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Cracking the GRE - Princeton Review Reviews

Cracking The GRE
Dec 04, 2020 07:42 PM 302 Views

Techniques That Actually Work.

• Powerful tactics to avoid traps and beat the GRE

• Pacing tips to help maximize your time

• Detailed examples of how to employ each strategy to your advantage Everything You Need to Know for a High Score.

• Thorough reviews for every section of the exam

• Valuable practice with complex reading comprehension passages and math problems

• Extensive vocabulary list featuring key terms and exercises

Cracking the New GRE

Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions

Gruber’s Complete GRE Guide

1014 Practice Questions for the New GRE

Top 10 GRE Preparation Books for 2019

Practice Your Way to Perfection.

• 6 full-length practice tests(2 in the book & 4 online) with detailed answer explanations

• Drills for each test section—Verbal, Math, and Analytical Writing

• Step-by-step guides for interpreting your practice test results

• In-depth score reports available for online practice exams

Plus, with Cracking the GRE, Premium Edition you’ll get online access to exclusive premium content for an extra competitive edge:

• Key info about grad school admissions, testing calendars, and financial aid

• Video tutorials that break down strategies for each section of the GRE

• Multi-week study guides

• Special “GRE Insider” section packed with helpful info about grad school admissions, popular programs, application requirements, and more

About The Author

The experts at The Princeton Review have been helping students, parents, and educators achieve the best results at every stage of the education process since 1981. The Princeton Review has helped millions succeed on standardized tests, and provides expert advice and instruction to help parents, teachers, students, and schools navigate the complexities of school admission. In addition to classroom courses in over 40 states and 20 countries, The Princeton Review also offers online and school-based courses, one-to-one and small-group tutoring as well as online services in both admission counseling and academic homework help.

Cracking the GRE Premium Edition with 6 Practice Tests, 2020 Book Review

I just took the GRE(scored a 311) and this book was essential to performing well. It’s a good place to start with for studying the GRE to get an idea of what you need to do in order to study and improve your score. I recommend this book or another form of a general guide book that suits you, ETS material- especially practicing with their two free practice tests, and magoosh videos/website to help supplement.

I found the Princeton Quant to be a little easier than the actual GRE so it’s important you do the free ETS practice tests and practice Quant(found in their math guide). The free ETS math guide I would also recommend to read for not only practice in Quant but also to touch on areas not fully covered in this book such as parabolas and trapezoids(although these are a low yield questions in the Quant section I think). Occasionally practice doing 20 quant questions in 35 min to mimic the test and to get used to working at a fast pace. I also used two pieces of computer paper to write down all the math formulas, triangle related concepts, and general math rules I needed to know to perform well and reviewed it often.

I would recommend practicing writing the essays a few times, but overall this book will help you feel confident in attacking and approaching any essay given.

For vocab, I solely studied from this book. I would go through their vocab page and memorize all the words. If some words gave me trouble I would cut a notecard into fours and make flash cards. This not only saved time(by making cards only for my “problem” words), but also helped to cement the words into my mind. Do not delay in studying for vocab. Study a little every day(about 10-20 words, depending on what you can handle). Don’t cram it all at once, in fact you can’t because it’s really not possible. And make sure you review old words you previously studied.

For reading comprehension just practice reading those lengthy hard passages, and practice with the text completion and comparisons. Practice makes perfect and will help you master the ability to make educated guesses as well.

I recommend at least doing 3-4 full practice tests before your GRE to gauge your process. Do the two ETS and two from Princeton(I found Princeton tests to be a little easier overall but still great practice). It’s important to build stamina for taking this long test. BUT do not take practice tests less than a week before your exam. You will freak yourself out and also start to burn out. Also do not study the day before or day of your exam. You did what you needed to do!

ALL THE BEST! I recommend this book and hope this review helps you.

Beware of Princeton Rewiew
May 19, 2014 10:47 AM 3746 Views

If you are planning to go for GRE and thinking about The Princeton Review for your coaching then I request you all don't even consider them.I went to them and their consultant told me that they are having a batch of 10 plus student which is going to start on 5th of may and at that time I told them that if this is a morning batch then only I will join as I am working.

That time he committed with the timing and as per conversation I deposited 20k. 1 week later I got to know that there is no batch as I was the only student in their so called batch and they changed the timing as well. So I did not got what I paid for and on this they are not refunding my money.

Plz guys, don't risk your career and money.

Fake satisfaction gaurantee policy
Mar 04, 2012 10:54 AM 2583 Views

Don't opt for princeton im the princeton review student I scored 20 marks less after taking coaching from princeton review I asked for again coaching they are saying you should not mis one class also and also the pattern should not be changed .....dattesh kumar or none helped from Hyderabad princeton.

All fake policies and fake satisfaction guarantee it is the worst institute cheated me .. people plz be aware of princeton review don't believe in fake policies of princeton...they won't do any thing and coaching was also worst for verbal..................they simply show up there was nothing in it even if prepare by yourself we will fetch more marks.....they cheated me.


Cracking the GRE - Princeton Review
Good value for money
Mar 04, 2004 01:13 PM 3359 Views

During the course of preparation for GRE this was one of the books I referred. This book follows the new format of the GRE i.e. Verbal, Quantitative & Analytical Writing. The book is divided into 5 parts. The first part gives information about the GRE test and GRE tips. The second part deals with the verbal section. The verbal section deals with Analogies, Sentence Completions, Antonyms, Reading Comprehension and vocabulary.

This section is pretty well explained. However one problem is the lack of vocabulary. Compared to Barron's word list this list is very small. Also there are no sentences for the words as in Barron. The 3rd part is the Quantitaive section which deals with the quantitative section of the GRE quite competently. The fourth section dealing with the Analytical Writing section was very useful. This deals with commonly asked questions regarding this section. Samples issues and arguments are dealt with.

Also templates are provided to deal with the issues and arguments. Tips are provided as to how to break down the issue and the argument. The fifth part of the book has a set of practice tests. There are 3 tests each having verbal and quantitative parts. The first test is classified as easy, followed by medium and then hard. This is followed by analytical writing practice sets and sample essays. The sample essays are excellently written.

All in all, this part of the book provides excellent pratice for the GRE. An added advantage of buying this book is that one is entitled to a free subscription of of the Online Companion course. The online companion course has extra diagnostic exams providing complete results instantly, online exercises, drills etc. The questions in the book and the online companion are different so it is worthwile having a look at it.

I found the online companion very useful as it provided good practice and had good questions. The only drawback is that the site loading is a bit slow. All in all, good value for money. Definitely recommended. Plus points 1) Online companion 2) large letters hence reading easy Minus points 1) Needs a better wordlist 2) Site loading slow

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