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Railway Station Road, Aurangabad 431005, MH


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Government College Of Engineering, Aurangabad Reviews

Nov 15, 2016 06:11 PM 2438 Views (via Android App)

Goverment college of engineering , now an autonomous institute ! It's A greaded by NAAC. When we talk about any educational institute, and specially an engineering one, the most important aspects comes in pictures are infrastructure facilities , full fledged labs, placement percentage and education quality.

Being totally unbiased , has to say that GECA dosent score much in all aspects. The hostel and Mess facilities are of lower graded. Experiment labs are not that much updated. Exceptions can be newly developed labs. Placement of GECA is good only when it comes to IT related jobs. Else it dosent score much in core jobs. Education quality is vast aspect. So can't explain in just good or bad. Can say an average one. Not much scope for extra curricular activities other than annual cultural function. Same position about technical events. It do have few departmental technical events but those are just at par. Absolutely no scope for research. Not much technical papers subscriptions to be updated in respective technical fields. Administrative staff is not much helpful. Professors are just about teaching the chapters, no motivation as such for further and updated technical aspects within field.

It dose have good campus though. Considering the overall engineering colleges within Marathwada it dose score good. And can surely say a best within region.

Government college of engineering
Jul 04, 2016 03:05 AM 3319 Views

College of engg in Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University and was established in 1960. The construction of the college was started in 1957 and was completed in 1960. Additions include the extension building that presently house the Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Computer Science Engineering Department & Master of Computer Application Department. The recently constructed ClassRoom Complex houses the classes of First Year students of all branches and the Information Technology Department.

In 2006, the college became an Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra.[citation needed] The college has also got the TEQIP(Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme) grant. It holds national level and state level competitions round the year. It hosts a National Level Technical Festival, WINGS . The college was ranked No. 1 all over India in the TEQIP survey for academics in engineering colleges in 2009-10. Moreover it is ranked No 1 college for cse in consecutive years 2013 and 2014 gyes is the best college of engg

Government College Of Engineering - Aurangabad
Jul 03, 2016 05:01 PM 2616 Views

Hi friends, I talk to you this Government collage of engineering -Aurangabad is an autonomous engineering collage in Maharashtra state it is affiliated Dr babasaheb ambedkar mararthwada university and established in 1960 the recently constructed classroom for first year students of all branch and the collage has also got the TERQIP( Technical education quality improvement program host the national level technical festival WINGS. Civil Engineering:

Civil Engineering is traditional branch of Engineering and is amongst the founding courses when the institution was started.Department is having highly qualified, experienced faculty.   The department has been engaged in various activities involving industry - institute interaction, research and development, updating curriculum, improving teaching / learning process, development of students and services to society etc. Testing and consultancy services are provided in Environmental Engineering, survey and investigations, Transportation Engineering, Soil Engineering, Building Construction, Water resources Engineering and Structural Engineering. Besides the testing and consultancy activities, the faculty is actively engaged in various research and development projects and infrastructural development activities through the grants from AICTE, UGC, TEQIP etc. Mechanical Engineering:

Mechanical Engineering is the Oldest branch of engineering and so as a tradition it was also the first branch to be started in the college. The Institute provides testing services as per the needs of the society Good industry institute interaction 80% students are selected through campus interviews in reputed Industries and 20% students become entrepreneurs Substantial number of GATE qualified students and excellent performance of the students in University examinations Excellent performance of the students in sports and cultural activities at District, University, State & National level. Electrical Engineering:

The Department offers a unique undergraduate course(B.E.) in Electrical, Electronics and Power and also runs a part-time undergraduate course(B.E.) in Electrical, Electronics and Power and part-time post-graduate course(M.E.) in Power Systems. The department also offers the Testing & Consultancy work for industrial problems. The part-time undergraduate course leading to Bachelor of Engineering in'Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering' was begun with an intake of 30 students Placements,

The Training and Placement cell provides the official support base for placement of Final year students. The support services that it offers are in the form of arranging campus interviews, grooming students to face the final test of their knowledge. The Placement Office is fully computerized; it uses desktop computers and Institute LAN facility for placement data handling and communication.Institute has a remarkable rate of Placements for which institute has a Training and Placement cell, which is headed by Prof. S. D. Ambekar. MNCs like Tata Consultancy Services, Bajaj Auto Ltd. Bosch India Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra, Mondelez International, Larson and Toubro, Shapoorji Pallonji Ltd. and many big brands come down to campus to hire students. So, I like to this Government College Of Engineering - Aurangabad.


Government College Of Engineering - Aurangabad
Osmanbad India
What do you like about this institute
Jun 28, 2016 01:26 PM 3507 Views

Government collage of engineering -Aurangabad is an autonomous engineering collage in Maharashtra state it is affiliated Dr babasaheb ambedkar mararthwada university.

And established in 1960 the recently constructed classroom for first year students of all branch and the collage has also got the TERQIP( Technical education quality improvement program host the national level technical festival WINGS.

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