Hey all I am using the Fogg deodorant from last I guess 3-4 years and really its fragrance is sooooo dam good and very long lasting at the same time.
In our day to day life almost everyone needs to smell goods specially in summer season and I am the one person who very much choosy in perfume like its need to smell very good and perfume fragrance is not suppose to tooo strong I actually hate that perfume which fragrance is too strong.
So I had use almost all the category of fogg deodorant and honestly the fogg deodorant stand out with compare to another deodorant in the market.
Like I remember the fogg deodorant is not from starting in Indian market but its marketing make it so popular in the Indian market that now a days almost everyone knows the fogg deodorant.
Like they have first start with marketing like in TV adds I have seen that " Aur bhai kya chal raha hai " than another person saying that " India me to fogg chal raha hai" like that so many adds of fogg as become so much popular that so with the help of that marketing they are able to make big impact on deodorant market in India.
As I remember fogg is only the first deodorant company that make gas free deodorant. likewise there ads also said that "India's First liquid vala perfume".
So that kind of ads make me to know more about that perfume and after watching those ads I was to go to store and start purchasing fogg perfume so this how I started using the fogg perfume in my day to day life.
Starting from first I bought a fogg perfume at almost 200 rupees and it is of napolean flavor and honestly telling its smell soo good and not only smells good but at the same time it is long lasting as well so one who is buying the fogg perfume need not to worry about the whole day because once you applied the perfume its stick to about almost one day.
one bottle of fogg perfume of 150ml I have to use to almost a month in my daily usage because of that liquid perfume that is the fogg perfume not contains gas in its perfume like others brand perfume has in it. so the fogg perfume bottle is last for almost one month in my house and that to my elder brother is also using the same fogg perfume bottle than also its run for a month this is again one of the main reason I had switch from others brand perfume to fogg perfume.
I had tried almost all type of perfume fragrance in fogg and to be very honest almost all the fragrance I like it, because they are just perfectly balance in smelling and all no need to worries.
Now a days in fogg perfume they are also start launching there fogg body sent also and they are I think little bit more in expensive site and I have not try yet but I wanna try the fogg sent as well because fogg perfume product I really like it and I am suggesting to all to atleast once try for fogg perfume really you will gonna love the fogg perfume and as compare to others brands it is cheap in rate and it will really a good pefume for decent outgoing and for daily usage.
for party outgoing the fogg sent is launched and it is expensive as well but to be very honest I have not tried till date but defiantly I wanna try it and soon I am going to buy the new fogg sent and once I tried that I will share my review to all of you guys .
Till than please let me know that how much this review is helpful to you all and please like and comment and share my review if you guys are liking the review and it is helpful to you to make decision that which perfume you need to buy and I am sure if you will buy the fogg perfume you will definitely be happy and satisfied at the end!
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