So, who is Dave Barry?
He is my step-father’s cousin brother.
Na, just kidding….
“The funniest man in America” Dave Barry is a Pulitzer-prize winning humor columnist (for the Miami Herald)/author.
(Now, some background on him, skip to the next question if you are impatient / tired / bored)
His column appears in MORE THAN 500 newspapers around the world (including the Asian Age). This dude had a TV serial (thank god it doesn’t start with K) called “Dave’s World” based on two of his books (It used to be aired on Zee English).
Dave has also written a total of 25 books, although virtually none of them contain useful information. One of his novel’s “Big Trouble” was made into a movie staring Tim Allen (“The tool time guy”) and was moderately successful. Another movie “Complete guide to guys” based on his book of the same name will be released shortly. Currently, his column is currently on a one-year hiatus, after which it may or may not return.
This guy is seriously funny (got the paradox?). Every time you think he’s getting serious, he’ll come up with an awesome line that’ll leave you begging for more.
His make-you-laugh ability lies in the fact that his writing never seems to take anything seriously, and effortlessly humorizes any topic under the sun.
You don’t wanna miss it….
What’s so great about this book?
This book is a collection of his witty and hilariously comical newspaper columns in the year 2000.
Why is it great, well for that, you’ll just have to read on ……
If you open with Sehwag, then you have to expect fireworks.
Barry hits a six with his first few lines. Check dis out :
People often ask me: ”Dave, What is the best thing about being a professional humor columnist?”
I always answer: “The best thing is that I can help others and make the world a better place.”
Then everyone has a hearty laugh, because, of course, I am lying.
Here’s his take on the unnecessary tests that doctors put us through:
“We’re going to have to run some tests”
“You may experience some discomfort”
“We’re going to have to run some more tests”
“The tests were inconclusive”
His Sixth sense:
I was walking through my bedroom on a recent Sunday morning when I suddenly had the feeling that something was wrong. I’m not sure how I knew; perhaps it was a “sixth sense” I’ve developed after years of home ownership. Or perhaps it was the fact that there was water coming out of the ceiling.
But whatever tipped me off; I knew that I had a potentially serious problem.
His dogmatic opinions about dogs:
Dogs spend their days industriously carrying out the vital ongoing mission of sniffing every object in the world, and then, depending on how it smells, either (a) barking at it; (b) eating it; (c) attempting to mate with it; (d) making weewee on it; or in the case of small, excitable dogs, (e) all of the above
On Titanic:
I finally finished the script for the sequel to the movie Titanic. I am calling it – and let the legal record show that I thought of this first – Titanic II: The sequel.
Age catching up with him:
I saw a sign on the door that said: END WORLD HUNGER TODAY. This reminded me that there was a time in my life, decades ago, when I was so full of energy that I was going to not only END WORLD HUNGER but also STOP WAR and ELIMINATE RACISM. Whereas today my life goals, to judge from the notes I leave myself, tend to be along the lines of BUY DETERGENT.
I may be 51 years old, but, darn it, I’m still a “rock-and-roll kind of animal”. So when a friend named Gene offered me some tickets to a beach boys concert, I jumped at the chance. As a result, I strained my back and had to lie down for six days.
His views about the World Wide Wait(or is it Web? thanks to Vsnl, I might never know)
Everybody—by which I mean “not you”—is getting rich off the internet. We are constantly seeing stories in the media about young internet entrepreneurs who look like they should be mowing lawns for spending money, except that they have the same net worth as Portugal.
I assume you are on the Internet. If you are not, then pardon my French, but vous etes un big loser. Today EVERYBODY is on the Internet, including the primitive Mud People of the Amazon rain forest.
So there it is, some glimpses of a book that had me ROTFL.
With almost 75 columns in this book, it guarantees smiles, guffahs and plenty of laughs.
Hope you enjoyed Dave Barry’s unique sense of humor.
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