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General Tips on Overseas Employers Tips

Leighs construction newzeland fraud jobs
Jul 13, 2023 03:42 PM909 Views

There is fraud scam going on by leighs construction, newzeeland .

they will ask for visa fees & will run away.

Level 2/219 High Street, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand

pls do not fall prey to this fraud.

+91 923367xxxx

+64 9950xxxx

Pls help
Oct 08, 2019 09:52 PM4156 Views (via Mobile)

Even I have received the offer.. but no confirmation on visa..Has anyone gone abroad ? Pls help me about it..

Beware of this fraud agent_Cones Immigration
Aug 06, 2018 09:23 AM6010 Views

I am writing this review to let you know about this fraud recruiting agent named as cones Immigration. Once I received a mail from this agent that you have been selected for store manager in Singapore. For visa processing you need to take medical tests from the lab named Macro diagnostic in Chennai. You should pay 5000 inr for the test. After taking the test they said it will take around 3 months for processing. After that time period when I tried to contact them they have switched off their mobile and response yet received from them. Its a clear case that this fraud agent and the Macro lab are cheating the job seekers.

sidpundir74MouthShut Verified Member
Uttar pardesh India
Road to success
Aug 14, 2017 10:34 AM3690 Views (via Android App)

Do whatever you do with passion. Keep your ability to expect to ask yourself.To fulfill your dreams, a lot of excitement is also important.Do not work by putting yourself under pressure so that you get weak.But if you get born, you make your daily routine so that you do not feel any weakness or stress. Only then will you get close to success. Try to know those thing which is stressing you and Then try to correct it .take the ability to remove it or improve it Work for it according to the specific plan for it.You should keep pace with your ability and desire.On this basis you should decide your purpose so that you work from passion and not in underpressure, Do not compare yourself with others, It will feel stress. Remember that you only have to cope with your limitations first.Make your plan according to the situation and then try to move forward and Make your goal in the area where you can show your full potential.

sailajanMouthShut Verified Member
Raviphad India
Overseas employers tips
May 04, 2017 03:42 PM3919 Views (via Mobile)

There are many companies which provide the overseas employments. The overseas employers will have an added advantages to view the foreign country beauty as enjoy their culture with the work. Some companies provide all benefits starting from stay in the country to food along with the salary benfits. Once while is going to work overseas will gain more amount when converted into Indian currency. There are also many spam companies which give s you offers to send you to foreign countries for employments and collect some money from you but won't show any opportunities. They simple do scam and collect your documents and Mon itself just putting you stay hold for long days. So before if you are going to work under the their party agents for the foreign countries as they do scam and fraud the people.

Raghogarh, Madhya Pradesh, India India
Gud employee
Feb 08, 2017 10:59 PM6459 Views (via Mobile)

Those employee are gud which are reliever all the work on time and they do all the work with honesty and discipline is very important for your work and work are done by a dedication. Employee are the asset of the organisations. It is always a good challenge to retain those good employees.

  1. Communicator: Employers love to hire employees who have the ability to communicate well and express themselves in a clear manner, whether in writing or speaking. Inaccurate/inappropriate communication between employees can cause many problems to the company.

  2. Self-Motivated: A good employee never hesitates of taking responsibility or a more responsible position. She also ready to work beyond the call of duty in order to meet goals or to solve problems, even if the job in discussion is not one of the regular works she is usually assigned.

  3. Hard worker: There is no substitute to hard work. Although everyone seems to say that they work hard not many keep on working after being at the job for a while. So, one has to keep reminding oneself about the importance and significance of working hard as an employee.

  4. Adaptable/decisive and effective learner: Employees who know how to adjust themselves to new environment, willing to learn new things(quick learners) and perform their best in changes are likely to be the best performers in any organization.

  5. Team Player: Many companies consist of teams. Any company requires an effective team effort. An employer who can contribute is an ideal worker. Someone who is like a fish in the water(of the organization), who can perform well in a team will become a factor sooner or later.

  6. Helping others: everyone appreciates a helping hand every now and then. Do not hesitate in helping out others. This make the person establish friendly relations with the coworkers and keeps the office running smoothly which in turn is appreciated by the employers.

  7. Honesty: A good employee is honest about his/her work and qualifications. Self criticism and willing to receive feedback(bad as good) is essential to become a good learner.

  8. Ethical: Work rules are made to be followed. There is decorum of every place that ought to be kept. A good employee follows the policies of the company and inspires others to do so too.

  9. Give credit where it is due: One of the most prevalent practices doing the rounds in offices today is stealing the credit of a job well done. A good employee will not only truthfully let the right co-worker have her credit but also share her own accolades with his team.

  10. Polite: Being friendly and approachable will never harm. a good employee greets her co workers a ‘good morning’, says little courteous things like ‘thank you’ and ‘you are welcome’. These things may appear insignificant but go a long way in establishing the person as favorite employee.

  11. Disciplined and punctual: Every boss loves a punctual, disciplined and conscientious employee. Time is money. Coming late to office, taking unnecessary breaks, procrastinating and leaving earlier than the usual hours cost money to the company. No employer will ever appreciate this.

  12. Avoid gossip: The person should always remember that she came to the office to work, to make a career. Do not spread office gossip or rumors. Respect the privacy of the co workers. Safeguard and protect the confidential nature of office business and transactions.

Jan 30, 2017 06:20 PM8131 Views (via Android App)

If you are going to be an employee that your choices but being a interpenure is the best designs of every Indian. Because in daily life we are seeing that the all countries of world are progressing day by day and there citizens are improving day by day because they know very well that job is not perfect for complete dreem so for fullfil your dreem you have choice for interpenure.

So plz gave the first chance for interpenure today we are doing work for ourself.

Interpenure is also for ourself not otherself

Jun 27, 2016 12:49 PM9303 Views

Innocent and poor people are the most vulnerable to cheated by the overseas jobs recruitment agents. There is news coming in the newspaper that how people are cheated on the name of to getting employment on overseas.

I recently read one incident in the newspaper where some workers from India gone to Dubai after paying some money to the agents for the confirm employment there. and all the important documents were with the agent only. and agent cheated them, and flew from there, taking all the money and important documents from the workers.

The Indian workers had spent the terrible night there, no home, no money, they spend the night there on a Bus. But the good thing is that Indian Government is now helping them.

So be aware of this scams. Always take all the details of the agents. Full details of the company in which you are getting employment. ask the company is there was new recruitment for the said people.

Please. dont become on of the victims of these scams. because on foreign territory, you are all alone. its very tough to live if someone cheated you there.

jksarkar007MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata, India India
Beware the cheating agent
Mar 24, 2016 11:25 PM9809 Views (via Mobile)

Many NGO agency they provide job in foreign country.The agency contact the foreign country that they provide labour from India.For that perpose they take huage money from the labour type people.They also collect money from the poor villagers.The poor people collect money to sold their most valuable money.After sold their property they are ready to go foreign country to more income.But most of the time they will be cheats.Many people after paid money they can not got job and lost their important document.As they have no option without suicide.

Some people go the foreign country but their company provide very low quality job.That are not able to do.Most of the time this company will be cheated.

So I recommend to all plz beware this type of agency.


pankajparihar08MouthShut Verified Member
vadodara India
Beware of scams
Jan 16, 2016 04:06 PM9442 Views

Innocent and poor people are the most vulnerable to cheated by the overseas jobs recruitment agents . There are news coming in newspaper that how people are cheated on the name of to getting employment on overseas.

I recently read one one incident in newspaper where some workers from India gone to Dubai after paying some money to the agents for the confirm employment there. and all the important documents was with the agent only. and agent cheated them, and flew from there, taking all the money and important documents from the workers.

The Indian workers had spent terrible night there, no home, no money, they spend the night there in a Bus. But the good thing is that Indian Government is now helping them.

So be aware of this scams. Always take all the details of the agents. Full details of the company in which you are getting employment. ask the company is there was new recruitment for the said people.

Please. dont become on of the victims of these scams. because on foreign territory, you are all alone. its very tough to live if someone cheated you there.

snagarajuluMouthShut Verified Member
virudhunagar India
Dec 28, 2015 04:34 PM9504 Views

NGO's are making the good for the society which is completely to protect the employees rules and regulations from government G.O's . So this is main for the employers Actually the Employers are looking the uninterrupted service from the others.

We need the leader of the NGO. They provide and asked the rules and regulations to government. If the government any misbehavior do that, the NGO comes to ask the government why are you doing that. So they asked the employees rules and also to do as good for the society. Like as conducted the programs

sunithatela20MouthShut Verified Member
Mangalagiri India
Employees in postal services
Nov 09, 2015 07:57 PM12133 Views

Recently I have gone to post office for sending a personal cover through courier to Bangalore.It is very pathetic to say that a Women employee in that particular seat is behaving so careless to complete her work.She hardly had taken four covers from morning to afternoon and kept a board LUNCH TIME at 1:15p.m.

Again I left the post office without completing our work and reached again after lunch timings.I was again in the queue for almost another half an hour and finally able to complete my work.It is taking one day to send a courier through post office.Better to send through private couriers rather than going to a post office

telasubbaraoMouthShut Verified Member
New Recruitment Scam - Be Aware ..! Share with all
Oct 29, 2015 02:33 PM8346 Views

Off late - I have received several calls from so called Premium Recruitment Service Recruitment agencies operation for India, Hyderabad/Bengaluru and Chennai.

Thy claim they have a requirement which exactly matches your profile. Then they pretend to confirm you profile - which normally is openly available on Linked in or other job sites where you may have posted it.

Then they will tell you about the salary offer - which is very lucrative and they can guarantee you that they can get you the job.

Now next dialogues are most important - they will inform you that these jobs are not advertised and they will position you through internal contacts . but they need a small service fees - 1000 USD or some such amount which you need to pay before they arrange your interview.!

Any reputed organisations who need you will pay for your recruitment rather than asking you to pay.

Best placement consultants abroad
Dec 28, 2013 01:25 PM7059 Views

I am looking for overseas opportunity on hardware and networking platform. Could anyone let me know genuine consultants who place people abroad?

If anyone has experience in getting placement from good consultants please share that.

I believe in reviews of and it has helped several people in knowing the true colors about few frauds.

Thanks in advance,


Mumbai India
Gensol Consultants Private Limited
Jul 18, 2012 06:57 PM12116 Views

This is to make you all aware about Gensol Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and moreover Mr. Anmol Jaggi and his brother Mr. Puneet Jaggi. They both are extreme fraudulent kind of person and by their communication skills can make fool of even a wisest person in the world. They have made a fraud of millions of rupees in their company and made fool of angel group by showing them fake bakance sheets of the company, this way they have got investment from angel groups of tune 10 crores which they have spent two crores on company and rest of eight crores they have spared for themselves without the knowledge of investors. This they have done intentionally and were planning for the same since the inception of the company. Both brothers have grafted the money and made fool of investors.

This is not enough for their praise as they have cheated their clients as well as poor employees also. They have provided lakhs of Cheques to employees which were dishonored by Bank. They have made fool of some 40 employees with fake cheques. Also to many vendors they have given fake cheques. There are so many cases pending on them in India so I sincerely advise to all kindly do not get pampered by their sweet words as they are frauds and can even sale their parents for money. They don't have any ethics, they have cheated many clients by selling their VERs without their knowledge and had actually grafted their money.

Sincerely Yours


Overseas Employers & their Agents
Mar 19, 2010 03:24 PM6771 Views

Ignorant & innocents are likely to be cheated in the hands of Overseas Employers & their Agents.They are the most vulnerable and small pawn in big game of human trafficking. Furnishing information here, which is taken from Govt. of India web-site.

Must check from the list of 383 already black-listed Foreign Employers from 20 countries.

List of suspended 20 Recruiting Agents

5 Recruiting Agents under Watch-list

Office add. URL

Useful info Overseas employments

Check free on 1800-11-3090.

Friends, please help the illiterates( labour, driver, mechanic, washer man, plumber, housekeeping, electricians, maid, midwife, nurse, aaya etc.) Train them the economics of working abroad, forex conversion rate, tax deduction there, living expenses there and the real savings per month including the cost of sending money to India.

(Source: The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs)

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