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Geethanjali Vidyalaya, Bangalore Reviews

Geetanjali vidyalaya
Jul 05, 2024 08:32 PM 348 Views

Very poor infrastructure and bathroom facilities. Bathrooms stink most of the time. But rest I feel is pretty good.

Most appreciated school
Dec 09, 2023 01:11 PM 960 Views (via Mobile)

I am a parent of Geetanjali vidyalaya it's really piercing to see such comments. As a parent , who being a part of such a renowned institution where every person from the management to the staff of the school always support and encourage every individual from ground staff to the teaching staff have beenmaligned with such ridiculous comments .Stop misguiding people if you do not have an intellectual thinking, This is a reflection of being unm and uncivilized.Being a parent I bow my head to such commendable job of management and the teachers because of whom my child who was the most distractive child is analysed and channelised in a such a manner that today I am a proud parent of a creative, disciplined and thoughtful child .The principal of the school has always made a point that each and every child of the school takes part in annual events and also encourage their participation in other activities which is conducted as a part of CCA to inculcate confidence and overall development of the child .

Sep 22, 2023 06:45 AM 910 Views (via Mobile)

It's very disturbing and annoyance to see the cries of many teachers that their salary is paid very late every month and salary dependent women to support their kid and family, what they will do. THE SCHOOL PAYS THE SALARY ON THEIR OWN TIME.

The owner of the school too have family. Pls try to understand the delayed salary payment to teachers will really put teachers down emotionally and sure THEIR CURSE ( all teachers accumulated curse ) will one day pay you back with devastating time.


Geethanjali Vidyalaya - Bangalore
Money minded management, below average school
Jul 22, 2023 10:57 AM 1158 Views (via Mobile)

The study level is below average. The school management extracts money for even issuing TC. If you deny to pay then school doesn't responds to messages and calls. Ultimately you will have to buy TC. No complaints will work. School management upfront says that even the government bodies (BEO) can't control them. Parents are really helpless in front of such a system.

Worst school ever !!!
Feb 08, 2023 07:07 PM 1461 Views

Plz dont waste ur time and put ur kids in this school the mangagment is poor and I had bad exprince for10 years and the senior teachers dont know how to teach they just rush through the portion s also the tolite is really bad half of the tolite is broken and the flush does not work! only one good thing is the transport is good. the soical studies teacher is fit for nothing she comes to class and talk rubish and she never teaches she wil just dictate question and answers from the gudie. this school managmet very bad!

Rubbish school
Feb 08, 2020 05:24 PM 6580 Views

Sending your kid to this school is a big waste of everything .i would send my child to a government school instead of this school. This school has literally ruined my child's life .my child had undergone depression because of the torture given by the school .the senior teachers are fit for nothing .starting from the principal Seetha Lakshmi .as a parent till my notice they pick only the best students for everything and get ready to watch your child cry if they are a little poor in studies or have a little bad reputation. the school has such poor infrastructure. when it comes to present advertisements they are the best in presenting lies and attract parents and ruin a child's life .the senior staff bearly have any knowledge about their subjects they just walk in with demo and ask the students to bring notes etc.the kids who don't study are never motivated for anything .they use and throw the students .the correction of papers is totally based on partiality .the school demotivates the students when they come to their senior classes and torture the kids to all extent .seetha Lakshmi has no sense of time and she is just that fake person of the school .her method of teaching will make your student unclear with all the concepts .as per my notice Seetha Laksmi even lies to the parents about their children.the school writes reviews on their own to grab attention.i would recommend the school to get better teachers and give more importance to all the students and not only the favorites. and I would request the school administration to remove all the senior staff and start a new beginning .the students can live a better school life without this horrible senior staff .do consider my review before admitting your kids to this horrible school .

Worst behaviour of secondary school teachers.
Nov 04, 2019 04:43 PM 7184 Views

Secondary school teachers are not up to the mark with their behavior, teaching capabilities, parents co-ordination.

unwell planning of exams, no proper guidance from teachers.

senior Teachers are not capable of handling present generation kids.

No proper encouragement for sports & extra curricular activities.

Not sure if school Directors are reading our reviews and taking any action.

I would strongly suggest to replace senior teachers including principal .

Would not recommend this school for anyone especially for Secondary Grade.

Feb 10, 2019 04:29 PM 11341 Views

I have had the first-hand experience of this institution so please, do consider this review before admitting your child into this school. Consider this a fair warning and a relevant source of authority about the working of this school.

Infrastructure- The school has very poor infrastructure. Biology lab barely has an experimental apparatus. The chemicals in the chemistry lab are expired so we never really see any experiments happen because of it. The courts are not maintained and the turf is wearing out. The classes do not have fans. The washrooms are pathetic. No water and it is always stinking. It is disgusting and the washrooms are never clean. The flush does not work either.

Teachers- Nobody, not even the worst of foes should have such pathetic teachers. Teachers like these, are exactly why children have psychological traumas at an early age. There is no place for a nurturing ground among students. If you score well, you are dolled up, but if you are not, you are blamed for everything. Whether you have made the mistake or not, you will be blamed for eveything that happens.

First of, Sita Ma'am, no sense of responsibility or accountability. She taught us biology and OH MY GOD, she does not know anything in Biology. She has 0 teaching capabilities when it comes to chapters like Reproduction so she would skip everything and not teach anything. Heredity and Evolution, she does not know the basic principles of it, so ended up teaching the wrong things. She has this horrible quality of judging girls if they have guy friends and questioning her character as well. This is 2019, not 1920, please have the mentality for it. It might seem frivolous but it affects people a lot. I have seen people go through fits of tears and having their character questioned in front of a few dozens of people, just because a boy and a girl were sharing lunch. Nobody deserves to go through judge of character and stereotypes in mere adolescence.

Just when you thought it could not get any worse, Geetanjali Vidyalaya has a social teacher named Komathy. I can go on and on about the vexing characters she possesses but well, I will rather illustrate.

  1. Stereotyping is in her blood. She has said this, time and again, in various classes, " North Indians are spoiling the South Indian culture and people. If you people are not here, it will be much better"

A social science teacher passing such comments? well, absolutely absurd.

She does not teach, one bit. Does not really know anything to teach because she is as poorly educated with average English speaking skills. She will just dictate notes from her textbook'ExamIdea' and otherwise, do drama and skits. Wastes time and does nothing productive.

She is the example of the chauvinist, misogynist, sexist human, nobody should be taught by.

This one instance, my direct seniors were asked to come out of class to check for phones. I am not making this up, but she actually, "pinched my male seniors posterior", in order to "check for phones". She wastes the time of the class by talking absolute bullshit and commenting on guys and girls. If you are a boy, then, congrats, she will love you, but if you are not, get ready for all the sexist comments coming your way.

This teacher has also'slapped' students on their cheeks countless times in the past for unnecessary reasons. She does not know her subject and marks are awarded according to the cleanliness of handwriting. I have had every batch, every class, every section that she has taught complain and put forth issues about her, but they have all been in vain.

I ask a question, is this the kind of environment you want your children to grow in? I was a fairly good student and did exceptionally well in my boards but in a way, she spoiled my school days, and this is not just me, but almost every person that has been taught by her. She has characterised girls and called them characterless simply beacuse they have friends as boys and have called parents and fed lies in their ears, because of the sadistic person that she is.

This school has many other dismal and pathetic things about it, but these need to be highlighted. This school offers no exposure to kids in any way whatsoever. People are not incentivised to have dance groups(because dance will spoil our culture, also the clothes worn while dancing is indecent so no dancing) singing or any other co-curricular activities. We barely go for any competitions and do not involve any schools whatsoever which is very bad for a child's overall growth. Things like Model United Nation Competition and deabtes are necessary for honing skills in children, which is absent in this school.

sports are pathetic and honestly, government schools are better than this school. I speak as an alumnus of this school and it is shameful for me to even associate with this school, because of the way this school is. Your child deserves a fair chance at childhood and nurtuting love and affection, do not ruin it for them. I really wishe my parents would have put me into another place where I could be ebetter taught and exposed to new things. I have made friends in this place, that would last me a lifetime, but irrespective of that, this school is pathetic. I cannot point out anyting good about this schhol, given that now, CBSE prohibits school from giving marks to kids, which takes away the only average thing about this school.

You would rather pay 20-30k extra and get a much decent school which actually care about the progress and substantial growth of your child. I have had a fair share of exposure about psychology and now that I reflect back, I realise the impacts and effect on the acts of the teacher has an effect on the child, and I can say without a shadow of Doubt, it is not good for your child in the long run. I wish you all the best and really hopes this school puts in efforts to change its way of working. 1st suggestion would be to get rid of Komathy Ma'am once and for all

There is no means of grievance redressal mechanism so this was my only platform.

Sep 25, 2018 09:43 PM 12003 Views

I have admitted my child to Geethanjali Vidyalaya after moving from another place. I am highly disappointed. My child told me that the school does not provide the timetable it is often random. The uniform was not given until 3 months were over and the blazer of the uniform is still not given(blazer is only for class 9 to 10). Class 8 learn the math textbook of class 9.So in class 9 they do not make an effort to explain the contents as it has already been learnt this makes it hard for the children who are new.

The social science and hindi teacher of classes 7 to 10 are lazy. They do not bother explaining the lessons to children. In social the teacher asks the children to prepare a skit or speech based on it. Once she loses interest in the lesson she changes to the next lesson without completing the lesson and she blames the children for not studying. The hindi class is horrible around 50 to 70 students sit in one cramped room and have to carry their seats. The teacher is very arrogant and carefree. Grammar concepts such as sandhi are left unexplained. She does not read the lessons either.

Apart from all of this the discipline during assembly( example during the national anthem children do not sing and talk to each other and the pledge is not conducted everyday), the hygiene and toilet facilities bring tears to eyes. Specially girls do not have sufficient facilities during their menstrual period. The English teacher is another problem with inefficient teaching skills. Besides there seems to be a lack of staff.

I truly would not have been able to know about the poor condition of the school if my child had not been so open about it. I have written this article in order to open the eyes of other parents who might be planning to admit their plan to geethanjali Vidyalaya.

Buffalo United States of America
Worst school, poor education, pathetic management
Sep 14, 2017 12:56 PM 14145 Views

There is no positive point I can think of about this school, both kagdaspura and Geetanjali layout(where teach Montessori kids) are worst. Teachers and staff including Principal Sita mam are incompetent, unprofessional with no sense of accountability or responsibility. You won't get anything on time, Books delayed by months and you have to follow up with them. Half session passed, no sign of ID card getting issued. if you ask them they will tell sir you will get it next week which never comes. They don't provide receipts for books, dress, or bus fees and they only want this money in cash, no cheques, DDs or online money transfers. Probably the reason might be that they want to avoid paying tax to govt. I wish income tax department reads this raid this school. Bus drivers are rude and highly incompetent just like school staff. Buses arrive late in school probably when half of 1st period is gone. Mont teacher specially Sharda Mam who teach mont kids at Geetanjali layout is the worst of all. She does not even knows how to treat kids. All she know is how she can shout and hit kids. My kids got so scared of everyday shouting that he has lost his interest in going to school. Bus drivers are rude and many times they won't even pick the kids. no fixed time for bus pickups, So your kids might be standing for even 45 mins also at pickup point and still no sign of bus.

School has a strange practice to fool parents by giving every kids A or A+ grades in final results, so that every parent is under impression that his kids is some sort of topper, this is irrespective of fact that the same kid whole year might be getting low marks in class tests. Most of teachers prefer to concentrate on their Makeup rather then taking care of kids. Kagdaspura school is also no different, there have been incidents where my kid was beaten up by school teacher in the back so hard that the back became red and the back pain did not go even after 8 hours of treatment.

Outing trips to nearby resort in other school would cost 400-500, but since school wants commission in that they charge 1800 Rs per kid.

complaining to Sita Mam(principal) is of no use since first she will not accept her/school mistakes and 2nd she will make false promise to resolve issues, which abviously will never get resolved

The only thing they are punctual about is increasing fees and collecting it on time. Rest all is unorganized and runs haphazardly.

Principal has absolutely no sense of accountablity or responsibility. I wish I would have never got my kid admitted into this school a complate waste of time and money.

Please avoid this school at all cost unless you want your kids to weak in studies and have a weaker base which in turn will spoil's his/her future.

Geethanjali Vidyalaya Transport and washroom.
Jun 06, 2017 12:11 PM 13799 Views


The school transport of area('kaggadasapura /vignan nagar)' bus is crowded and the bus reaches school almost end of first period. Very horrible and I feel shame to opt for school bus. till last year I was sending in a private van which comes on time and that too they give drop and pickup to doorstep but still private vans maintain time. very sad students go by standing even after paying so much fees for transport. Washroom titles are changed but still bathrooms are stinky. Overall the management is not good. Even office room mam is not like before in dealing with complaints logged by parents.

Poor Management and handling of children
Jan 12, 2016 06:43 PM 26038 Views

I have my own child studying at the primary level in this school and as I honor my child's privacy so am restraining from providing any name , however I have an honest feedback to make about the pathetic state of Management & student management in this school in Kaggadaspura.

This school has recently become overcrowded and much beyond the optimal capacity and the senior management ( including principal ) are usually accessible only during the admission time.

The school is understaffed  with most of the focus shifting to the more lucrative Geethanjali International School and children are usually not very well taken care .

The transport is pathetic with buses being limited and overcrowded , the toilets care not kept clean , children usually keep fighting and staffs keep it as a secret when it comes to injury. The front desk is not co-operative and reliable and would even shout during challenging times . Overall the school has lost all the past lustre and even the principal would keep travelling most of the time to other locations instead of being in the premise .

On several occasions the children keep fighting amongst each other and teachers have very little control over them. The fees are reasonable and teaching is average . Overall not a promising school for future and in the course of decline for sure . I neither hold any position in education world nor am related to it in any way except that my own child studies in this school and am frustrated by the insensitive response of the management .


Geethanjali Vidyalaya - Bangalore

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