THE BRIDGE ACROSS FOREVER, (El Puente Hacia El Inginito), was written by Richard Bach in 1994. This Book was issued by Mass Market Press. It is a Nonfiction Book that has 400 pages.
This Book is part of Richard Bach real life story. He has always been looking for his soul mate.
This story begins in the Midwest of the USA. He has just started to fly stunt Bi-Planes. Even though he is not making a lot of money doing this he is happy with his job.
The Book begins after the Sun has gone down and the sky is filled with Stars. Bach is sitting by a campfire where he is cooking. A Raccoon come close to him and the throws him some of the food.
Bach is thinking about trying to find his ''soul mate''. He wonders if he will every find her if he continues to live this way.
One day he takes a Lady for a ride on one of his Planes. He does a few stuns and she enjoys them. To talk to one another they have to shout at each other over the noisy Aeroplane Engines.
Bach feels that she is not his ''soul mate'' because he is not likely to find her in Iowa flying in his Plane. To me this gave me a hint of what his personality was and was the strongest point his Biography.
He realizes that he is not likely to find her in Iowa and he is using this job to hide from living the life he was meant to live.
This is when he decides to move and to try to make his life become more fulfilling.
He is convinced that alone the way he will find his ''soul mate''! He phones his Agent, (who has been looking for him for Months).
It seems that Bach had just disappeared without telling anyone that he was leaving or where he was going. He is a wealthy Man and could do what he wanted at any time.
He had no idea what had happened in the rest of the World while he was away. He woke up one morning to find out that he was a Millionaire.
That is when he knew that his life would never be the same. At this is the point in the Book we have not heard how and why this happened.
He begins to live like a rich Man buying Mansions, Aeroplanes, fancy Cars and dating a lot of Women. He never stops looking for his ''soul mate''.
Bach goes through a few incarnations of thinking how his life should be lived. Through them all he keeps looking for his ''soul mate''.
He is spending time with many different Women and likes some part of each of them but they are not that ''perfect one''.
One day he realizes that he has begun to spend more time with one Lady. She knows how to communicate and has mentally stimulated him. There is one problem and that is that he is not sexually attracted to her.
These Women he dates are mystical, a bit weird and spiritually stimulating but they love them self more than they could possibly love a Man.
Bach is starting to think that he will never find his ''soul mate'' and he develops some new ideas.
The first is that there is not a single Woman that will please him and so he better find some interesting things to do.
He realizes that the problem is that he is won't find her as long as he has put up ''fences'' around him self and won't let any one see who he really is.
Bach believes all of the Women only care about the money and not about him. He becomes very paranoid. He knows that he is protecting himself from being hurt. When he realizes this his life changes again.
He decides to go to Hollywood for a while. He meets a Lady who acted in some of the episodes in the original ''Star Trek''.
She is a beautiful Woman with blond hair. She is an Actress and a Classical Pianist. They meet while he is working on the screenplay.
They go to see the ''Star Wars'' Movie, play Chess and of course they fall in love!
I never tell the end of a Story so this is where I will end my tale.
''Richard Bach was born in 1936 in Oak Park, Illinios, U.S.A. He is the Author of ''Jonathan Livingstone Seagull'',''One and Bridge Across Forever'' and the ''Butchers Wife''. After writing such a poetic love story to his Wife I wonder why he is no longer with her?
This was a wonderful book of love and mystical events. If you haven't read it yet I hope you will soon.
I'll end with a quote from his Book called ''Illusions'':
''You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however!''
I paid $10.00 for my copy of this Book. The ISBN # 0440108268
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