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Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner Reviews

ram94MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Ultimate solution for Grease & Dirt!!
Jul 14, 2015 09:45 AM 2540 Views

Formula 409 is considered as the best cleaner of grease & oily dirt accumulated.

My relative brought a product of this brand from abroad "Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner"

I dont know whether this product is available in India stores but now they are available in few websites.

Grease and Oily has always troubled me, its difficult to clean them when they just get sticked to machines.

I face this issue with my sewing machine, generator etc.

Normall cleaner just dont remove this dirt so I had to try something different and got this product.The just come in a strong and sturdy plastic bottle to be used as spray.It is easy to use this product as we just need to spray over the dirt or grease just one press and then wait for a minute and then just wipe it off with a thick cloth.

The dirty sticky particles can be easily removed this way.Even th floors, stoves , other metals instruments can be cleaned easily with one press of spray, they gives lovely glow and makes you feel new.You can use this product to clean any machine or floor or any material but they are very expensive so I just use them when all other products fails.

The spray system just helps to make maximum use of the liquid without wasting.The only drawback is we need to take care of the spray system any rough usage or damage to the spray, will make you use it like normal cleansers which is not economical and lot of liquid gets wasted.But thus is the Ultimate solution for cleaning, hope this product comes to Indian market on large scale.


Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner

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