.

  4. The game does not officially have multi-player(however there is a multi-player mod for the GTA series called Multi Theft Auto which allows you to play GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas online.)

In conclusion, this game is still great and is a must buy while the game is hard it also rewards the player in great ways that makes it really fun than a grind to play also the game's problems are mostly easy to fix as mentioned above.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

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