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Employers Rights and Responsibilities Tips

Candidates and employees know your rights
Jul 18, 2018 01:58 PM728 Views (via Mobile)

All the bpo, mnc, corporate companies in Bangalore should provide company transportation facility irrespective of the area where the employee resides, irrespective of the shifts they do, even if it's a non hiring zone, All the corporate companies should soon come up with the new policy 2 way cab facility to all areas for the employees comfort and welfare, this not only is for the welfare of the employees but also gives rise to new employees to the organization and this helps a lot in employees livelihood as there are a lot of people who travel a long distance to get to work which results in delay to reach office due to rains. If this is followed and implemented in all the cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad it ll be well and good and there's nothing like it, All I would suggest all the corporates in all the big cities is there are lot and lot of potential candidates who are and willing to travel if the company is able to arrange transportation to and fro, please don't potential candidates who are future pillars of your organization, I would say even if you are startup companies never mind, don't limit your transportation facility up to a certain kilometer radius and boundary limits, everyone should be given a chance to explore their opportunity. one way cab or no cab is no good. corporate employees should demand 2-way cab facility, corporate employees should be aware of their rights.

Actually in our country there is no vigilance in o
May 20, 2018 01:23 AM915 Views (via Android App)

In our country there is no vigilance in our employees they don't know about their rights so I'm gonna tell al the employees what is the importance of their rights if all the the employees work together no company can underestimate the employees so this is my personal advice to all the employees they should work together and they will get results after little time now I wanna talk about the responsibilities of our country's employee whereas our employees have many rights they should complete their responsibilities as well

Bihar Darbhanga India
Mar 08, 2018 11:58 PM921 Views (via Android App)

Hey friend I am waseem akram and I am going to tell you today what is employ

Friends if you are In job sector than you are employ my opinion on employ

Employ just like a servent his boss he follows the every order given by his boss. Ever his boss gave thew abuse him and he can't do anything because he is your boss so he rotate you on own finger and you rotated

hunkbikash01MouthShut Verified Member
Bhubaneswar, India India
Employers Rights and Responsibilities
Jan 10, 2017 08:42 PM1382 Views (via Mobile)

Employer is not only your boss, but also our friend. Employer helps their employee in certain cases. An employee can became a employer in his future, if he became a good employee. Employer must care his employees as well as his family. Employer must teach their employee as a teacher. Employer must give punishment to his employees, when they are doing some big mistake.

Wesucceed should be renamed as iSucceed
Sep 13, 2016 01:50 PM1792 Views

There is no company here. everything is handled by one single man who is the worlds biggest fraudster, Mr.Yogendra Pandey. He says he has a MBA degree but may be fake. He says he stays in Chicago which may be true. But he has ruined lives of more than 25 individuals who got trapped and joined this company from 2012. He does not care for his employees, all he needs is ways to milk money out of them, but not pay them salary on time.

Review about
Jul 09, 2016 11:13 PM1929 Views

Hi Guys .

Be aware from

As they will offer you some different salary and will give some different salary .

I hope any one who is employee he completely relied on HR however here HR people cheats you .

They had told me that there will not be any stretch at the time of joinibg however theere was stretch of 1 hr .

tEven after completing e ery taks they dedu t salary like any thing .

All those people who think that they got some vood offer tgey should recheck his offer & conditions as there will some thing different that verbal .

Its not a long term compnay at all for any sales or any otger department employee .

I have even everythibg written in email .

Its not about salary its about career .growgh & employee satisfaction .

Even those who are working in this company theri life ia like hell bwcause they have notiat all for their own life .


Neeraj Pathak

Ghazala786MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Employers Should Take Care of their Employees
Sep 17, 2015 07:42 PM3515 Views

When a person joins any organisation then its the responsibility of the organisation to take care of him/her  during  their stay in the company .This includes many things like safety at work place, Working at a place which is clean, hygienic  and safe .

If a employee is ill, then he or she should be give sick leave or medical leave to treat himself and take rest .Medical allowance should be given to employees.

Many organisation do not give leave to their employees on weekends, I think this is wrong as they also need some family time which is possible during weekends only as during week days every one is busy with their hectic schedule, during weekends schools and colleges are closed, so a person gets some time to spend with their kids.

So holidays should be given on weekends. If a company is sending his employee to a tour either with in India or outside India then  his travel expenses and Safety at new location is also Employers responsibility.

Regarding Employers rights if a company is hiring an employee then they have the right to make him  work according to company's  rules and regulation, Relocate him/her if required, send him/her to a tour etc. But all these things should be done with consent of the employee, keeping in mind his/her health and family responsibilities, if for any personal  reason an employee does not want's to travel or relocate then that should be considered . So its a kind of Mutual Understanding between  Employer and Employee, both should work together for the benefit of organisation .

Employee should at least follow this rights...
May 15, 2015 11:04 PM4367 Views

Employers and employees have responsibilities to each other. These rights and responsibilities relate to things such as provision of Terms and Conditions of Employment, Health and Safety,  right to be paid a Minimum Wage and no injustice done to them at any cost.

Employees are expected to do their work in a way company has advised considering safety measures for themselves and others in company.

Employees are expected to receive the terms and conditions policies and stick to it. They should follow all rules and regulations of the company to ensure safety and security measures.As an honest employee, one should complete prescribed work on time with honesty and loyalty. They should work for benefit of company because in return company pays you for going extra mile.

Employee should work in teams and co-operate with all team mates for maximum output. They should work with positive attitude.

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