Dear Buyers of GILMA Built in HOBs
Sub:- GILMA Valido model Hob will burn your wife & entire house &
Worst behavior by GILMA CUSTOMER CARE CENTER Vijayanagar, Bangalore
I own a GILMA valido hob purchased vide tax invoice No 143 on 5-12-2006 from M/S Navkar Marketing( Gilma Showroom), 241, 7 th cross BSK III Stage Opposite to Kamakya Theatre Bangalore 560085. After using for three years, during the third week of AUGUST we started feeling of gas smell below the granite slab, after one week of leakage of gas we called LPG( Indane) people to check the tube and cylinder. The gas man who checked has informed and showed that “nozzle of the gilma stove with a check nut was loose because of which gas was leaking*” After he tightened the check nut there was no leakage of gas found.
After three days I, e on 26-8-2010 morning at 7.30, my wife connected new cylinder and placed old cylinder back which took ten minutes and put on the stove knob( auto ignition) suddenly two closed wooden cupboard below the granite came out by opening it self with a blast and she found paper spread on the ground and coconut fiber burning with fire. The heat flame came out burnt my wife’s leg, arms, face and hairs. She could recollect the problem of the hob and immediately put off the regulator to avoid further accident.
Cause for the blast:- The check nut which was tightened got loosened again as my wife lifts the hob to an 25 degrees for cleaning. The representative from GILMA care center Mr Ravi(Mobile NO 9902542558) attended the call in the evening who confirmed the problem with the stove’s check nut and tightened it, after attending, he called & informed the care center at Vijayanagar on phone NO 9980163080. Mr Lokesh who was incharge at care center instructed Mr Ravi to COLLECT Rs 150/- for attending with out any botheration of accident happened.
When the proprietor/ Manager THANDAVESHWAR -Mobile No - 09611237343 who declared himself as representative of GILMA Company expressed his inability to attend the complaint on the incident / accident on the following ground,
a) that we did not report the matter of gas leakage first to them
b) that as the LPG gas man touched their stove they are not responsible for further.
Mr THANDAVESHWAR, Manager GILMA Customer Care Center Vijayanagar(Mobile No – 09611237343) answer my questions
i) Should a customer suspect your hob as defective if any in gas leakage?
ii) In spite of an major fire accident avoided in my house due to your defective hob what was the necessity of collecting Rs 150/- as visiting charge?( with out issuing bill)
iii) Inspite of informing about the defect in your gas stove did you turn up my residence to study the case?
iv) By telling that gas man touched your product can you think that your product is OK & skip from your responsibilities?
v) Do you think customers will keep quite with out spreading the incidents to other fresh buyers / customers?
vi) Do you think I will not take the matter to consumer court for not attending the case in spite of accident and for cheating?
vii) Do you think I will not take up the matter with Home ministry and Fire Service and Emergency Services Department to ban your product?
Mr THANDAVESHWAR, I have already discouraged two buyers of GILMA stoves, I have taken photos which I’m forwarding to all my friends, relatives, collegues and to every one. I feel such a Company and such a manager should not exist in this country who so not bother about the lives of the people.
From N.C Manjunath Vibhu, 93412 52001
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.