The absolute WORST homeopathic doctor in the world! This horrible man is a CROOK and a FRAUD who manipulated and enticed us with false promises and sweet words charging 2, 000 rupees for hardly a few minutes and my condition only worsened after going to this so called “doctor” as he started behaving extremely abusive towards me using manipulation, gaslighting and mind control tactics just to keep me coming to him as he would continue shamelessly charging me for his so called “consultation”.
He cannot diagnose any problem and would only do trial and error and careless experimentation till he stopped caring and things only got worse!
When I told him that I should try ayurveda since there’s no change taking his treatment as I’m only getting worse he got angry and started manipulating me again telling me it’s useless yet this FRAUD couldn’t even treat me after several “counselling sessions” with him TWICE a week for 3 and a half years!
After 3 and a half years of experiencing extreme manipulation and mental abuse from this CROOK my parents finally confronted him that he has manipulating us for years which also included BAD MOUTHING and CRITICISING other doctors like Anita Salunke, this SICKO lost his mind and started using extreme derogatory language and LIES to insult me even after I ALMOST DIED while taking treatment from him.
And after that SHAMELESSLY charged me for this so called “counselling session.”
Absolutely DISGUSTING, UNETHICAL and UNCULTURED BEHAVIOUR from a doctor towards a patient!
This horrible person BETRAYED me in the WORST possible way after I put so much trust in him!
This horrible person was extremely abusive, manipulative, condescending, controlling and dishonest who would either give vague answers to my queries or wouldn’t answer my queries at all with a narcissistic smirk on his face.
This HORRIBLE person DOES NOT care about his patients well being as he only wants to KEEP THEM SICK because he’s a SPINELESS MONEY GRUBBER.
After my all of my “consultation sessions”with this disgusting and abusive “doctor”, I would feel drained, exhausted and frustrated because of his gaslighting, mental abuse and manipulative tactics but the funny thing is he was totally different in front of Niranjan (the receptionist who would prepare the medication) as he would CHANGE MASKS being the extremely wicked, conniving and divisive individual he is.
Ideally, I should file a LEGAL CASE against this horrible person for the INTENTIONAL ABUSE he put me through!
What’s absolutely MIND BOGGLING is that this horrible person actually has a degree in medicine!
I’m 100% certain that this horrible person is a serious case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and he is an absolute EMBARRASSMENT to his wife and children!
I feel SAD for Mumuksha and Arhant Gandhi for having SUCH A DISGUSTING PERSON as their father!
The Lord revealed everything to me regarding this HORRIBLE PERSON and he will PAY for what he put me and my family through.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.