The Gayatri Mantra is best heard at dawn or just after you get off early morning from your bed.
It is an invocation to the SUN GOD (SOORYA DEVAA).
The Gayatri Mantra itself is simple. Here I quote and translate straight from the jacket of the CD.
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Om Tat Savitar varenyem bhargo
Devaaya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. Om
Oh creator of the universe!
We meditate upon thy supreme splendour.
May thy radiant power illuminate our intellect,
Destroy our sins and guide us in the right direction.
I was introduced to this particular CD by a friend RUCHIRA VARMA. A Captain of an Anchor Handling ship in the offshore oil and gas fields was also hooked on to this. Each morning at 0615 hrs, when his ship made an approach to us, we on Sagar Vijay could hear very loud and clear the Gayatri Mantra over his public broadcast system. The effect on us was elecrtic!
On my way home I purchased a CD and an audio cassette. One for my car, because we drive to the Golf Course just before SUNRISE and the other one for home.
The contents of the CD :
Signature Prayer, Introduction Commentry, Pranayam Mantra, Stuti, Chanting of the Mantra (108 times).
The Introduction commentry is very important and makes it easy to understand the Gayatri Mantra.
- The Mantra helps to calm down my nerves, think logically and I have a hunch that it helps to lower my BLOOD PRESSURE a few notches down.
2 As the music continues, a magical effect takes over the mind, which helps in MOTIVATING ME INTO ACTION.
The Mantra acts as a STIMULANT and sharpens sensory perceptions.
The Mantra opens the flood gates of CREATIVITY.
When I tee up for the first golf shot, I just invoke the mantra, and the ball fly away heaven wards. Fortunalely the first tee faces EAST just when the SUN rises!
Now my wife regularly plays this CD at home or in the car first thing in the morning.
You may play the CD, perhaps even at SUNSET.
M2M me after you have heard this soothing devotional song.
Krishna said '' I AM THE GAYATRI of all Mantras.''
Thx to Mouthpad for putting this up here.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.