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General Tips on Books Tips

Social psychology book by Robert. A. Baron
Dec 22, 2024 09:48 PM 108 Views (via Mobile)

This book helped me to dwell into the Psychology of the individuals and it helped me academically and I strongly recommend this book for psychology students as it's important to know how the social world around us works this book help us to understand humans social nature.

Books of ntpc
Nov 14, 2024 07:41 PM 65 Views (via Mobile)

Pls don't buy , it is only fake .I purchased this book and this book is nothing for preparation.only waste of money .

Pls buy arihant previous year or unsolved.

Jul 03, 2020 03:26 PM 679 Views


Bhiwani Haryana India India
Hiw to choose a right book
Jun 11, 2019 07:33 AM 784 Views (via Android App)

There are no book who inspire everyone. Every person have some different desire and dream. You have to choose thw right book accorsing to your needs. For example I am in network marketing so I have to read the book regarding to my business which help me to educate my self. Every book have some different role point. They work on different topic. Books are the best friend of yours because books are the experience of successful people. Writer tell his experience how he complete his they achieve them

A good guide for engineering xam of RGPV
May 07, 2018 03:49 PM 1274 Views

I am studying from the books of shivani publication from my 1st semester of engineering of rgpv and it''s help me to do clears the semester exams of every semester .the book provide full syllabus of rgpv ,and all previous exam question answer in good manner that one can get good marks by reading through the books .the shivani publication provide all book guide for all engineering courses like for all branches of engineering like electrical ,mechanical ,civil ,electronics ,etc .the book is available at all the book shops in MP areas and it also cost low price .it helps the student to know the types of question asked by the rgpv university and helps the student .the book is always up to date updated that one can clear the university exam by reading through it,all the numerical problem are also solved inThe book so there is no worry of it.even 80 % of question comes from this book in semester exam of the RGPV UNIVERSITY.

abhisheksinghaa61MouthShut Verified Member
Patiala India
Tips On Books
Feb 25, 2018 01:00 PM 1326 Views

Books are the integral part of our education . So guys I am going to share some time which helps you .

  1. Always before purchasing book compare prices online so to make clear idea of genuine price of book so it will save your money.

  2. Most important thing is that always read reviews about the book that whether it lived up to expectations of anyone who purchased it else it is not worth purchasing a book whose reviews are not satisfying.

  3. For students to purchase textbooks so they should consult their teachers before purchasing the books, but do not go simply to purchase any book which is cheaper and light in weight.

  4. Good source for students to bring book is from library that they can read and bring some other book after finishing so it will save money.

  5. Please never ever purchase photostat book rather prefer to purchase or bring it from senior as photostat book causes boredom de to its dll appearance and we end up quitting it in midway.

  6. If reading or choosing book like novel so always prefer to read moral book as they are rich in ethical value that will hepl you to build a better perspective of life.

Ak06MouthShut Verified Member
Noida India
Purchase it but check before
Dec 26, 2017 06:59 PM 1220 Views (via Android App)

Books are integral part of our education and correctly reading and inferring content from it is very essential to fetch the knowledge by any reader but also it is important to explore which kind of book and from where we should purchase it

So there are some tips on book : -

Most important always purchase books that are in relevance to your interest else they will remain in your table unread for forever and money will be wasted away.

1) .Always before purchasing book compare prices online so to make a clear idea of genuine price of book , it will save your money.

2) .Most important always read reviews about the book that whether it lived up to expectation of anyone who purchased it else it is'nt worth purchasing a book whose reviews are not satisfyimg .

3) For students to purcahse textbooks , they should consult their teachers before purchasing any book , but dont go simply to purchase any book which is cheaper and light in weight.

4) .Good source for students to bring book is from library that they can read and bring some other book after finishing so it will save money.

5) .please never ever purchase photostat book rather prefer to purchase or bring it from senior as photostat book causes boredom its dull appearance and we end up quitting it in midway.

6) .If reading or choosing book like novel so always prefer to read moral book as they are rich in ethical valura that will help you to build a better perspective of life .

So purchase good book .

varunhearthacker5MouthShut Verified Member
Sitapur India
Books are everything
Dec 10, 2017 05:56 PM 1332 Views (via Mobile)

Books are the biggest assets for human because books provides us the knowledge about life as well as developmental fact also.

Whenever you read a book Frist of all create a notes of particular books so that in future you never miss any content if your book in absence.

Read the words and line deeply because when you find that the sense of words which author wants to communicate then you find a new knowledge and also it increase your skills also.

Solve the questions which is given in the books so that the skills are improve and you find out the real opportunity.

So my experience about books with my opinion that mist read offline books because it provide us the value of life.

Tips on Books............
Sep 10, 2017 11:37 AM 2154 Views

Hello everyone, Today I share my experience of mistake with a book and cause of it I get the knowledge about a General tips on book. so here I also write that in our school time we have same book but in college or another study we have to know that it has many Author book or the books are not same. I study B.A in 2nd year and I brought a political science book of a Author but when I take it college the teacher say that it not your course so I again go to the bookstore and change it. And brought the next one which course is same. so friends in high level class we have to know that which book is useful to us.Thanks for reading.

anishsolanki10MouthShut Verified Member
Durg India
Tips on Books
Sep 01, 2017 01:38 PM 2165 Views (via Android App)

  1. Firstly, When we buying Books we have know to first and visit the book shore for checking its price and the content and the languages of the books. The best book those book for us, that will be written in depth information but in easiert way and in simple word that would be easily to understand and knowing it. There are various books available in market, but you have to choose that book which will gave the latest information with simple language that you can make easily to understand it without any teacher. Dont buying the books , accordingly the quality of the books and price of the book. Buying the book, acoordingly information and how the books is written in simple languages which makes easily to understand.

Real books
Aug 23, 2017 02:42 PM 1731 Views (via Mobile)

Books are more helpful for improve our knowledge. Daily read one page of the book. Concentration also increasing. Different types of books poems, stories, novels, biographys.etc. we develop our reading hobbies.i read our father of india mahathmagandhi' s life article. I am very exited read after this book. He worked very hard to our country for getting independence. Today we freedom to live here. Because of freedom fighters. I after read this book Iam really respect and love mahathmagandhi. My role model also mahathmagandhi. So we get many more informations from books. Books are my real friend. Book readers are became genius. Today our new generation only concentrate only read text book and mobile phone chatings. That's not enough to know about this world. Just read books also. Books are the real Hero's.

High rate book is valuable
Aug 17, 2017 04:40 PM 1978 Views

High rate books are value able means the books having good values are very costly a common family member can not buy these book there we often see only big personalty read books others consider that poor does not reading but it is not they like but financial condition does allow them to so government must provide high rated book at low cost only for BPL members I am sure no one saw any poor while reading any biopic or novel these all equipment only deserved by richer

safalagarwalMouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
How to choose a book to read?
Jul 30, 2017 12:26 AM 2209 Views

Many people get confused while choosing a book to read and the question arises in their mind is "How to choose a book to read?" Now answer to this question is, "It depends". It depends on many factors.

If can not read long books, start with short stories, as reading a 2 page short story is easier than reading a 200 page book.

If your English is at a beginner level, start with the books of writers like Chetan Bhagat, as there you will find comparatively simple words and sentence construction.

There are some books  which are master piece and it is said that you must read them before you die. You can easily search those books on google by typing something like "Top ten books of all time etc.

Choosing a book also depend of your purpose of reading.

Like if you are unhappy with your life or searching the meaning of the life, or want to improve the quality of your life, you should read some self help, philosophical or spiritual books.

If you want to improve your managerial skills to get success in corporate life, you should read some management books.

If you want to improve your English writing, you should read some English grammar books.

Choosing a book also depend on your interest. If you like to read fiction, read some novels or story books.

Last but last the least, no matter what genre you read, but you must read.

palakraghu29MouthShut Verified Member
- India
Which book to read???
Jul 06, 2017 02:15 PM 1922 Views

This is actually a big question which book to read so here I come with the answer read books which suits your personality. There are many people who like romance then they can go for The Notebook. Some like to read humor then they can read Shopaholic, some likes to read motivational books then they can go for Lilly Singh's How to be a bawse.

You must know which kind of books suits you or you like. I personally like Romance and Motivation . so you must first know what exactly is your taste. What actually suits your personality and you will soon get to know about which book you should read.

vinesh99MouthShut Verified Member
Rajnagar Colliery India
Books are real friend of person
Jun 03, 2017 05:24 PM 2216 Views

Reading skill - everyone should read books daily in order to increase their reading skill. reading books will help you in concentrating in their study and also improves their interest in study.

different books - one should read books from different fields it will be joyful and recommend don't read books from any particular field it will get boredoms to the reader.

knowledge giving book - always read book which will provide knowledge to the reader it will help you in increasing their general knowledge.

moral knowledge - always read the books which will give some moral values to the reader.

books with color and pictures - always read that books which have colors and pictures so it will attract the users and it will be more interesting to the readers.

How to improve you reading skills?
Apr 20, 2017 07:04 PM 2942 Views

To improve you reading, you should read books daily nad then you will able to get fluncy in it. Just go with the flow and enjoy reading.

You should not judge the book by its cover, so I will prefer you to read book like novels, story book.

I will suggest you some writers book to read that will really will help you to get your aim.

You should read chattan bhagat novels.

His novels is reaLLy very very good.


Thank you to all .

prajapatinihal2011MouthShut Verified Member
Varanasi, India India
General Tips on Books
Feb 28, 2017 11:09 PM 3584 Views

Hello friends, Reading book is one of the best Habit of any successful people. You can be a successful person by reading books and implement it's information. Definitely you need to follow some tips in the processing of selecting a good book.

If the book for child or educating the child, then select the book with pictures. Because picture give a good impression for a child to understand better.

If the book is for elders just pick the book of your interest and check whether your standard is up to the author. Because if you read the book its very useful that you should understand it.

Always select the book which increases your knowledge. It will help you to make better future.

If you are in a confusion to select the best book do not hesitate to take the help of your librarian or your teacher.

And in last, find proper time and proper place of your convenience, so that you can read the entire book.

tks0846MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Feb 22, 2017 11:43 PM 3034 Views

Hello all books very good for made and so many books not very best made and it is very fast to rip the books it is not good some children rip the book and after finish the work it is not good and when every one made book and that time when they best made book and I like read book so many people rip the book that why I dont like rip the book every one not rip the book I wish and any children not rip the book

sid054321MouthShut Verified Member
Jalandhar India
Tips to improve your reading comprehension
Feb 19, 2017 02:30 PM 2903 Views

Never read a book without a pen in your hand.

Read the whole paragraph or section before you highlight or underline something.

Read out load due to which you will read slowly which more time to comprehend what you are reading.

While reading a paragraph which you like complete the paragraph and then stop for few minutes and try to comprehend what you have just read.

Explain what you read to yourself standing in front of the mirror.

Read silently at times but use a pencil to mark cross on the line of the paragraph which you think are not important.

bluffboyMouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
My opinion on books !
Feb 15, 2017 05:04 PM 2861 Views (via Mobile)

When I am able to understand, I found in my hand books . Books plays an important role in our life . every book is important for us because every book teach us something without any demand . from child to grow up books plays his role perfectly, it depends on us how much we take knowledge from books .

Sometimes I thought books are like good friends who always gave good advise and knowledge without any demand and books never leave us .

if you make books your good friends than you never take harm from anyone .

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