Jan 16, 2013 06:47 PM
Response Received
3rd dec 2012
http:/ http://www.100bestbuy.Com
In the last week of october2012 I participated in your contest offer by online paying rs 399 . In the 2nd week of nov12 , received a telephone call from your end and I was informed to accept your offer of rs 1012 ( one wrist watch plus 1 pendrive 4gb plus one mp3 player for rupees 1012 with benefits of return of rs 399 back to my account and another 506 credit points extra will be awarded within a week of clearance of courier amount of rs1012 in cash to courier man) I accepted & received the said corrier on 17th nov 2012 . I want to bring this for your kind information that --
Product was not same as you promise on telephone call .
My rs 399 was not given back till date .
As per promise , 506 credit points were not awarded to me till date . Please see the matter & solve the issue . Hoping for best. Your’s customtakeouter dr. Pankaj kumar tandon
ref ID 11840219
13 dec 2012
to prop. 100bestbuy.Com
this is to inform you that today at 05.30 pm.13thdec2012 , I
received a call from no. 08065701276 , nature and content of talk was similar to previous call , asking me to pay rs .About 800 and receive gift items from 100bestbuy along with about 400 point to redeem in future . When I tried to talk about my previously offered points etc , the call went off . I am trying to contact on 08065701276 but no reply .
Dec 14, 2012
1st official response from 100bestbuy--
dear customer, as per telephonic conversation we like to confirm you that we are adding credit points in your 100 bestbuy account , please wait for few days points will show in your account then you can use it for further purchase. If any more queries kindly contact us at service@100bestbuy , call us on 8065470656: regards, customer care team
19th dec 2012
shreyans chopra director suksh technology
Dear shreyans this is to inform you that I am thankful to you for making effort to solve the issue . Kindly give back my whole amount rs 1419 (as shown in my account) to me either by transferring the amount in my credit card account or by crossed cheque amounting rs 1419 send to my mailing address with you or allow me to redeem 100% credit points on my purchasing (never 50% redeem , I do not want to give you extra cash ), only then I will close the issue with thanks . Inform me on my email ID pktandon17@rediffmail.Comabout your decision at earliest . ---- .
official response
customer care
20th dec. 2012
dear dr p k tandon,
we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you , yesterday we had some technical problem so we failed to solve your issue, so by today you can use your points at 100 percent.
Thank you
on 20th dec2012
I received a call from 100bestbuy.Com representative ( calling no. 08065470658 ) on my mobile no. 9335610923 at 10:01a.M. . ( For 4min 24sec) .
Matter was discussed in detail & atlast I was promised to get value of my 1419 credit points as 100% redeem value rs 1419 on my purchasing upto rs 1419 .
On 21 dec2012
I placed 2 orders , ref. Nos. 13651158 & 13651911 , and hoped to get total two 4gbsandisk pendrives plus one keyboard plus one mouse as against 1419 credit points plus 100 rupees mobile recharge ( rs 50 X 2 orders placed) as per commitments.
Official response
customer care
21st dec. 2012
dear dr p k tandon,
thank you for your review, we have received your order, wait for few working days you will receive your product.
Thank you
when I received 1st courier envelope ref:13651158-->
product was missing
this is to inform you that I received envelope via first flight couriers ltd , 100bestbuy/Ref:13651158 . When I opened it , I found only keyboard & there was no 4gb pendrive scandisk . Pendrive was missing . I don, t thing you people r ready to quit cheating habit & you need some treatment . Reply soon .
Dr pkt
official response
customer care
27th dec. 2012
dear dr. Tandon p.K.,
We are sorry for mistake from our service, due to some packing errors you have received only one product, I kindly request you to wait for few days we will dispatch your order with fresh order ID-13848090
thank you
when you people leave your habit of cheating customers.
I received my 2nd order ref no 13651911 and I found the same
thing , product missing , see attached image file and know your
behaviour towards customers . This may give you some gain in
short-time , but this is not good for longterm , one day you have to pay heavy price for these deeds. May god give you ------------ ( fill yourself).
Dr tandon
02nd jan. 2013
I emailed to service@100bestbuy.Com-->
" I made two orders on 21st dec 2012 vide ref. No. 13651158 and 13651911 for one key board plus one pendrive (4gb sandisk) and one mouse plus one pendrive (4gb sandisk) respectively .{ Please see both of my order ref.No.S in your record } . First courier for ref.No. 13651158 I recd on27th dec12 in which keyboard was there and pendrive was missing , I informed you and you took action (with fresh order ID-13848090) then I recd one pendrive thus completing my ref.No.13651158 order . On 31dec12 I recd courier for order rfe.No.13651911 in which only mouse was there and pendrive not send . Overall I received one key board plus one pendrive plus one mouse against my total order for one keyboard plus one mouse plus two 4gb sandisk pendrive .And thus I am still at loss of one pendrive (4gb sandisk). "
Check my orders and do needful .
Dr p k tandon
on 11th jan 2013 at 12:31 a.M., I recd a call from 100bestbuy ( calling no. 08065470658) ; some female voice asked me to stop writing unfavourable comment on web pages , this is the way u 100bestbuy deal with customers . Why not u provide value for money to ur customers . You r cheating & hoping comments in praise of 100bestbuy (?) . First fulfill ur promise , ur commitments & then see the results in favour . Everything u or ur representative says on behalf of u is on record for legal purpose .
I M yet to receive my 4gb sandisk pendrive as per my order placed with u & rs50 plus rs50 ( total rs 100) mobile recharge as per ur commitments.
Dr pkt
I request online buyers to read whole contents with open mind before placing any order in 100bestbuy.Com , otherwise you will land in trouble and lose money ( don't go by their advts ).
my sincere advice is not to beleive in 100bestbuy , they never provide value for money .Sometime you will find ordered product missing , anothertime product changed without notice . They simply post excuses from 100bestbuy team , ask consumer to return product at own cost and waste your time & money . I M yet to receive my 4gb sandisk pendrive as per my order placed with them & rs50 plus rs50 ( total rs 100) mobile recharge as per their commitments. Let's hope , 100bestbuy team will learn some lesson by reading so many unfavourable responses from victimized innocent consumers . God give them satbuddhi .
OnJAN 14 , 2013 I recd official mail from 100bestbuy Service saying " Dear PANKAJ TANDON ,
We regret for the inconvenience caused by us.This is in response to your mail that,
Please mention your query or contact to the customer care number mentioned on our website.
You can also contact our customer care representative at 080 6547 0656
Thank You For Utilizing Our Services
Customer Care
http://www.100bestbuy.com "
I again request online buyers to read whole contents/ complete review before further dealing with 100bestbuy.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.