Hi Friends, Today I want to share my view about Delhi Public School, Bokaro.
This school is situated in Laxmi Market, Sector 4 in Bokaro Steel City.
School Campus- The school campus is not very big.This school is situated in a crowded area.It's building is also average.
There are lack of school own play ground.
Admission System- The admission system of this school is not too good.The admission in this is based on entrance exam which will be done once in year, but selection list published twice or thrice.It's charged huge amount for admission.Afterall if someone not get admission by entrance test, he will get admission by donation system.
Pattern of Education- This is a English medium school and it follows CBSE pattern.
The syllabus of exam test will be disclosed to studends , so they get good marks.
School Bus Charge- This charge system is not good.For 1Km or For 30Km charges are same.
Extra Charges-The school system is not good.They always charged many for different activities, so parents always annoyed.
So friends, in my view this is not a good school for your children.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.