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General Thoughts on New York City Reviews

A sequel to Pearl Harbour : The real story
Sep 12, 2001 07:25 PM 1150 Views

There have been enough reviews condemning the horrifying act of terrorism perpetrated against USA on September 11,2001.I would first of all like to clarify that this is not a review for ratings or points.Basically,I would just like to express my complete support for all the people who have condemned this act of inhumanity.

Here is a brief revival of events which took place.

Four american inland aircrafts carrying 266 people on board were hijacked by unknown terrorists with knives on the morning of September 11,2001.The complete flight crew were killed and the terrorists gained control of the cockpit.At precisely 8:45 am,one of the planes struck the north tower of the WTC in what seemed like a disastrous accident,but,few minutes later a second plane striking the south tower confirmed horrifying suspicions that indeed,the world's most powerful coutry was being terrorised.I guess everyone knows what followed.The succesive crashes at the pentagon and the attempted strike at Camp David left countless dead and injured.

Personally speaking,I do not like USA's policy of interfering (Israel-Palestine for example),but if this is a retaliation against those interferences,then it is totally unjust and condemnable.But I also have no doubt in my mind that this act of terror can only have been the brainwork ofthis billionaire lunatic Usmar Ben Laden.USA's anger against Afghanistan is unjustified and will result only in the spilling of more innocent blood.Instead the only wise thing to do would be to put in all efforts to bring this lunatic to justice.

Unlike so many other Indians,I was left praying for my relatives in th US yesterday.I would like to express complete sympathies to those who have lost loved ones yesterday.All I know is that,a new era of modern terrorism has begun and one day it could me ,you or more innocent people.May God help us all.

Darkest moment in History
Sep 12, 2001 07:14 PM 1466 Views

First of all, my condolences to the people died, deepest shock and disbelif of the incident occured yesterday. I would also like to say that, this is more about humanity and civilisation of this world. I would also like to say that, I do not have much knowledge about this great city, and this is in response to the DARKEST MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.

As we all know what happened and who might have done it, it is really unnecssary to write any thing about this incident. But, what I really liked about this city and the people of this city is the way they reacted to the situation. They are in greatest shock of their lives, as indeed we are. There has been no report what so ever of any disturbance and even looting all this while. There has been no report of any anger resulting in any kind of in-human activity. If the people of this great city do indeed carry on this kind of great behavior, then, I would not hesitate to say that, the evil plans have only succeeded in taking thousands of lives and disturbing the world economy. But, more importantly, they have failed. They have failed in disturbing the spirit of HUMANITY, the spirit of FREEDOM and the spirit of MANKIND.

This is not an attack on USA or New York, but attack on the whole concept of MANKIND. The whole world has to wake up to the challenge and danger, and drive away the evil as early as possible.


Finally, to end, I would like to again give my condolences to the people killed or feared killed and also greatest appreciations for their courage to stand up. I, for the sake of HUMANITY, hope that this great city will stand up again and be the centre of the world finance and freedom.

Ironically, the people who died in the attack yesterday are the fortunate ones, as they need not think where the next bomb will blow or a jet might crash on them. we who live, have to continue to live in great danger and fear of an attack every day, rather every moment.

Sep 12, 2001 06:56 PM 1551 Views

What I am about to say, will not be popular with most of you!

I am talking about the the destruction of our Beautiful City,


And the horrific loss of life.

I have an Eighteen year old Grandson, who was thrilled to have been awarded a Scholarship

to a wonderful University, in Manhattan. ''Cooper Union''

The school is about one mile from the Horrific events.

Needless to say he witnessed it all, in all its horror!

Another female family member, who has worked at the Stock Market for many years,

was forced to walk on foot, for hours and hours struggling to find her way out of the City.

Another member, A New York City FIREMAN, is in the hospital,

lucky to be alive, He told his wife''He cannot get the memory of broken bodies and blood, from his mind.''

This has to be STOPPED!! NOW!

They know who is responsible! These animals have no concern what-so-ever, for human life.

They used innocent people as weapons, to kill more innocent people..

No more ''A SLAP ON THE WRIST.''


Go after them!!And all, and everyone who has helped them.

If it has to be WAR, THEN SO BE IT!!

Yes, sadly some innocent lives will be lost,

But that is a fact of war...

They are VERMIN and must be destroyed..

Some say let's not return violence with violence!

Let's talk it out!

These are not Humans, they are Animals with no respect for life,

their own, or anyone else!

This is not just an attack on America, it is an attack on

the Free World.

America must protect itself, and everyone who depends on it..

Sorry Folks, the time for Talking is DONE!

They already think that we cannot stop them!

These are my opinions, and If you do not agree, that is your choice.


General Thoughts on New York City
Welcome to the real world America
Sep 12, 2001 06:55 PM 1347 Views

I too would like to expree my heartfelt condolences, however there are alawys two sides to coin. After sixty years America has seen bloodshed of this type on it's soil but we in witness it daily in Kashmir. With all due respect to all those who died it should be brought to notice that we have casualties of the same number much often. Since ages now India has been asknig America to help figt terrorism probably now they will understand why.

Morover America's ''dadagiri'' is also a factor to consider here. After all how long do you think you can keep the guys in the middle east will put up with it.

Anyway what has happened is a sure sign of cowardliness, but that is characteristic those Middle Eastern terrorists.

The Aftermath
Sep 12, 2001 06:22 PM 1412 Views

I'm writing this exactly 24 hours after the beginning of a day that will haunt us all for the rest of our lives. The sun rose today as any other day and shines upon the heads of the many brave fire, police and rescue personnel that search for the victims including half of the original firefighters that entered the building first. There is the glimmer of hope as six survivors are found. This balanced against the emergency room doctor who explains the number of injured at his facility -well over 300-is a bad sign and speaks to the great loss of life.

Already the press has begun like vultures, descending on families with missing loved ones from the Trade Center or planes. I abhor the manner in which they are probed and asked questions as they choke back tears. As the coverage continues-I find it more difficult to watch as the cameras focus on the devastation. I wonder sometimes, about how this desensitizes our children to violence. Does the news look any different than the video game or the movies that so many are allowed to watch.

We must all, my friends, as others have already said so well, consider the magnitude of this tragedy and what is means for all of us who consider ourselves human. The changes, as Abbey so aptly says, must begin with each of us. This is a day to put away a petty feud, listen to a lost soul and be as we were created to be. As long as we tolerate injustice and prejudice this will be our world.

For myself, I feel very fortunate-I stepped off a plane in Boston on Monday afternoon-a day earlier than I had originally planned. My brother missed a flight that would have put him at Dulles in Washington. My friend's daughter who works at the World Trade Tower was late due to traffic and missed her ferry to Manhattan.

Today, pray for those we have lost, pray for those who grieve and hold close those you love.


As was graciously pointed out to me in the comments, NYC is under ordinary circumstances a wonderful place to visit and I would definitely recommend it. For this review, I felt the need to say ''no'' but as a statement regarding the tragedy and not the city.

When Will the BloodShed End !
Sep 12, 2001 06:09 PM 1315 Views

First of all I would like to give mine and all my friends condolences from the deepest of my heart to all the people who got killed and injured in the barbaric and cowardly act ever !

Believe me, I have never been hurt more. This was truly the most heart-rending tragic accident and my heart bleeds for all those who were injured and killed. Bush has described them perfectly as ''faceless cowards'' and rightfully so. But was all this really needed.

Does violence solve anything ? Now USA will find out who is behind this and blast them away. So was this foolish bombing needed. This is not just USA we are talking about. We are talking about Kashmir, Afghanistan , Chechnya and all the other ill-fated places. So how can this problem be tackled. Well, I guess we cannot solve this problem. It has to Solve itself. You may say lets just blast these terrorists. Well one dies and another one takes birth ! As abbey said No one wins, everyone loses.

Terrorism will exsist for a long time. though it is a hard fact to accept ! At first I was full of rage and hatred . I thought that Americans should blast them to smithereens as they had killed people they did not even know. People who were just getting on with the tough buisness called life. People who could not wait for the day to start . People who could not wait to see thier kids and loved once again and which they never will. But reason rather than emotion prevailed. But it is said that Time Heals everything, But will it heal this. I dont guess so! I just hope that the people behind this BURN IN HELL !

My prayers are with the fire-fighters and rescue workers and all those who are involved in this rescue act and let god bless them!

Sep 12, 2001 05:28 PM 1256 Views

The whole world has heard the news and many reports have been given. I am sure reporters are trying to be as accurate at possible but at this point there are many things that have not been solved. It is going to take many days if ever to come up with a final death and injury total.

I am not going to dwell on the events as we all know what happened as we have been told.

Declaring war would prove nothing but more senseless killings and innocent lives lost. That is the last thing we need.

What we do need is for our nation to gather together as a whole and pray for world peace.Having faith in our creator I have no feelings of being afraid.

Something like this happens and people dwell on the negative instead of thinking positive thoughts. It may be hard for one to understand why I say this. Certainly what happened was not a positive thing. But we have to remain positive that it will not happen again and that the parties responsible may just have been the ones piloting those planes.

It would take an awful lot of investigation to get to the route of the whole thing and find out who is responsible beyond a shadow of a doubt so what are we to do, take our best guess and go kill a bunch of people? That is absurd.

We need to have faith in God and remain at peace within our selves and know that God alone gets revenge not us. He will handle this in his way and his time.

Although the tragedy will be on everyone's minds don't dwell on it. If you can help by donating blood please do so.

Then go on with life as you normally would. Panic and fear could be just playing into some one's hands and it takes calm minds to deal with any situation that could arise.

Hope I have offended none. Just one womans thoughts on the subject. My rating is not based on the state. I am giving this a 1 as I am rating the tragedy.

Pittsburgh United States
Tears for a City!
Sep 12, 2001 06:53 AM 2182 Views

September 11, 2001 is a day I will always remember. The tragedy of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center makes my heart ache and the tears sting my eyes. For many of us New York City is a remarkable place to visit. Indeed, the skyscrapers and sights are like no other in the world! Yet the most wonderful aspect of the city are the people!

The term ''melting pot'' accurately describes the city. On any given day you can see people from all over the world living peacefully together. Oh yes, New York has it's problems yet spend some time there and I strongly believe you will notice the people friendly and warm. I had the honor of living in New York City for several months and I wasn't sure what to expect. I was told New Yorkers were cold and harsh. That is not the truth. My neighbors invited me to visit them my first week there. One was a lovely Indian couple who treated me to an Indian feast. The other a Puerto Rican student who fast became my good friend. Quickly I made friends and they showed me the real New York. Out of the way restaurants and delightful places such as Chinatown and Little Italy. My cousin came to visit and stared at the playground for several minutes. I wondered what caught her interest and she smiled and said, ''That playground is a rainbow of children! Such a beautiful sight!'' Indeed it was!

I remember the Trade Center fondly and now it is gone. That isn't important. The loss of life and the terror caused by this action is senseless and is the real tragedy. May we unite like those children in the playground and try to live in peace. We are all God's children and each of us is special! Thank you for allowing me to write.

A sad and sick day
Sep 12, 2001 04:56 AM 2367 Views

I write this as I watch the aftermath of the cowardly terror attacks on New York and elsewhere.

So many emotions flooding my head. First to mind are sickness and sadness. Stupidity. Ignorance. They didn't win today, they lost credibility, something that will be much harder to resurrect than the twin towers. Ironically The end result will be a stronger America. I doubt that this was the intention of the fools, but I believe it. The victim heals and becomes stronger.

If this was brought about by Arab terrorists, they over estimated their power and underestimated the resolve of the U.S.

If far-right Americans are to blame, they have defeated there own cause. I am a libertarian in many ways, but if it takes stronger government controls to help prevent this, well......

If these acts were sponsored by entities in the Middle East, I hope we as Americans are intelligent enough to chill out. Those who victimize people of Arab descent as a means of personal retaliation only lower themselves. Their victims may well be better Americans than they.

I can accept a case unsolved. I believe that we are all created, loved and judged by the same God. Anyone foolish enough to think this was a situation that had anything to do with a moral martyrdom will answer eventually to a just God. I will trust in His decision.

I apologise if anyone was offended. It was not my intent. I needed to say something and I appreciate those who took the time to read.

My prayers go out to the families of the victims.


My deepest sympathy
Sep 12, 2001 03:52 AM 2730 Views

First and foremost, my deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost (or has a missing) friend or loved one due to the horrific acts of terrorism that have occurred today, in not only New York, but in my eyes, the world!

When will acts of terrorism upon innocent people stop? Hasn't this world seen enough horror?

The lives of tens of thousands of people were lost or maimed or injured today because of ignorance stupidity and greed.

And what will happen now? Will we retalliate by striking back, and cause the loss of more lives and more unnecessary destruction?

We (ALL PEOPLE) can not continue to play the game of ''I can destroy more than you can!'' What will it prove? It will accomplish nothing.

I for one am not ready to die in a nuclear war. And that is the next step!

We must put a stop to all this hatrid and anger there is in this world.

The only way to do it, is to do it one person at a time. And if each of us can get one other person to put our anger and hatrid aside, and they in turn get another and another. Maybe we can find a way to all live on this earth in peace and harmony, before there is no more earth left for us!

Are we all to ignorant to have not learned from the past? No one wins! We all lose in one way or another.

Heartfelt gratitude goes out to all firefighters, police, emergency medical teams, doctors and nurses for all they are doing. And to all who are giving or have given blood to help those who need it. And to our servicemen (and women) who are on alert for whatever may happen next!

Sep 12, 2001 02:20 AM 1566 Views

I would like to send out my sympathies to all the families who lost their loved ones today. I got rude awakening this morning when we got the phone call from my sister in law stating that her husband (my hubby's little brother) has been called to defense with his navy ship out to sea. At this point and time we are devested and worried for his safety but proud of him for standing for this country. We would like to ask for everyone's prayers that all military men who are serving time this disaster. Right now, we should all stick together as one big family and help each other by showing the support for one another. I have to say one good thing my hubby did today was donated blood. Unfortunately, I cannot due to medical reasons. But any of you out there who decides to donate blood you will be saving a life. If salvation army announces they want donations, you can bet I will be the first to donate to them. I would like to say keep praying and be safe everyone. GOD bless everyone and keep your chin up! Thanks for reading. :-)

A world under seige
Sep 12, 2001 12:40 AM 1528 Views

In a shocking attempt to shake the Bush administration, terrorists struck New York and Washington DC today taking out the Famous World Trade Center and Pentagon with Human guided missiles loaded with the oldest known explosives to mankind, fuel oil !

Given the extent and nature of the strike and the absolute disregard for human life, which has made the lived of the 266 passengers and the ordeal they must have gone through in the last few minutes of their life aboard the flights seem so insignificant that no one seems to have even mentioned it, is really both terrifying and monstrous at the same time.

What is even more monstrous is that there are such people on this earth who given their level of intelligence which would have been needed to plan such a precise and well timed attack are still living such miserable lives that they could actually be desperate and wretched enough to put this plan into action and some of them would have even killed them selves piloting the planes into their targets.

Something is definately very wrong with the world that we live in today and if nothing else we should all re-visit our morals and values in life towards our fellow man on this day.

A wise man once said, ''What is it that we live for, if not to make living easier for others.''

Sep 11, 2001 09:02 PM 4653 Views

(this opinion is about what is happening in America RIGHT NOW. The world trade center, and the pentagon have been blown up by terrorists using airoplanes).

11th September 2001, 3:30pm, (UK time)

I am right now watching the CNN channel on sky digital, and the scene that I am seeing is horrible. The world trade center has been blown up by a hijacked plane, and as much as 50,000 people have died. Another explosion happened at the Pentagon , and it is thought to be another plane. The reporter covering this looks almost as if he is in tears.....this is tragic and the people who did this need to be brought to justice. People have been stampeding through downtown Manhattan, and I now know that anotehr plane has crashed in Pittsburgh, and another is headed for anotehr city. Why are these people being killed though?? because some terrorists want some publicity. people are choking running through the citys, and everyone is being taken away from the banking district......this is horrific, and on CNN their is some phone calls from important people telling people south of Canal Street, to leave their houses and walk slowly away from the area.

Around the world countries have been condeming this act of terrorism, including Britain, Germany and Israel. Many countries are getting ready in case this happens anywhere else.....while in NYC They are trying to get ambulances to the district, t ohelp the injured......there is smoke pouring from the world trade center.....tjis is horrific.......once again, teh mayor is urging people to move away from the the Pentagon, there is a HUGE gaping hole in the side of it, and the fire departments are trying as hard as they can, pouting streams of water on the building.....they are trying to get people out of the Pentagon so they can be taken for help in the hospitals.......(when the building stated collapsing people were jumping out of windows, and people got out, badly hurt....there is thousands in tears, they can hardly speak but they are trying to talk to the CNN reporters....i feel so sorry for them....)

On BBC1 I have just seen George Bush, and then Tony Blair give speeches, and the yseem genuinely hurt and shocked.....i feel physically sick, and I send out my sympathies to the people there and their families....

(sorry it is a bit erratic, but I am watching the news and telling it as I hear it.)

People are now saying that the UK or other european countries could be next, AND a group wtih PALESTINIAN in the name have taken responsibilitie for the terrorism, AND the yare Evacuating LONDON and ISRAEL!!!! I am genuinely scared now!!

i am scared, and there is news that another plane is headed for is scary...both world trade buildings have collapsed....i don't know what to planes are allowed to take off, and people are fearing for there lives....why is this happening to htose innoccent people???? Most of the large important buildings have been evacuated, and an American airways flight from Boston to La has either gone down, or has been hijacked, because they can't get any contact to it. Another going to LA is down. I am shocked.....

a number of planes from American Airways have gone down, with roughly 50-80 people on each one.....many people are bound to be hurt. Every department of most major cities plan is now in full effect. The worst has happened, and they are implemenitng their plan.....Many have died in the last couple of hours....

Flight 93 an United Airlines plane hsa crashed in Pennsylvania......How much more....??


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