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Fogg Status Fragnance Body Spray Reviews

ganeshgawade1111MouthShut Verified Member
Dhule India
Wonderful smells -Fogg Deodorant
Feb 08, 2017 12:23 PM 2107 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends Todays iam sharing my experience with Fogg deodorant body spary.Fogg is one of the best body spary in mh life , I am using since 1 years, first I saw ads on tv.I really like the concept there in tv ads.its really nice .the best vaiant of this deo is pink colour, is a long lasting smell is very nice.deo's quality and quantity is good, Fogg deodorant bottle design is also very much good, its pure attractive smeller body spary, I am very happy with Fogg Deodorant body sparay , I would like to say you all of its nice brand

Fogg Deodrant Is really nice.
Feb 08, 2017 11:53 AM 1966 Views

Fogg is one of the greatest perfume I have used in my life. Fogg has a sweet

smell. I use this every day and I love it. The design of the bottle is also good. It's a long lasting body deodrant. It smells rich. Fogg has an attractive smell. Fogg deodrant is my favourite deodrant. When I apply this, it's feel good. Even it's qallity is great. My sister also use this, she also loved it. Every one should use Fogg deodrant.

Muzaffarpur, Bihar India
Fogg scent Intensio
Feb 08, 2017 12:19 AM 2916 Views (via Android App)

Fogg scent is most likely product by the people. It comes in blue, red etc colored bottle.

Bottle is made up of iron.

This scent having very long lasting durable and gave pleasant smell.

I am using it from many years so I am fully satisfied with this product so I am suggesting you to buy it. Good for both men and women


Fogg Status Fragnance Body Spray
Fogg deodorants copturing
Feb 07, 2017 11:25 PM 1322 Views

Im going to tell you   about the fogg that was a  amazing perfume I use daily in life   the that is a awsome brands these is globaly its launched in india in 2011 with new concept of no gas and only perfume the basic idea of fogg was to tap a market gap and undeatand  human psyche  with deodorant market today shands at 1500 crocre it was a compeleted five year to be a market learer the most important aspect is to undestand consymer needs comparing its utilities with their needs

Swaraa2017MouthShut Verified Member
Palghar India
Fogg Deodorant
Feb 07, 2017 11:09 PM 2145 Views

I use Fogg deodorant regularly when I step out of the house.This is the best deodorant compared to other deodorants available in the market. It has a very good fragrance which last for a very long time when spayed.It has a wide range of varieties and the design of the bottle is very attractive.Even fogg adds are also very creative which we see on television adds.The brand appeal is also very good as it has a very pleasent feeling.Whenever I spray this on my body I get compliments, everybody ask me about the deodrant I use so I say it's Fogg. I like this deo very much and will still use the same one.

Fogg Body Spary
Feb 07, 2017 11:01 PM 1884 Views

As compared to other body sprays FOGG has something cool sense of fragrance and it comes with many different flavours and moreover it comes on a reasonable price. I do personally use Fogg now and I recommend you to use it once and it ain.t has any other complaints all of my friends are also using Fogg now. The bottle design also comes in a very cool shape and in different colours and with different fragnances. And one more thing I would I to tell you that it doesn't come with gas as other deo comes with. So it has no gas inside and the smell is long lasting and pleasant.

Fogg is fuss..
Feb 07, 2017 08:32 PM 2019 Views (via iOS App)

I used to use this Fogg Deodorant for past 2 years but I stopped using it due to its not clear smell. This Deodorant doesn't smell good. when used to spray this deodorant I used to feel nouseous. Smell of this deodorant used to itch in nose. It is not best deodrant brand campare to other brands. I really don't recommend this deodorant to anybody. Guys I m telling you if you want to buy best quality deodorant then don't buy Fogg Deodorant look for another brand. According to me this brand is not good. I have uses this brand and trust ne its a worst brand I have ever used. so please don't buy it. Thank you so much.

Good deo
Feb 07, 2017 08:29 PM 1274 Views (via Android App)

Fogg is a good deodorant I personally use that brad it is so good I like black fogg fragrance I recommand it to my other friends to use it I recieve many compliments after using it it is safe to use body im using fogg from three monthes it is very nice u can use fogg as to your choice and you will get a good expeeience with it

SlcmounikaMouthShut Verified Member
- India
Fragrance body spray
Feb 07, 2017 01:59 PM 2090 Views (via Mobile)

I saw a lot of reviews on fogg body spray. But today I am going to share my personal experience with all of u guys. All my family members use fogg spray and scent depending on everyone choice. Actually everyone cannot adjust for body sprays. Some people will have irritation against body sprays. So before buying a spray we should take care of your health issues. But as per my choice I totally support fogg sprays. Fogg has wide range of varieties in body sprays and also recently they have introduced fogg scents. Fogg give a very strong fragrance or odour through which some one can feel some drowsiness. And the fragrance lasts for 6 hours. Depending upon sweating of the body the fragrance lasting varies. Intially I haven't support any brand sprays. But one day my brother gift me this fogg spray then I started using this I felt that it is good. The bottle design of fogg spray is good but for fogg scent it is old look. I have used lot of varieties like ocean blue, black collection, etcc. And I have gifted this to many of my friends. And all my friends gave me positive comments regarding this fogg spray. Even fogg has very good marketing ideas I love all the adds about this spray and I appreciate the creativity of the creative head. The name itself resemble a pleasent feeling and the brand appeal is good. By using this sprays my family has got lot of complements. One of my friend told me that u always look fresh and when ever u come near me I fell some good fragrance around me. One incident happened in my brother life also actually his girlfriend and he was playing hide and seek he can't find his girlfriend but she found him as soon. He asked her how can u find me so soon then she answered because of ur spray. Such incidents was so funny and I recommend you guys to use this sprays if u don't have allergy to sprays.thank u

Not appreciated
Feb 07, 2017 12:32 AM 2042 Views

Hello readers The fogg Deodrant Is not at all Appreciable. It does not give any Fragnance to yourbody.As showed in the television how it us nice or how itgives you long lasting frafnance. but in real it is all Fake. once me and my Friends were out for some occasion and I Sprayed Fogg deo.just afktr 1-2 hours It all get. sweaat

The fogg deo was not at all giving Fragnce. There are many colours but that all.are same.The fogg deodrant contains some fargance but that also for very short Time

I never suggest my friends to purchase fogg.It contains all gas nd no deodrant.

The fog deodrant is not so cheaper If it is cheapr we can assume its quality But its charges high prices and then also the quality is much low.

ashraf789MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Not a worthy product
Feb 06, 2017 10:17 PM 2028 Views (via Android App)

Hi guys, I'm here to share my experience with Fogg deodorant as I have used this for 3-4 months and the first thing about this deodorant is, it is that good as it shows on advertisements. Now this deodorant is missing the pleasant smell as it was before.

Comparing this product, the cost is damn high and obviously it is not a valuable product comparing the price of this deodorant.

Bottle design- The layout is ok and design attracts the people but it normally looks like the other deodorant as the structure is not good as we expect for such brand deodorant

Lasting effect- In advertisements, they show the product will last for minimum 24 hours but belive me it won't even last for 3-4 hours now

The only good thing about this product is, it doesn't contains much gas as the other deodorants do.

Brand Appeal- Fogg was promoted in many ways and from their it started considered as one of the brand deodorant but later on with some amazing deos, fogg loose the dignity and the earlier fame

Compliments received- Firstly, the product raised very high as everyone appreciated fogg and the market was also good but later on fogg misses the quality and content.

So guys better you go with some other best deos with the same cost.

sekarmehalaMouthShut Verified Member
Tirupur India
Fogg -Cost is much
Feb 06, 2017 10:01 PM 1939 Views (via Android App)

Fogg Deodorant is a good one when its launched, after that they only consider their selling not in their quality.

Now they Gratually increased their cost Too High.Deodorant smell comes down after the use of 1 week time.I think quality and quantity redused now a days.

When their sale quantity increased they could not maitain their quality, mainly cost increased to 60% , Unless untill they wont maintain the quality they will suffer to sale in indian market.

No gas.only liquid concept will fail.

Kanpur Nagar India
Feb 06, 2017 09:43 PM 2009 Views

Helo my name is vikash kumar tiwari . I bought this deodorant and use regularly do very interesting and very comfort every season so my favorite brand . This bottle is very looking smart and very attractive . This deodorant carry and keep very simple because this structure is very simple and sexy . Fogg deodorant is so simple sexy and cool . Fogg effect is very power ful so this use every people . This fogg deo demand is very high every fashion market according to me every men use deo very cool and attractive so every all facilties in SUPER FOGG DEODORENT . Fogg deodorant is a branded perfume so ts demand is very high . Fogg deo present in all shop market of fashion .

The fogg deodorant is a masterpiece of all perfume do not any complaints this deo . This is a very fashionable and smart cool deo . I am proud of himself that I used fogg .

Abhay1405MouthShut Verified Member
Pune India
Worst product award goes to...
Feb 06, 2017 03:59 PM 2272 Views

I used this product first time and what I realise is I have bought 200 rupees water bottle to home. Design of bottle is fine but there is not any special thing in the design. But it is not at all long lasting. When you use it after an hour it is just like you spread water on yourself. The spell is like a spell of some chemicals. When you spreay it on your body initially it irritates your nostril. The only awesome thing about this product is, it is gas free. But there is no use of that special thing if it fails to achieve its prime work. When I used it either I you get negative compliments or you will receive no compliments. So think over it before you buy this product.

Nice aroma feels you like heaven
Feb 05, 2017 10:49 PM 1238 Views

Hlo world, i really feels so happy after using this product(Fogg Deodorant).really it is best deo, its bottle design is cool and easily u can open it and use it.i try lots of deo in market but no one has lasting effect but after using I felt great it has lasting effect till aprox 24 hr seriously whenever I use fogg deo its fragrance remains on clothes till I do not wash my clothes.i really appreciate fogg deo appeal bcoz its really so impressive.after using it I always gets compliment like u smells like heaven.lols but guys its true.

sivadasu08MouthShut Verified Member
Prakasam District India
Worst Deodorant
Feb 05, 2017 04:05 PM 2068 Views

In market we have so many deodorants available with the same range of FOGG deodorant.

The smell doesn't inspire the others and it will last its performance with in minutes.

It has more gas in the bottle and less content and some time the perfume will not come out.

It does give any smell to others after some time. There is no branding values included in this .

Better to not buy FOGG deodorant.go for Santoor or patanjali.

babarlovsfrndMouthShut Verified Member
Bihar India
Fogg is very bad
Feb 05, 2017 11:24 AM 2021 Views (via iOS App)

Fogg is very bad deodorant .the way it is shoeing advertisement in the television fogg is very useless brand they make customer foolish no quality no smell .i will mever use fogg only they spent money for advertisement they make foolish people to buy it. no feasibilty no realiable brand .it is no loyalty brand .only people dont know first rime everybody wants to use it because people see advertisement in the telivision that is why he or she will but once they use no body can use again I fully guarantee as comparedto otherbrand like addiction is so so good brand and lond durabilty smell as caompered to fogg

khanrahi0086MouthShut Verified Member
Paonta Sahib India
Fogg deodorant
Feb 04, 2017 05:14 PM 1392 Views

It is fogg deodorant spray. im taking fogg is condidered to be the leading deodorant spray for men. the best apray best part about fogg deo is its capability to last really long.they contain certain anti odor ingredients wich help them to maintain the refreshing smess for a long time. this product is best.he is deferent felavors. fogg armed with natural antibacterial ensure great smell all day and is ideal for hot and sweety dats.

Kunjah,Gujrat Pakistan
My sexy deodrent
Feb 04, 2017 02:07 AM 1393 Views

I tested and couldn't believe it smells really amazing. It just smells like expensive perfumes and lasts long. I suggest this to people who are looking for best smelling perfumes/Deo under 300 period. its bottle design is very beautifull it smells very sexy . I got many compliments from girls and its effects remains for more than 24 hours this deo is such a Nice deo. Not too strong just as I like, but strong enough to make you feel fresh for a long time. And my dad likes it too. He generally avoids deos coz they cause him a lot of irritation, but this one doesn't. So I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to buy this one.

waseemakrampeMouthShut Verified Member
Kerala India
Worst Deodrant!!
Feb 03, 2017 04:17 PM 2207 Views

One of my friend recommeded me to use this product and after hearing from I bought a green color fogg last week and fragnence of the product is ok but according to me it is the worsest deodrant used.The smell of the product is good but when I try fogg I got very much headache.All other aspects of the product is good and fine.The product once use last for long time.

I dont know what is the reason for such headache.


Fogg Status Fragnance Body Spray

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