Ignorant & innocents are likely to be cheated in the hands of Overseas Employers & their Agents.They are the most vulnerable and small pawn in big game of human trafficking. Furnishing information here, which is taken from Govt. of India web-site.
Must check from the list of 383 already black-listed Foreign Employers from 20 countries.
List of suspended 20 Recruiting Agents
5 Recruiting Agents under Watch-list
Office add. URL
Useful info Overseas employments
Check free on Tel.no. 1800-11-3090.
Friends, please help the illiterates( labour, driver, mechanic, washer man, plumber, housekeeping, electricians, maid, midwife, nurse, aaya etc.) Train them the economics of working abroad, forex conversion rate, tax deduction there, living expenses there and the real savings per month including the cost of sending money to India.
(Source: The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs)

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