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Five Best Hollywood Horror Films Tips

My Top 5 horror flicks !
Oct 21, 2002 11:05 PM 3288 Views

#1) Exorcist

How can I NOT thing of Exorcist when we are talkin 'bout Horror movies. Its a horrifing tale of a Child who is possesed by an evil spirit. what to look out for in this flick is the SCREAMS and the Faces that'll make your blood freeze for a moment.

#2) Evil Dead

Ohhhhhhh....This is one movie that chills my bone even now. Its a story of a hounted house in a unknown place. So whats new? Anyone who enters this house, Never returned to tell the tale. This movie has many parts and each one is a Classic ! Watch and Pee in your Pants :P

#3) Event Horizon

This is not a normal horror flick with conventional script. in fact its an futuristic horror flick. It's about a Space ship, which remained untracble for 10 years, just shows up out of no where. Now an other ship is sent to rescue any survivers (if any). But what happens is a Blood cuddling Experience. Oh.. In case you are wondering what is Event Horizon, It is the Name of the Lost Ship.


This not a Normal Scary movie with blood and slimy creatures. In fact its an psycological Horror movie. Its about a Father(Priest), all of a sudden, after an incident(in which his wife dies in an accident), he stops believing in God. So in this state of mind, he has to take care of his two kids, an unempoyed Brother and ALIEN ENVATION. Might not sound Scary but Watch it to believe it !

#5)Jurrasic Park

Again Not every one will find it a Horror Flick but boy, if you watch it in a Theater, u r gonna enjoy beeing Scared. This is about an island, full of prehistoric creatures(Dinosores) all caged up. But when humans thought everything in under control, the beasts cut loose, ans then what happens is not to told but to WATCH. Amazing Real Life like Computer Graphics.

My Horror Of Five Movie Picks
Oct 20, 2002 11:24 PM 2050 Views

I like watching horror movies anytime of the year.

The ones that I really do not desire are the movies that

can really happen, Friday the 13th, Halloween movies.

My favourite all time to recommend to others are of course

the classics,1) Frankenstein movies with Boris Karloff.

2)The Stephen King classics,3)Night Gallery with Rod Serling,(as the host), 4) The Zombie movies, 5)Dracula, who is played by Bella Lagosi or ?, you get my drift,

Well, here you are, you can try watching these movies with

the lights out and eating popcorn.

Most of these movies are rentable at your local video stores

to rent or buy.

Please note the classics are black and white, and their are

some coloured versions, ok.

Please enjoy. And Happy Halloween, Be safe with your children on the night of Halloween.

5 awesome horror flicks!
May 24, 2002 10:49 AM 7172 Views

I have always loved to watch horror flicks (movies) ever since I was a small kid. I remember the first horror movie that I ever watched, or should I say the first thriller movie. It was “The Exorcist”. It about blew me away. I was so scared when Regan was possessed by the devil. I remember my older brother putting his hands over his eyes through out the whole movie because he couldn’t stand seeing the way she looked. He also would cover his ears during horror movies because of the “sounds or music” that played. So now I decided I would give my top five best horror or thriller movies that I enjoyed while I was growing up.

Nightmare on Elm Street

I really liked this movie the first time I seen it. When I was younger I believed that maybe just maybe this could really happen since it was based upon dreams. Freddy was a terrible man who would go around the town and kill small children. Then one-day the town’s people surrounded him in a boiler room and burned him up and took off his sharp claw like hands that he would use to kill with. Then as the years went on Freddy would begin to return in the dreams of those children whose parents killed him years ago. If Freddy was able to kill you in your dream then in real life you would be dead too. The trick to killing him was to bring Freddy out of your dreams and awake with him in your hands. This was the only way that Freddy would die because in reality (out of the dream world) he was human and was able to be killed. The movie was so freaky, and the sounds of Freddy’s claws as they screeched across metal were so bone chilling. His face was all burned up and he wore a stupid shirt that was black and red stripped. Freddy would use the fears of each kid he killed in their dreams. I just loved this movie, and I still like to watch it once in awhile. I also loved the song that goes along with the movie. 1-2 Freddy’s coming for you, 3-4 better lock your door, 5-6 crab your crucifix, 7-8 better stay up late, 9-10 Freddy’s back again! When you heard this song you would see three small girls dressed in a white dress playing jump rope and singing this song.

Salem’s Lot

This was a movie that was based upon vampires. I saw this movie when I was in my teenage years. It was so scary when the brother of one family dies and then his brother is in bed sleeping and all of a sudden you hear a scratch at the bedroom window. The boy awakes and sees his brother floating outside his widow in what looked like a white cotton pajamas. The boy is letting his finger- tips flow across the glass on the window and he wants his brother to open the window so he could come in. His face was all white, and his eyes were so freaky looking, you could tell he was dead. His brother of course opens the window because he doesn’t realize that is brother was a vampire. The only way a vampire was able to enter a home is if he/she was invited, so that was why he wasn’t able to come in the window himself. Once inside the window you see him floating towards his brother and then his arms are stretched out and he hugs his brother and then starts to bite him and suck out his blood. That was the best part of this whole movie. I love vampire movies they just seem so cool.

Interview with a Vampire

Not only does this movie have two awesome actors (Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise), it also has a great story line. It wasn’t so scary, but it still was a good thriller. I felt sad for Brad because he didn’t want to be a vampire, he didn’t want to go around the towns and just kill and suck out the blood of innocent people. So he tried his best to keep killing rats instead. This didn’t satisfy him to long, when he came across a young girl in her bed. Her parents had just died from a disease that was spreading around town. He didn’t like seeing her suffer so he began to suck her blood. Then Tom arrives and tells him to finish her off, but Brad wasn’t able to do it. Finally the girl was turned into a vampire herself and lived with Tom and Brad. Brad wanted to train her to not kill, but Tom wanted her to be like him, so it was hard trying to raise a young vampire girl. The girl also wanted a mom to take care of her, so she went on the look for a woman. When she finally found the one she wanted she made Brad bit her and turn her into a vampire like them. She told Brad that he owed her that since he made her that way to begin with, and she needed a mom to raise her. So Brad turns the woman into a vampire. Now they want to leave Tom because he is just going to nuts, they thought they had killed him by having suck blood from two young boys. The girl told him that the killing was fresh, but really it was old blood and that made him sick. Then they burned down the house thinking that he died too. The ending of this movie was so sad, the little girl and the woman end up being locked into a dungeon that allowed the morning light to enter the room. Once the light entered the two were then turned to ashes and died. Brad was then left alone, and Tom was alone as well. The ending will surprise you! I love vampire movies as you can tell. This was not so scary, but it still had to make my list.

The Shinning

I don’t know if you would consider this a horror movie or a thriller, but I was scared when I first seen this movie. Jack Nickolson is awesome when he turns nuts. The movie was scary specially the parts where you would see the nude lady in the bathtub, and when the little boy was holding a knife and saying “redrum, redrum” that meant murder spelled backwards. Jack is asked to take care of a motel over the winter and during his stay there he begins to go a little crazy. He starts to talk to a man in the bar that isn’t really alive, but to Jack he is. He then thinks that his wife and son is against him and he need to kill them. I loved the part were he chases his family down with the ax, and his wife locks herself in the bathroom. Jack looked so scary then and his voice was changed. His actions were what freaked me out in this movie. I feel this had to be added to my list.

Children of the Corn part 1

When I first seen this movie I was so surprised. I couldn’t believe that young children were actually going around the town and killing off their parents and any adult that entered the town. They lived in the corn field and they would hide so that no adults could see them. Then when they wanted to kill someone they would all come together and make the kill. There was one leader of all the kids, and he was the one who stood behind the red rose. He was the one that brain washed the children of the town to kill. He wanted to have all children follow just him (Satan) but that isn’t how it ended, instead an adult was able to kill off the one and only leader and then all the children were killed as well. This doesn’t end here, there are other series to this movie and of course it always takes place with a cornfield, and lots of killings. I seem to like part one the best cause it was original the other series were so predictable. This was one great horror movie in my book.

Horror at it's best
Apr 19, 2002 02:55 AM 1790 Views

Hi There

This is one thing I love is horror movies, believe me or

not I can sit and watch it alone, my hubby hates them

and I love them, anyway opposites attract right.

I.ENTITY) Gosh a real true story.

The story of a woman staying with her kids, comes from work

every night to get molested by unseen hands, at all times,

even when she stay's over at a friend's place they are made

to suffer. A movie very well made, see it if you get it.

2.EXCORCIST part 1.)Yes this movie was in parts but the best was part one

a very chilling movie, I saw it at Eros and gosh I was

just holding the hands of my BF, now my hubby.

I give credit to the small girl who played that role,

it was horrifying,she is haunted by a ghost who is

in her and makes her use foul language and terrorises

her parents or even the priests and changes her voice

till one of the priests gets it out of her and loses

his life in the bargain. A good one.

3.DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE)Give kuddos to Christopher Lee I

wonder how his wife can be near him, if she watches his

films, god I would run miles away, especially the fangs,

watch this movie dracula fans it's great.

4.THE OMEN)Again part one,yes to good, Damien you were so cute

but if look's could kill you did it,especially when he is taken

to church the way he screams one or two scenes were

very well picturised.

Like the one where the maid kill's herself.

And when he wants his mother killed. Good movie again.

5.NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET)This is one movie I can never watch again I

do not know how,but this gave me the worst creeps

someone has asked me to get a copy down, as it

is uncut version sit through it and you will not sleep.

By the way have you watched The reincarnation of

Peter Proud watch it or watch Karz.

bye for now


Look behind
Mar 28, 2002 01:24 PM 2523 Views

You are sitting on your chair glaring at your monitor. But suddenly a whip of air pass behind you. You turn back and inspect. But find no one. Your room turns cold and complete silence deafens your ears. You hear heavy breathing of someone standing very close to you. You slowly turn your head with sweat all over your face. But again, no one is seen. You try to get out of your seat, but fail. And then, you hear a voice calling your name. You turn back, and don't know what happened. You regain consciousness and find yourself on your bed. It was just a bad dream!

Man has always tried to see the unseen, believe the unbelievable, and go beyond the invisible. He has seen something, which has left him with questions. This questions drive him mad. He want to see that shadow again. He is haunted with the unseen.

We always hear about ghosts and psychos. We haven't encountered them. But some people have seen serial killers and spirits of dead. Is there a third world? Is there someone who wants to kill you?

Just turn around again.

Our Hollywood film-makers have given us some thrilling and chilling movies. These movies can turn your feet cold, eyes popped and run the chill through your spine.

I have listed my favourite 5 thrillers. They need not include rubber-masked demons, but they really got me scared.

So, welcome to hell folks:

5) Evil Dead II 1987

You are out in a woods for a picnic with your family. But the folks living there seem different. They never blink their eyes, and hardly breathe and smile. They move like puppets and glare at you with utter hatred. You think that it is their lifestyle. But the story is something else. The livings are possessed by the dead; the evil spirits.

This is the theme of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead-II. A man is trapped in the woods with undead spirits who possess the living. The line 'Kiss your nerves good-bye' was from this movie. The movie is a hell ride. It will shake you on your seats with sudden crashes and whacks.

Get ready to face your death. They are after your soul.

4) The Silence of the Lambs 1991

You are walking on a dark street. You see a shadow following you. You turn back and see no one. Just a plastic bag that flew across the road. The wind intensifies, so your feet. You try to pace your walk and nearly break in to a run. But the shadow keeps track. You halt for a breather and turn back to find no one. You think it's all over. But then you are stabbed by the unknown.

Jonathan Demme gives us this absolute thriller starring Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster in lead roles. Jodie Foster, a young FBI agent, is assigned to help find a missing woman, and save her from a psychopathic killer with the help of another killer, Anthony Hopkins. He has the clue to the mind of the ruthless killer, and helps Jodie Foster to find him.

It is a rollercoater ride with some great suspense. Do watch it.

3) Psycho 1960

You had a long drive and decide to stop at a motel. You find the manager suspicious, but then too you take a room. You are tired and fall on the bed. You close your eyes, the suddenly you hear a thud and sounds of foot-steps running down the stairs. You wake up and open the door. You see a shadow going down hurrily. You go down as well, and find the manager staring at you with red eyes and a horrifying smile. He holds a knife in his hands and is about to stab you. But then suddenly, you wake up from your sleep and your dream ends.

Alfred Hitchcock gives us a thriller with Psycho series. Norman Bates as the psycho gives an astonishing performance. This movie is about a young female embezzeler arrives at the Bates Motel which has terrible secrets of its own.

Some good suspense and great background soundtrack will have you glued to your screen.

2) The Sixth Sense 1999

Not every gift is a blessing.

This is the line, which is proved true in Manoj Shyamalan's absolute thriller, The Sixth Sense.

A boy who communicates with spirits and don't know they're dead, seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist.

Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment are in the lead roles. Bruce Willis plays the role of the psychologist who es*orts the boy to every ghost who want to fulfill their needs. The end is absolutely stunning. I would like to keep it as a secret to the people who haven't yet seen the movie.

Go for it now and know the secret!

1) The Exorcist 1973

Your loved one is possessed by an evil spirit and won't live the body. You are desperate, but your crying won't drive him out. All what is needed is exorcism by The Exorcist.

Late Jason Miller plays the role of the exorcist as Father Damien Karras. The movie is about a 12 year old girl who is possessed by the devil and her only hope is an exorcism.

The godly method to drive out evil spirits is called exorcism.

William Friedkin give us a horror film that raises the hair on our back. It is the best horror movie I have ever seen.

Some other horror movies also deserve due recognition. They are:


Dawn of the Dead

The Omen

The Innocents

The Thing

Night of the Living Dead

Night of the Demon

The Shining

Nightmare on Elm Street*

and many more.

That's it for my favourite 5.

Send in your comments, and happy reading at MS!

Thrill me , chill me...brrrr
Dec 13, 2001 04:39 PM 2355 Views

Who Doesn't love the chill running down the spine. Horror films are something that we Indians, unfortunately get to see only on Video (If we have to enjoy it). Most horror films do not make it here at all.But here is what I have been able to see, and enjoy. These are in no particular order.

1) Exorcist - This is an old classic, about a girl who is possessed by an evil demon. The special effects, the sets used for this film were truly good. Infact, this is amongst the few films that scares you as much as the book.It has spinning Heads,The priest trying to exorcise Satan from the young Girl Regan (Linda Blair), trying to come to term with his own demons.It was indeed a scary film. The new addition to the film, a scene called the spider walk is by far very scary.Here Regan, bent over backwards while spewing blood from her mouth, crawls down the stairs like, you got it, a spider, and attacks her mother. It sure is a freaky scene friends.

2) The Omen: This film starring Gregory Peck, Lee remick is also cool. The film about the son of Satan, who uses powerful families for his reign was really well made.The pulse pounding music and powerful performances together with great special effects made this into an edge of the seat movie. The scene of the movie was when the photographer Jennings meets his death.

3) Nightmare on Elm Street: This was a different kind of horror film, by Wes Craven. Here we have Freddy Krueger, who kills in peoples dreams.

4) Bram Stokers Dracula: This film based on the original book was one thoroughly enjoyable film. The special effects used in this film were truly magnificent. The sets were great, and Gary Oldman excelled as the fiendish Nosferatu.

5)Alien : Starring Sigourney Weaver, This is one Sci-Fi horror That I loved watching, when it was released here.It was scary,but without being gory. A small creature attaches itself to the crew of a flight, when they land on an uninhabited planet.When they return to their spaceship, it disappears and hunts down the crew one by one. Sigourney weaver gave a power performance here. The film was good , and the End was amazing.

These are my choice for best films in the Horror genre. Do write more, so that we get a chance to see more of the same.

These are not just another scary movie!
Dec 13, 2001 02:48 PM 5508 Views

I have had a fascination with horror movies since I was little girl. I love the macabre and I love to be scared. The first horror movie I ever saw was Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 and I have been hooked ever since. These are the five best horror movies in my honest opinion.


Directed by Italian horror master Dario Argento, just the music in this movie will scare the bejesus out of you. A young girl goes to a dance school in Europe only to find that nothing is what it seems. Gruesome death scenes, a fantastic musical score and something eerie and sinister makes this movie pretty unforgettable.

Henry:Portrait of A Serial Killer

After I saw this movie, I was scared to walk to my car at night for weeks. The story chronicles the exploits of a murderous sociopath and his sicko friend. I found the movie to be very disturbing and realistic. Definitely one of the scariest movies I have seen.


Self-aware, satirical and well done, Scream is a tribute to the slasher film. I thought all the teens performing in this movie were way above average and director Wes Craven did a fantastic job directing. I found it intriguing how the movie tore apart all the fanfare around horror movies, yet managed to create and revive the genre once again.

Nightmare on Elm Street

A creative, original story and a horrific killer all come together to make this movie a legend. Not many people have no idea who Freddy Krueger is. I am always floored by the stories that gave Wes Craven the inspiration for his blade-fingered madman. Supposedly, he saw some articles about some deadly sleepwalking instances, took the name of a childhood bully and a man who scared him years ago and made Freddy. Interesting.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

A chilling movie about a group of teens stranded in rural Texas. I found this movie to be oddly humorous, scary and inventive all at the same time. Make sure not to miss the end of this movie which climaxes with a lot of momentum and compared to today's standards not much blood.

These are five can't miss horror movies. All of these are somewhat different but really represent the genre very well.

Honorable mentions

The Exorcist

Last House On The Left

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