Doordarshan has to be a brand and face of all Indians. Unfortunately, now its caught in a state, where its between nationalism, multi-culturalism and commercialism and finding, it in no man's land.
DD National:
There are enough serials and soap operas by all channels and why does DD national need to do the same.? The serials look dull! Like BBC documentaries Sherlock, and others DD could set the standards high for the serials.
It could be brought in as compulsory free channel for all cable tv operators, even if subscriber has no balance and should be the first channel in all operators.
BEST of all languages from all DD programmes/channels across its spectrum, need to be included in one channel, which could be Doordarshan National. The tv serials in DD National can even be replaced with mygov programmes and interactions with people and other cultural dramas or so.! hindi and english both should be there in the programmes, to have wider audience and subtitles most welcome.The programmes should also be in HD and presentation of programmes has to improve.
DD Bharati and DD India:
Some of the programmes in DD Bharati are good and these could be telecasted in High Definition and better quality, with better marketing. DD India doesn't epitomize the name it has, as it mostly based on again tv serials. Not sure, why it was started with this name.
DD Podhigai and other regional channels:
They do serve their purpose and has good programmes, but however they need to be commercially appealing and viable, along with being idealistic or semi idealistic, in order to retain the audiences.
I have given the above review, only after checking/watched the channels for more time and liked and what I felt, I missed from these channels.
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