*The feel good factor is absent in Esteem Mall. First of all the location next to the graveyard is a big downer for the buyers. Anything bought apart from clothes or groceries may bring bad luck rather than good luck.
I had been to this Mall with great expectation. I wanted to by a Video cam. The E Zone employees were not upto the mark in explaining the features. Next I went to WHIZZ, he recommended strongly Samsung, which comes with three years warranty( DC VP 173i)
and I fell into the trap. I paid 1500 more above the MRP, since the box itself carried an inflated MRP 24599. I ended up paying 19990, actual MRP was 18500. I think Samsung company encourages dealers to mint money by hoodwinking the customers. The saga of Samsung continues, with trial version software, with video recording being of poor quality etc.
Similarly the esteem mall has some footware and clothing shops, but lack of customers obviously makes them to fleece the customers whoever visit unknowingly this Mall. Some footware guy wanted to take cash from my friend and so he said the swipe card does not work for his credit card. They avoid paying commission to the service providers.
Fab India is the only store with some reputation. Even that I find it poorly stocked when compared to commercial street. Changing labels is a common feature when they want to hike prices or offer discount schemes. The only saving face is that some amount of their profits goes to the poor artisans involved in weaving and finishing the garmets.
The food court on the terrace is the only saving grace of this mall. The prices seem to be on the reasonable side. Cafe day dispenser coffee is sold at Rs 10/- per cup. Next the food bazaar on the ground level is another reliable outlet.
Overall the mall is not designed to project the shopping pleasure unlike even Central or Big Bazaar. The ghostly feeling is prevading in the atmosphere.
I would not recommend any buy from this mall for the simple reason variety is absent as well the bad luck associated. Beware of buying any costly durables check the prices outside in the market place before deciding.
The mall would have been a hit if they had at least one cinema hall, a mini theatre at that. Esteem is below a Mall standard with parking facility being absymal. The parking fee of Rs 20/- is fleecing because one tends to get out of the mall with 30 minutes. Of course Big Bazaar is the only outlet which refunds the parking amount if one purchases more than Rs 200 worth of goods.*
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.