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Fame Reviews

A lot of room for improvement
Apr 19, 2016 04:39 AM 2599 Views (via Android App)

Man I have used this app only for 4 days and it gave me a head ache the ui of this app needs to be polished alot

The video quality is very poor and is same with the sound

The app crashes ones or twice in day which is too bad as one would never hope that an app will crash that much

Guys I think that this concept is good but app seriously need a lot of improvement

Really cool app to showcase what you have in you
Aug 26, 2015 09:25 AM 3280 Views

I am using this android application since last 2 months now.and I request a mouthpad request about it so that you guys can also come to know about it.

This application is basically designed for the people who wants to give it a try into glamour industry. The actors, actreses, musicians, directors, singers etc can shoot their performance and upload it the app and whole world will judge you on that performance.

People can like you performances, they can share it with their friends and if you are talented enough you might get a call from somone really important person for an audion because they are also surfing the #fame. But, again their are pros and cons.the kind of videos people are uploading are really stupid sometimes.

I mean you have a plattform and every tom, dick and hary jumps onto it. You can make friends, but the friends will keep consistent check on you to see if you have some opportunity for them.

Chatting is also available. But, complex user interface or style makes it difficult to use this app. It should be more easier to use. The look is cool.glamorous. But, I am not sure how much it will really it's a free app.



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