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Cybersteering Reviews

kunalsinghthakur6MouthShut Verified Member
Ambota India
Jul 05, 2017 11:42 PM1179 Views (via Android App)

This website is used for getting the details of the cars available in the market of India or any other country. But I dislike this website due to this it gives me very poor experience. There are lots of bugs available in this website. This website take your time to load up.

I am not recommending this site to you. if you are planning to buy a car then don't get the properties of that particular car in this website. because sometimes this website gives you the wrong details of that car.

The perfect guide for technical problems
Apr 24, 2003 08:52 PM3109 Views

“Yamaha Rx135” à Search … I was disgusted searching for feedbacks. How good if the website or was functioning then. Just a few months was left b4 I could decide upon the bike I was to buy. I kept searching until I found the CYBERSTEERING…

Cybersteering is one stop for all auto activities online. Here u can find feed backs, road tests, buy and sell vehicles, auto news and the list continues … But the MAIN ADVANTAGE is that u have an online CAR & BIKE GURU !!! Yes these people are original experts who write 4 auto mags and they offer u FREE suggestions to any no. of questions u ask !!! Have any doubt ? Check out @ Another advantage is that ur queries are answered immediately, say in about one or two days !!! Trust me I have sent scores of queries to Mr. DilipBam the bikeguru at this site. Try the same and u’ll find a nice gentleman replying to you sooner than u expect in a seducing language skill. Also he’s expert in solving technical problems regarding vehicles. One can trust him for u can find his genuine roadtests at motor India mag and also he has written some books on two wheelers. The same in the case with the car-guru. Also ur queries (if good enough) will be posted on the site with the solution.

The next advantage of this site is that u have plenty of feedbacks for vehicle on this site. But I think that has better reviews than that, yet u can find those suggestions valuable. Also u have a price list for the current two wheelers. Other stuff include a Jawa/Yezdi bike owners club, links to international auto websites and information regarding superbikes. You can also find the Q&A page very useful in getting some good tips.

The website speed is good and the feedbacks download in no time. Also traffic on this site is responsive and good. I feel that any intelligent person buying a vehicle will not miss this site. This is what I have for u, try the rest for urself and ure sure 2 be satisfied.


Vroom, Vroom!
Sep 05, 2001 07:42 AM3030 Views

First Impression

Trying to be as proper as possible, here is my first impression of the cyber site.


It does not matter if you are looking for a used car, new car, two wheeler, car care tips, car models, prices, dealers, places to finance, essential tips and advice, history on world famous cars and tons more. This site covers it well.

If its help your looking for from this site, it is full of resources to help the shopper try to get the best deal possible. For example, the site has car reviews, surround videos, manufactures, finance options, interest rate charts and more!

On top of all the aforementioned topics that it covers, it also has the Latest news from the automobile sector and even has SK Gupta and Dilip Barn and friends to answer all your questions about autos and driving in India.

With information about Insurance, Sports craft (the organized body for the Indian Racing Club) and contests along with Feedback articles from the readers on their automobiles and free classified ads this site seems to have left nothing out.

In Closing

After visiting the site and reading around on it, I found it to both be easy to navigate and packed full of wonderful and useful information.


Giving right path to the users
Dec 18, 2000 02:12 PM3145 Views

This is a portal giving information about the whole automobile world.

it comprises all the information about the current on-road prices of all the automobiles in available the market.

this portal is frequently updated.

it is showing the prices in mumbai and delhi also.

the prices of automobiles are inclusive of all road taxes, insurance and R.T.O. taxes.

it also contains the information about the new coming autos.

u can also get known the delears of the auto. manufacturers spread over the country.

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