You have to be really discreet while using it as the tray on which you put your vessels or food it not made up of high quality material.
(a) User friendly: Not satisfactory enough! You will be disappointed that a simple temperature entity is really sophisticated, you have to follow the manual because you have to press 1 single key to do many things and you have to press it as written in the manual else you should not do the desired operation. Inside racks are really heavy and the plastic bumps on which these racks sits are not made to match the rack and appears to be really odd. Shelfs doesn't lock and when you lift a big vessels the rack above it drags and you have an awkward situation.
(b) Durability: Yes, this's really perduring fridge. You should not feel worried about this aspect atleast still there are other negative points that doesn't cause it a satisfactory choice still not this.
(c) Handy: Not at all, because it comes with a partly meter electrical wire to connect to electricity to say the least. You should not get this fridge shifted from 1 place to another because of crummy designed legs that for no reason catches dust and get jammed.
(d) Style & Design: It is stylish and looks really emanate. Compressor I am informed by retailer is really satisfactory and is the heart of ereally fridge and in this entity the best compressor that the company has produced is present this I have been informed by retailer and adversary. I personally too did not encountered any problems with the frost in both bay of the entity that is fridge and the fridger. There're other problems with this fridge still it look stylish at least from outside. Design wise it's not satisfactory and you'll kind it as soon as you start using it. You should not adjust your caisson and this cause store roughly prototype, you have to buy plastic containers that effortless fit's in still in a big family the left over food doesn't fit in small box and when you have to use more than 1 box to put all the food in fridge this make you frustrating and this will develop with you as I do not know how impractically this entity is designed that the most critical usage of storing the food properly isn't kept in mind. May be this archetypal serves well in some other market still for India and Indian Kitchen this archetypal is really disappointing. Bad part is you won't heed this thing when you see the brand new fridge. I had to pull off 1 tray so that the regular vessel should be stored in fridge. I'm not happy with the design.
(e) Service & Support: Service is sometime clumsy and you have to be press them little hard and on sparse occasions my complaint was resolved without any adversary attending the complaint. Support guys didn't want to waste their time or nor does they want to explain you, they'll quickly register a new complaint and give you the number
I will not recommend this product to anyone because it is really sophisticated to contrive.

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