A few years ago, I saw a pamphlet in some shopping mall about Dr. Scholl's. It is one company that specializes in shoe care products. Tempted by the idea, I bought a Air-pillo shoe insoles for about 100Rs. The insole were pretty comfortable and lasted pretty long.
Dr. Scholl's product are now readily available across all major shoes stores and retailed by SSL-TTK LTD. So far so good. However, the misery really started, when I felt the need for another pair of insole. Tempted by the look and feel, I bought Gel insole instead (Rs.300!! for a pair on insole, (https://scholl.in/estore/products/comfortable-feet/air-pillo-gel-insoles/). Also I bought couple of other products for toe pain relief, etc.
To my disgust, when I opened the pack, the gel insole were bent with a permanent fold in it. Effectively, it may have been a good product, but it didn't stayed in the shoe at one place. It yielded utter discomfort and did the quite opposite of what it was supposed to do.
I promptly wrote back to the customer care of dr.scholl product in India asking for a replacement for the crappy product. Some lady called me up after a week of writing the complaint and said that she understands the concern and is actively looking into it. That was a standard customer care reply, meaning that they don't bother.
Till date, about 2 months have passed and they are still actively looking into the matter. All emails on this subject to them go unacknowledged. Had it not been a relatively lesser price product (Rs.300), I would have taken this fraud company to the Consumer forum court to give them a taste of their bitter medicine.
My money is wasted, but as a genuine advise to fellow consumers, stay away from Dr. Scholl's products. They are not only excessively priced but also employ advance marketing gimmicks to propagate unscientific benefits. On top of it, the product are of really crappy quality and wont serve the intended purpose. The other product, "Ball of foot cushion (a small piece of foam priced for Rs.100)" also got torn within 45 days of usage.
Buyer's beware.
Update 1:
After I posted this review on Mouth shut and informed the company about this adverse publicity about the product, a Customer Service Manager acknowledged the problem and shipped me a replacement product, within 2 weeks. This is one is in perfect packed condition, unlike the earlier product. Let's see how this product turns out to be.

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