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Engage Deo Spray Reviews

sanGram950MouthShut Verified Member
Hubli India
Mild, soothing Fragrance... Lasts long..
Nov 15, 2016 06:11 PM 3007 Views

Hello friends, Engage Deodorant spray one of India’s first range of ‘couple deodorants' products.They have come up with a very innovative product . I saw different variants of these in a shopping mall and decided to buy it.The packaging of the deos is quite simple but definitely catches the eye with different variants available. Engage Deo offers pairs of captivating, fresh & irresistible fragrances for both men and women. The Deo lasts very long and require only few sprays per day to remain fresh. The Engage Deo spray has become a Brand for Couple romance deodorant. about design. Brand has used the colors to differentiate spray for women to men. It has Attractive packaging .

Experience about the product
Nov 14, 2016 02:44 PM 3374 Views (via Android App)

It has long lasting fragrance which is very good. The Engage Perfume Spray has mesimerizing freshness. It smells very good. I would like to recommand this product as this stays for a long time and can be pocket friendly also. I tried Engage W2 Perfume Spray.It has ethyl alcohol content about ( 95% v/v) . But the fragrance is good.

Hyderabad India
Oct 29, 2016 01:41 PM 3900 Views

It has lovely cooling sensation and the smell is identical. Deo for man has a really nice and long lasting fragrance online shopping is the best place for procuring this product as it will 100% genuine product at a price lower than the normal market price.

this deo is having long lasting effect also different. I am using this daily and very happy specially these summer days. this is a wroth product and also giving some confidence that you are smelling good.

Engage deodorants has always been nourishing me with the awesome odour and the long lasting coolness. It has lovely cooling sensation and the smell is identical.


Engage Deo Spray
Not Satisfied
Oct 23, 2016 01:32 AM 4785 Views (via Android App)

I bought the engage deo from online through paytm.The bottle was of silver colour it was drizzle. I was really disappointed after buying this deo. The smell was not as expected it smell too strong. Usually I like deo which smell light and stays for a long time however this deo doesn't stays long. I think I bought some cheap brand deo which has gas but no good odour. I bought it for Rs 200 and it was a total waste for me. Usually I don't buy cosmetics online as I thought the products are not genuine that is the reason their price is less and I was right. Will not suggest anyone to buy it.

VD_10MouthShut Verified Member
Bhopal India
Engage Urge - Really Nice Product
Oct 20, 2016 01:14 PM 5029 Views

I have been using this for quite a long time. I mostly use the Urge as it smells really good and this deo to my surprise lasts longer than others. It stays on for 8 hrs or may be more than that which is the best factor I like about this and the Urge smells refreshing and a bit sporty. I ordered it online so got it for little less than the market price. I opted for other brands earlier like Garnier and Denver and Axe but it is much better than those. It has a cool looking black bottle with yellow color designs and really handy. I would surely recommend this one to the people who want a deo for smelling good and long lasting as it can be used for any time of the day. This one always makes it to my shelf among other deos.

Chandigarh India
"long lasting doe" am realy fall in love
Sep 30, 2016 07:06 PM 4249 Views

I actually fall in love with engage deo spray I bought pink blush engage deo spray for my sister,

she actually fall in love with this and she got many compliments from others, actually I already purchased it for myself and am using this deo since from three years so am highly recommend this deo to all the girls or women, you can wear it daily and stay of this deo fragrance is long last "it actually last for more then 8 once you spay it .you don't worry for at least 8 go and pick your deo fragrance ladies.engage provide different types of fragrance with beautiful bottle colors and fragrances .! <3

ashif1828MouthShut Verified Member
Merta India
Engage Deo Spray is Good of thing..
Aug 06, 2016 07:42 PM 5966 Views

Engage Deo spray is long lasting deo spray they provide different flavor& all products are excelent fragrance its a smelling good.There is no skin problems.I faced its provide 24 hours smell & felling fresh & energetic this is my experience regarding Engage deo spray is good.

Engage deos are good deo sprays having wide range of frangance.I have used it many times and I have liked it.Their product price us also like.Engage deo is one of cool deo I have used is my favourite. It smells very nice and I like this Engage is very best deo and most most like smell.

Aug 06, 2016 06:20 PM 5760 Views (via Android App)

Engage Deo spray  is long lasting deo spray they provide diffrent flavour  & all products are excelent fragrance its a smelling good.

There is no ittching or any skin problems I faced its provide 24 hours smell & feeling fresh & energetic this is my experience regarding Engage deo spray & I lke to forward use diffrent flavours in Engage deo because I like its fragrance in market so many deo sprays are available I try many deo sprays but I like Engage deo more because of long lasting smell & fregrance.

Colonge Series is Awesome
Jul 24, 2016 10:59 AM 5950 Views (via Android App)

Engage deos are Good deo sparays having wide range of frangnance.I have used it many times and I have liked it.Their product price us also reasonable.But somethi g I dont like about it is that the fragnance DO NOT last long as you would e expect them to be and fades away sooner. But on a good note they have Colonge series.and I had been using them for last 8months.The advantage is that Colonge was only available in perfume scent form previously but engage have made it available in deos though the price is a bit high like Rs250-260.Nd colonge have three range blue , black and chocolate bottle.Nd I had been using the Black bottle.And must say that I am satisfied with this product.And yeah its NO gas only perfume??

Engage deo spray
Jul 23, 2016 01:54 PM 5095 Views (via Android App)

Engage deo is one of the cool deo I have used .

Rush .bodylicious is my one of the favourite.

It smells really to others and also stays for long time .engage also give other variety in deos which also smells great .it is availabel for both man and women .

But they only give 150 ml they need to increase the ml.

achu_bhaiMouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Bad fragrance
Jul 20, 2016 03:08 PM 6142 Views (via Android App)

I bought this Engage Deo spray from online shopping store Flipkart. I bought the fruity version of this. This bottle was pink in color and its price was 110 this was in discount. I bought this especially for my car. When I go in car I use it. Its frangance was very bad and untorlable. I just want to throw it away. Its soo strong and its like strawberry fragrence. I will suggest you not to but this engage's deo . I am not saying that engage is a bad company just giving my opinion on this perticular product of this company

Not so good ??
Jul 11, 2016 11:35 PM 4903 Views (via iOS App)

If you want to buy a good and smooth fregrance deo then this is not for you.i dislike this product this is really waste of money and its not long lasting has many flavour but all are not so good.if you want to buy a good deodrant then please dont take any look here. I will give you a little advice to dont buy this product

lakshaythebombMouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Not even deos they are just bottles of gas
Jun 10, 2016 03:13 PM 6216 Views (via Android App)

Planning to buy a deo and got your eyes struck on engage deos? Well, read this before you pay the money and bring home some cans of gas.

Engage deo has marketed their products beautifully but have they really put in the effort to increase the quality of their deos? The answer is no. I recently purchased a pack of 3 deos of engage and thought it was good to get 3 deos just for 300 rs. But I was wrong. The moment I opened the packet, I didn't like the product. The smell was not upto the mark and it smelled more like the bathing soap.

They really are not very long lasting and not at all sweat repellent. I didn't find them good enough. Hope you like it so give it a try! Wouldn't recommend it though.

Jun 08, 2016 02:56 PM 5532 Views (via Android App)

New black engage deo spray is very good. The fregurance of the deo is very smooth. I like such type of deos. I usally dont prefare strong fregurance.

Its really works good when ever I go out for hanging out with friends. And even my friends also like the engage deo spray

Not long lasting
Jun 08, 2016 02:14 PM 5339 Views (via iOS App)

Its smell is k but not long lasting, according to company mention on it( 48 hours) . even it not last for 24 hrs. very bad advertising .it is possiblty of getting duplicated deodorant from seller. next time I will not going to buy this.Not  at least for 4 hours.

Fine product from ITC
Jun 02, 2016 11:20 PM 7217 Views (via Android App)

As this product is from ITC, this was a must try for me. The price of this deo was another compelling reason for me to try this deo. But using this deo after a while I was dissapointed because of reasons like

The fragnance of this deo doesnt last long. It lasts hardly about 3-4 hours.

Another thing about this deo is that it contains too much of gas compared to other deodrants at the same price range.

I would suggest to go for other deodrants rather than engage deo.

May 27, 2016 01:20 AM 5898 Views (via Android App)

I am a Deodorants freaky so recently I bought a deo name Engage Mate 150 Ml.Mate because of high rating comparison to others variant.The range of engage deo is good.Made by ITC limited so you can expect the quality of the product.The Deodorants is also available for women but in the different packs, its not for unisex.

Ok so the main points are-

1.Good And Nice fragrance-

The smell of this deodorant is best comparison  to axe, set wet, and more.

2.Long Lasting Effect-

in the summer I have used it and its awesome because of Long Lasting Effect.Not 24h hour but good for travelling like when you are on a trip, in the coaching, in the collage and even in the bar and parties.

3.Too Gas-

Contain too many gas, over pressurized.When you want to apply it, it gives the gas instead of deodorant.then you have to shake, spray, shake and shake up and down.Now a days many deodorants is available without gases.This deodorant must be gas free.

4.Must buy at once-

Try it at once.I hope you like it.If you are collage boy then you have to purchase it.

thank you.

Engaged with Deo
May 27, 2016 12:35 AM 6254 Views (via Android App)

I have used may deos but currently using engage deo spray since one year and m very happy with it fragnance and long lasting feature. Now I dont have to search for a good deo because I know engaged deo is worth buying. As I mentioned it is long lasting so it is nit something which will fade away in five to tem minutes. It last for around four to six hours. Also it is easily available at any perfume store. If you are looking to buy a deo for nice long lasting smell you must consider engage deo. Highly recommended.

Oriflame spray.
May 27, 2016 12:25 AM 5463 Views (via Android App)

Oriflame deo spray is one of the favourite spray for me and also all of the person.oriflame deo fragrance I like It.n also all the product is best.oriflame deo spray its fragrance most of all the person like.i love all the product for the oriflame product.

Burning Issues
May 13, 2016 01:48 AM 5405 Views (via iOS App)

This is the result of using my beloved ITC product. Used Engage Cologne Spray few days back, and after direct contact with sunlight, my skin got burned. Couple of days back it was more painful and thankfully the skin is healing slowly, but I'm really very unhappy with this incident! Is this what you expect from a branded Indian product?

Later I got a call from their team saying that they will investigate on this matter but so such actions were taken. I am highly unsatisfied.

Indian Tobacco Company

Engage Deo


Engage Deo Spray

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