Hi guys, I'm here to share my experience with Fogg deodorant as I have used this for 3-4 months and the first thing about this deodorant is, it is that good as it shows on advertisements. Now this deodorant is missing the pleasant smell as it was before.
Comparing this product, the cost is damn high and obviously it is not a valuable product comparing the price of this deodorant.
Bottle design- The layout is ok and design attracts the people but it normally looks like the other deodorant as the structure is not good as we expect for such brand deodorant
Lasting effect- In advertisements, they show the product will last for minimum 24 hours but belive me it won't even last for 3-4 hours now
The only good thing about this product is, it doesn't contains much gas as the other deodorants do.
Brand Appeal- Fogg was promoted in many ways and from their it started considered as one of the brand deodorant but later on with some amazing deos, fogg loose the dignity and the earlier fame
Compliments received- Firstly, the product raised very high as everyone appreciated fogg and the market was also good but later on fogg misses the quality and content.
So guys better you go with some other best deos with the same cost.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.