I have had the first-hand experience of this institution so please, do consider this review before admitting your child into this school. Consider this a fair warning and a relevant source of authority about the working of this school.
Infrastructure- The school has very poor infrastructure. Biology lab barely has an experimental apparatus. The chemicals in the chemistry lab are expired so we never really see any experiments happen because of it. The courts are not maintained and the turf is wearing out. The classes do not have fans. The washrooms are pathetic. No water and it is always stinking. It is disgusting and the washrooms are never clean. The flush does not work either.
Teachers- Nobody, not even the worst of foes should have such pathetic teachers. Teachers like these, are exactly why children have psychological traumas at an early age. There is no place for a nurturing ground among students. If you score well, you are dolled up, but if you are not, you are blamed for everything. Whether you have made the mistake or not, you will be blamed for eveything that happens.
First of, Sita Ma'am, no sense of responsibility or accountability. She taught us biology and OH MY GOD, she does not know anything in Biology. She has 0 teaching capabilities when it comes to chapters like Reproduction so she would skip everything and not teach anything. Heredity and Evolution, she does not know the basic principles of it, so ended up teaching the wrong things. She has this horrible quality of judging girls if they have guy friends and questioning her character as well. This is 2019, not 1920, please have the mentality for it. It might seem frivolous but it affects people a lot. I have seen people go through fits of tears and having their character questioned in front of a few dozens of people, just because a boy and a girl were sharing lunch. Nobody deserves to go through judge of character and stereotypes in mere adolescence.
Just when you thought it could not get any worse, Geetanjali Vidyalaya has a social teacher named Komathy. I can go on and on about the vexing characters she possesses but well, I will rather illustrate.
- Stereotyping is in her blood. She has said this, time and again, in various classes, " North Indians are spoiling the South Indian culture and people. If you people are not here, it will be much better"
A social science teacher passing such comments? well, absolutely absurd.
She does not teach, one bit. Does not really know anything to teach because she is as poorly educated with average English speaking skills. She will just dictate notes from her textbook'ExamIdea' and otherwise, do drama and skits. Wastes time and does nothing productive.
She is the example of the chauvinist, misogynist, sexist human, nobody should be taught by.
This one instance, my direct seniors were asked to come out of class to check for phones. I am not making this up, but she actually, "pinched my male seniors posterior", in order to "check for phones". She wastes the time of the class by talking absolute bullshit and commenting on guys and girls. If you are a boy, then, congrats, she will love you, but if you are not, get ready for all the sexist comments coming your way.
This teacher has also'slapped' students on their cheeks countless times in the past for unnecessary reasons. She does not know her subject and marks are awarded according to the cleanliness of handwriting. I have had every batch, every class, every section that she has taught complain and put forth issues about her, but they have all been in vain.
I ask a question, is this the kind of environment you want your children to grow in? I was a fairly good student and did exceptionally well in my boards but in a way, she spoiled my school days, and this is not just me, but almost every person that has been taught by her. She has characterised girls and called them characterless simply beacuse they have friends as boys and have called parents and fed lies in their ears, because of the sadistic person that she is.
This school has many other dismal and pathetic things about it, but these need to be highlighted. This school offers no exposure to kids in any way whatsoever. People are not incentivised to have dance groups(because dance will spoil our culture, also the clothes worn while dancing is indecent so no dancing) singing or any other co-curricular activities. We barely go for any competitions and do not involve any schools whatsoever which is very bad for a child's overall growth. Things like Model United Nation Competition and deabtes are necessary for honing skills in children, which is absent in this school.
sports are pathetic and honestly, government schools are better than this school. I speak as an alumnus of this school and it is shameful for me to even associate with this school, because of the way this school is. Your child deserves a fair chance at childhood and nurtuting love and affection, do not ruin it for them. I really wishe my parents would have put me into another place where I could be ebetter taught and exposed to new things. I have made friends in this place, that would last me a lifetime, but irrespective of that, this school is pathetic. I cannot point out anyting good about this schhol, given that now, CBSE prohibits school from giving marks to kids, which takes away the only average thing about this school.
You would rather pay 20-30k extra and get a much decent school which actually care about the progress and substantial growth of your child. I have had a fair share of exposure about psychology and now that I reflect back, I realise the impacts and effect on the acts of the teacher has an effect on the child, and I can say without a shadow of Doubt, it is not good for your child in the long run. I wish you all the best and really hopes this school puts in efforts to change its way of working. 1st suggestion would be to get rid of Komathy Ma'am once and for all
There is no means of grievance redressal mechanism so this was my only platform.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.