It has been our immense pleasure to be associated with Euro Kids for 3 years; from Play Group through Euro Junior.
Play group:
Our daughter joined Euro Kids for Play Group when she was 2.4 years old. For more than a week we had the separation anxiety as most children and parents go through. Getting the child to overcome the anxiety and get them to feel comfortable with teachers and other friends in the absence of parents are the most important aspects. The teaching & the non-teaching handled these aspects with ease and made sure that the kids got comfortable within premises and started socialising with other kids and Euro Kids staff. They made avenues for children & parents to meet on different important occasions, such as, Mother’s day, Father’s day, Grandparents day, and other National and Regional festivals.
The curriculum being followed is explained to the parents well in advance through an induction day(organised at a designated venue) and the same is detailed in the prospectus shared with the parents after the induction program.
Nursery & Euro Junior
During this tenure, Euro Kids Shanthi Nagar was managed by Ms. Suchitra & team. In this time, Euro Kids Shanthi Nagar moved to a different location within in the same locality.
This place is very spacious and met all the safety measures with adequate lighting & ventilation. The main attraction is the space available for all the kids to play with a variety of games and under one roof.
The entire facility including class rooms, play area, and washrooms are maintained very well with no faulty smell that can cause any kind of illness.
The teaching methodology followed is very similar to Montessori standards. As parents we've seen tremendous improvement in our daughter's speech, knowledge, way of expressing ideas, writing skills. These are time consuming skills which were imbibed effortlessly over a period of time. By the end of the term, she was able to write comfortably with minimal supervision and help at home.
Though her attention span is less to sit at one place and learn; she does pick up things that are taught in the class. It was evident when she would come home & pretend to start teaching like her teachers.
The class rooms are filled with attractive pictorial learning materials which helps them to grasp on observation and retain the same the same in their memory.
The Gallery Walk organized by the team is the most awaited event of the year. We as a family always look forward to attending the event. The number of themes displayed every year is marvellous. Kudos to the team for all the efforts!
Well known events create awareness for the children about environment & develop social skills:
Gallery Walk
Annual Day
Sports Day
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Grandparents Day
Special thanks to -
Centre Head: Rekha ma'am & Suchitra ma'am
Teaching Faculty
Anjali ma'am
Kulsum ma'am
Smitha ma'am
Ayesha ma'am
Sangeetha ma'am
Poonam ma'am
Non-teaching faculty(as named by my daughter)
Gowri aunty
Deepa aunty
Bharathi aunty
Watchman uncle
Chetan uncle(Van)
The entire Euro Kids Shanthi Nagar team.
Three years have passed by and we will surely miss Euro Kids Shanthi Nagar.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.