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Doordarshan Reviews

sunildhanker8MouthShut Verified Member
Jul 14, 2016 06:12 AM 3380 Views

Well Doordarshan is the india's first channel.Though it is free channel the quality has not improved with time .the world has gone ahead but doordarshan is still among back laggards.we are in age of digitalization, we talk about digitalization.they are not maintaining the channel’s reputation by broadcasting poor quality programs over a poor network. yet there is no improvement in the quality & won't find any reality show or daily soap which attracts or keeps audience glued to this channel.this channel has always been puppet of government & now it has become a medium of current government's marketing.being a government channel it should be the best & top channel

HilalabdulbasitMouthShut Verified Member
Srinagar India
Wrost and outdated
Apr 10, 2016 02:03 PM 3924 Views (via Android App)

Doordarshan Is the most outdated channel I can reckon nowadays .It is full of conventional type of telecasting.It has failed to grap the attention of the visitors.its programs are not worth watching .Whenever I tune to this very channel it couldnt even hold me ten minutes.

ITS programs are repetetive and lacks innovation.I have been watching same programs with same stories since the inception of this very channel.IT fails to introduce  its programs for different Segments of people like youth, infants, old fellows etc .IT is simply at the mirth of extinction it fails to organise good and intresting programs

FurqanHamidMouthShut Verified Member
Jammu & Kashmir India
Not even consider this channel.
Apr 07, 2016 07:08 PM 3548 Views (via Android App)

Well everyone in 90's has a favourite channel on tv which was doordarshan because its was the only channel available those days.

The moment cable was introduced to indian television doordarshan became history.Now a days I don't think anyone considers to watch this cahnnel.

I think goverment has also lost their interest in suppprting this channel because their is a lot of competition available in broadcast media.

The daily soaps which they telecast are just pathetic and copied content.From big private daily soaps channels like stare pus, zee tv, colors etc.


pranjal100MouthShut Verified Member
Nalbari India
Now people forget about this Channel
Apr 07, 2016 12:04 PM 3865 Views (via Android App)

Doordarshan a very old government TV channel of India. It was very popular on that time when there was not cable TV or other TV channel.

But now it has become a very unpopular channel.Whith the passes of time it is not upgraded and the programmes which are telecaste by Doordarshan are  very uninteresting and boring. So now people forget about this channel . So, I think central government should give much important on this channel and should improve their quality of programmes.

pratik7834MouthShut Verified Member
Chandrapur India
Good national channel
Mar 30, 2016 06:28 AM 3604 Views (via Android App)

One channel who spreed all over india, this channel provide free service , whenever my DTH monthly pack expires I used to watch Doordarshan channel, I watch rangoli on sunday this is my all time favaurite show , I also watch some serials , news and movie in biscope, some deviotional shows .

This channel is available in maximum all languages in india, its good entertainment channel, nowadays videos entertainment channels are available but Doordarshan is also good for everyone, specially poor villegers who will not afford dth monthly pack.

Doordarshan just like BBC in London
Mar 19, 2016 05:57 AM 4225 Views

Good Morning Mr Arun Jaitley,

Congratulations to you and your ministry.all of you are doing a wonderful job with the new government at the centre.

Doordarshan can be REVIVED with lot of viewship. Following are the ways:

  1. Improve the attitude of the employees, who must work like like the employees in private channels and not just feel very secure about their jobs and do nothing because they do not have the fear to lose their jobs.

  2. Improve the quality of programmes just like the private channels.either create own programmes or buy or get into an agreement with production houses to have them sell or share best quality content with Doordarshan.

  3. Just like private channels, do a lot of advertising and branding of Doordarshan in whichever way possible. Under the Govt of India initiative, make the look of Doordarshan, especially Doordarshan National and News just like the private news channels like Times Now in English and Zee News in Hindi. There must be a lot of graphics all over the screen so that viewers enjoy watching the news.

  4. Doordarshan needs to have more updated and improved good quality studios with cameras that can move and not just be stationery. The looks must be made to feel that there is a lot of new things happening.

  5. Doordarshan has all the infrastructure and man power to employ and use the people it has. News must be new. It must get out of the habit of repeating the same news in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. New breaking news must be introduced as and when it happens.

  6. More of ground reporting. Just like private channels, Doordarshan too can do a wonderful job when its reporters bring original news from the scene and just not copy from others.

  7. Just like private channels, Doordarshan National must telecast new Hindi movies on Friday and Saturday night instead of the old movies, which most people do not enjoy watching and they switch channels.

  8. Introduce programmes like Saabdhan Indian on Life Ok, which show cases the crimes and misdeeds that take place in our country and what can be done to eradicate them.

  9. Try to introduce digital broadcasting for all Doordarshan channels and improve both the audio and video quality.

  10. If BBC in London, which happens to be a Govt Channel, be so popular because it is credible, reliable, dependable, good quality news, new news, modern studios with moving cameras and with employees who wish to work and make BBC one of the most prestigious broadcasters in the world, then why can't Doordarshan do the same?


Partha Basu

New Delhi

Good for Cricket matches
Mar 07, 2016 01:49 PM 4503 Views (via Android App)

Doordarsan is the national channel of india. It broadcast all the programe that you want to watch. Serial, cenema, news, culture, etc.

It broadcasts programes full of rich knowledge.

It was very famous in its starting years but now a days it is not the first choise of watchers. It will have to manage the contemporary tendency or do modernisation to be in the race of popular chanels. But one good thing is that it broadcast all ODIs and T20 of indian cricket matches.

vish00krMouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Door ka Darshan : Doordarshan Channel
Mar 04, 2016 10:03 AM 4091 Views

Doordarshan India's initial channel. Though it's free channel the standard has not improved with time. The world has gone ahead however doordarshan remains among back laggards. No government particularly the broadcasting ministry has taken any step to boost conditions of the channel. We square measure in age of digitization, we have a tendency to quote digitization nonetheless there's no improvement within the quality & viewer-ship.

This channel has continually been puppet of state & currently it's become a medium of current government's selling. You won't realize any reality show or daily soap that attracts or keeps audience affixed to the present channel. I typically feel is it solely a conspiracy to stay it low to assist non-public players to use customers. Being a government channel it ought to be the most effective & prime channel i'd request the broadcasting ministry to appear into it; improve its content and quality. Sometime it'll become HD channel

Mar 04, 2016 09:55 AM 4090 Views


jaggupatil74MouthShut Verified Member
Mar 04, 2016 09:31 AM 3539 Views

One of the best and old TV channel and still its the best my youth I invest such a variety of time in this channel. uniquely an entire Sunday I used to watch this channel for serials such as shaktiman and alif laila now that serials got air off. these days just for cricket match I watch this channel however till this station is one of the best.still they broadcast some old movies on Sunday.

For this channel I never need to pay any cash its record-breaking free of expense. also they broadcast some old serials and every day news and different program

macneil_borgesMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Mar 04, 2016 09:15 AM 4425 Views (via Android App)

Dordarshan is the channel that is been viwed from childhood .This was the only channel viewed in childhood.every saturday night there is movie that is been shown on door darshan and there is music channel on sunday morning that is called chayageet.

The popular channel on doordarshan is shanti.

As today its dish but to view this channel earlier we needed an antina on the terrace.some times if there is no clear channel or heavy rains then we had to adjust the antina.

vdutt25MouthShut Verified Member
Sirsa, Haryana India
Feb 27, 2016 07:26 PM 4965 Views

I am talking about our tv channel DOORDARSHAN in our childhood it is very famous and useful for every household but now a day when there is too many channels existing in the market DOORDARSHAN becoming useless in most of places.


DOORDARSHAN becoming useless for most of people in developed area the only reason behind that is the operating team and its administration they do not have any innovative thoughts and efforts to make it popular and one major reason is that it is government channel so why they make effort for its popularity bcz all the staff get there salary in accounts so what is the need to do something innovative. I see when by mistake this channel appear on tv screen then not any interesting program is broadcasting on it . this channel is in our friend of childhood now it looks that it becomes old very faster then us.


if we talking about the reach to the people of this channel then in numbers it is very high but how much people watching this channel it very less number only those people watch this channel where any other channel is not broadcasting or very less number of other best channels are broadcasting.

OVERALL VIEW:- now a days a large number of channels are broadcasting but DOORDARSHAN is our childhood friend and it is providing entertainment and knowledgeable information in that area where others are not providing there services so I love it bcz the channel is bed problem is in administration and operating policy. thank you DOORDARSHAN for becoming a part of our life.

nayaln801MouthShut Verified Member
Ghaziabad India
A channel of its own
Feb 27, 2016 06:57 PM 5298 Views

There was a time when TV was meant to watch Doordarshan only.This was the channel which ruled over the heart and homes of just one or two decades old India.

Every single program broadcasting on Doordarshan was favorite to the people of different ages. Even Advertisements were used to be on the tongue of kids.

Families used to sit together to watch a program on TV. People used to complete their works according to the program or match slots.

Its anchors/Hosts/Presenters all were special to the masses. Today we have so many channels which are better in all possible aspects but still Doordarshan is the only channel which is very dear to all of us,specially for those people who have spent any part of their childhood watching Doordarshan.

Best thing was all of its programs were useful and well made. Doordarshan maintained the quality and content of all the programs very well at that time,thats why still TV means Doordarshan for many people.

boradedipikaMouthShut Verified Member
Pune India
Old is gold
Feb 26, 2016 06:02 PM 4309 Views (via Android App)

Doordarshan( DD) is a very old channel since 1960 by the Prasar bharti.

It is one of the very famous and nice TV channel in india.

First programme of DD is 5 min news.

In my childhood there is no choice of channels from this time the DD is my best friend and favourite channel.

I truely remembered that I didnt miss a friday and saturdays nights hindi movies. On saturday I xame eary from school to watch Super hero's show Shaktimaan at 12 noon.

There was a fixed schedule of sunday which started from beautiful songs show Rangoli, then followed by Ramayana, mahabharata etc.

I even didnt miss episodes of wednesdays song show Chitrahaar.

They also telecast childrens shows like Tom & jerry, Vikram aur Betaal, Dinald duck etc.

Loved to watch Malgudi days which was a great show

The ahowd like Mein banungi air hostess, horror sjow Aap biti, Aahat are also nice.

Comedy shows like Nukkad, Hari mirchi lal mirchi are even good.

Quality of programs is excellent .

Recently they relaunches their design of logo abd also a new quote like ' Desh ka Apna Channel' which is really good .

I like to watch this channel.

Thanks DD

Doordarshan needs a good major revamp !
Feb 24, 2016 02:34 AM 4047 Views (via iOS App)

Doordarshan has to be a brand and face of all Indians. Unfortunately, now its caught in a state, where its between nationalism, multi-culturalism and commercialism and finding, it in no man's land.

DD National:

There are enough serials and soap operas by all channels and why does DD national need to do the same.? The serials look dull! Like BBC documentaries Sherlock, and others DD could set the standards high for the serials.

It could be brought in as compulsory free channel for all cable tv operators, even if subscriber has no balance and should be the first channel in all operators.

BEST of all languages from all DD programmes/channels across its spectrum, need to be included in one channel, which could be Doordarshan National. The tv serials in DD National can even be replaced with mygov programmes and interactions with people and other cultural dramas or so.! hindi and english both should be  there in the programmes, to have wider audience and subtitles most welcome.The programmes should also be in HD and presentation of programmes has to improve.

DD Bharati and DD India:

Some of the programmes in DD Bharati are good and these could be telecasted in High Definition and better quality, with better marketing. DD India doesn't epitomize the name it has, as it mostly based on again tv serials. Not sure, why it was started with this name.

DD Podhigai and other regional channels:

They do serve their purpose and has good programmes, but however they need to be commercially appealing and viable, along with being idealistic or semi idealistic, in order to retain the audiences.

I have given the above review, only after checking/watched the channels for more time and liked and what I felt, I missed from these channels.

akshaysonavane5MouthShut Verified Member
Budhgaon India
Feb 22, 2016 01:53 PM 5107 Views (via Android App)

Doordarshan makes us to go back to the childhood.We use to watch all the shows on the Doordarshan without forgetting.We are so much attached to the Doordarshan channel.

The Channel is having the good picture quality and an amazing sound quality.The shows Maha bharat was telecasred on Doordardhan and we used to see it daily.

The Cartoon shows which telecasted on the Saturday morning where so eager to watch.The Sunday was the Day for which we use to wait from a week.

The Famous Rangoli show showcasing the Songs of new films as well as new songs are amazing.The Saturday Jubilee showcasing the movie at 10 : 30 pm were amazing.

The Friday Housefull is the show were the new movies were telecasted at 9: 30 having fun to watch.

abhishekbrahmaMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Nostalgic Doordarshan!!!
Feb 17, 2016 03:39 PM 3608 Views (via Android App)

This channel by just listening to it makes me feel nostalgic.

This was the only channel which we had being kids and have grown watching. The series like mahabharata, mowgli( jungle book), ramayana, addi manav, ali baba puppet series and what not. Ut used to be a jaggarnaut of all sorts of enterntainment back then.

Then we had the friday night movies and the sunday matinee show which was the icing on the cake.

Lol. It was an amazing time to grow watching this channel.

And still I gues this would be the most reached channel on india because this is the channel which even the rural areas have access to.

They keep the content simple and to be understandable by all and by far it has to be that was coz it needs to connect with the maximim audience, may it be a well educated one or may be a illitrate or a lower educated one. It serves to all sorts of viewers.

I am still a fan of this. Haha

sonurawathacxMouthShut Verified Member
Dehradun India
Old but not the woast channel
Feb 17, 2016 11:38 AM 3728 Views (via Android App)

Doordarshan is a national tv channel in I like this channel earlier when I was too small and watching the shows like timba rucha, malgudhi days of writer R.K narayan , shakti man and lots more for free ,

Free to watch anywhere. We need a tv and or an antena to connect on tv its done now you watch doordarshan  channel free. This time worst shows are coming in doordarshan as compare to earlier shows . At earlier time people don't need cable connection because doordarshan shows are awesome

atharkhanMouthShut Verified Member
Old channel
Feb 17, 2016 11:14 AM 3345 Views (via Android App)

One of the oldest channel in india doordarshan.have nothing to watch on it.not good at all channel.always shows old programmes on it or when live match is there then it shows on it.really worst channel I have seen.picture qualities are not good on effects are also not good on it.

This channel is worst channel ever I have seen.this channel is old channel nothing have to watch on it.i m not satisfied wigh this channel it is not good at all for anyone who is watching this makes whole day boring and boring

I m good to say that this channel is worst than other tv channel.i m really not satisfied with this tv channel.old tv programmes are there to watch.worst channel ever I havd seen

Door se Darshan-doordarshan
Feb 16, 2016 11:02 PM 3823 Views

In the era of digitization, world moving ahead of HD & 4G, doordarshan still  a laggard.PM's MANN KI BAAT is the the only time when doordarshan may have maximum viewers.

It was one of the vast spread network across india with highest viewership.Serial- has no single serial /drama/daily soap which can be counted among the top 10.

Movies- after 10-15 times a movie is shown by other channels doordarshan air's it.

News:- is the only thing which has remained consistent.

Reality shows- you wont find any.

It pinches my heart that being a national televison directly controlled by broadcasting ministry under central government since years, it never improved & show no signs of improvement in future.

I feel that the government doesn't want to make this channel better which is in interest of private players.

If they can't handle it than it should be handed over under PPP.

