Transaction Date & Time : 25 Nov 2024 at 6.29 PM
Merchant Phone Number : 96666xxxxx(Laxmi Narasimha Hardware)
Customer Phone Number : 8885xxxxxx(Tunuguntla Arunima)
Gpay/UPI Transaction Amount : Rs.8200(Eight thousand two hundred only)
Gpay/UPI Transaction ID : 469694666886
While we enter merchant's mobile number "966668xxxx", their store name is being displayed "Laxmi Narasimha Hardware", but the store owner claims that payments made via G-Pay were never credited to linked bank account. In this case G-Pay ideally should display "No User Found" or "Invite".(Digital Fraud).
Is that possible of linking the other's bank account with the Store's Mobile Number "96666xxxx"?
Merchant/Store Owner claims that "He has brought all such previous transactions to his branch banker officials at Mahesh Bank(Gachibowli, Hyderabad), who were never interested to report the fraud to the concerned towards customer service. the PATHETIC state of private banking(India).
Merchant also shares his experience that "Looks like Google-Pay India is encouraging such FRAUDUALENT Users and Transactions". Not sure the reason behind this.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.