Fraud company “Country club hospitality & holidays ltd” company is a fraud company. Especially Janardhan & Revati, Sumit from their Pune branch & Sandhya, From Hyderabad.
Don't become victims to their executives’ calls.
After all payments, there’s no response from their customer service and no reservations. Unfortunately until this date Aug 2021, I didn’t get any single reservation at their resorts or hotel. They are cheating customers. I met many people with the same issues at their Pune office.
Pathetic people. Save your money guys, don't fall into their trap.
Here is what happened to me on 24-06-2021 - 2.45 pm.
I started getting a call from your sales team From Mr. Janardhan Kaushal(Mobile No- 727720xxxx) Dt. 16 Jun 2021 for a 35000 package for 5 years and some additional benefits. Upon review, I found out it didn't suit my requirement, so I informed the sales rep that I was not interested in the offer. The next day I again got a call and told them that I was not interested.
Once again got a call on Dt. 19 Jun-21 Same happened.
Then your Zonal Head, Sumit Papani(Mobile No - 8459688xxxx) Call me and sent a WhatsApp with some offers. I told him what I would be interested in to which he replied.
Once again call was received from Mr. Janardhan Dt. 24 Jun-2021, & lots of fake promises as below:
1.I would like to request the cancellation of my membership from the country club if you REFUND my provided membership payment of Rs.35000 Dt. 24 Jun 21. I am forced to cancel the membership due to some false promises given by the sales/marketing team Sr. consultant Mr. Janardan Kaushal, Emp ID:- CVPUFC3139. I am not using as on date any of your club activities & service. also not interested in using any club activities in the future.
2.As per your email confirmation Dt. 26 Jun 2021, 16:58 in the provided clause/ agreement, it's clearly mentioned that I can cancel my membership in the cool period of 10 days. I have taken this membership Dt. 24th June 2021. So, as per your email confirmation and yesterday's visit to your Hyderabad customer care office as per your request I was sent you a cancellation letter within 10 days as per your commitment not required you received in 10 days only need to Mr. Khaja Sir confirm sent before 10 days from your end, Attached herewith letter copy and courier details for your reference.
I am putting my papers for cancellation of the scheme and I want my full amount(Paid 35, 000) to be refunded at the earliest. or as per your policy close.
3.Cancellation reasons are given below: - hope you are not required if we cancel in your committed Cool period time but some are below:
a) I have purchased this scheme/membership with Rs.35000 Rs and Sr. consultant Mr. Janardan Kaushal, Emp ID:- CVPUFC3139 told me that this is the highest discount that I have got from the Country Club but the same scheme/ membership was offered to me with 33,310.03 only. Also offered below benefits:
1.D-mart Voucher Rs.2000 per voucher 4 Times= Rs. 8000.
2.SPA Voucher Rs.6000 without any condition.
3.No any other hidden additional Cost over and above of membership & accommodation.
4.Jungle Safari free during Bandipore vacation.
5.Additional Stay 6 nights 7 days two times means 14 Nights without any additional cost.
6.Also promise my big son 16-year-old to stay with you without any charges.
7.For food 40% discount on own property & other locations also some discounted rate.
8.Each person's birthday & Anniversary calibration in the country club.
a) During calibration Free cake from the country club and Rs.1500 Gift vouchers every Time you can use without any condition.
b) Every year 5 Calibration 4 birthday & 1 anniversary= 5 5 Cake every year Total 30 Cakes Approx. 500 Cost 30 500= Total Rs. 15,000/-
c) Every year 5 Celebration 4 birthday & 1 anniversary= Rs.1500 Food Gift Voucher every year Total 30 Food Gift Voucher each Rs.1500 Cost 30 500= Total Rs. 45,000/-
9.AMC Cost Rs. 6000 per year As per offer but you commit if you pay in one time 50%, Rs.15,000/- if pay in one time and additional discount form your Rs. 3000, So Final Cost For 5 Year AMC you committed Rs.12000/-
10.If we stay in a country club without using a holiday package & voucher, we need to pay only Rs.499/- GST Only for family.
11.50% discount on AMC charges for a lifetime.
12.Guaranteed booking confirmation if the booking is done in 15 days - 30 days in advance under this special and exclusive vacation ownership scheme.
13.Lifetime Free access to all clubs and fitness centers and country club events for 10 years.
14.Representative told me the "Blue category" is entitled to booking window 15-30 days while later I came to know that the actual window is 45-70 days - a straight case of over-selling and under-delivery
15.Representative mentioned free access to all the CLUBS, EVENTS, FITNESS CENTERS of CountryClub through this package, however now I see, CLUBS are excluded!
16.You can transfer or gift the holidays to someone else., This holiday you can split in 2 holidays also(2N & 3 days).
17.On weekends you can visit any Country club locations where you will get Lunch or dinner for Rs.350/-per person only.
18.Janardhan told us that decision you need to make right now since this offer is valid for today only & it is due to the completion of 30years of a country club.
19.As of the date I have not received any membership card and voucher from the country club.
20.Also Mr. Janardhan did not show me any agreement and I did not sign any agreement. also not explain any agreement conditions with me.
When we have gone through in detail some website details, we got to know that how many fake promises they made us and the T&C page tells a different story.
After highlight these fake promises with Mr. Summit Papani Branch Head Pune, He said to me forget the fake promises given by Mr. Janardhan, Mr. Summit Punish to Mr. Janardhan, and for compensation to me provide email confirmation for 5 weeks of holidays through vouchers.
These extra holidays have been offered as compensation for our sales executives' false commitments and to encourage you for a happy journey with the Country Club.
Anything they offered and some contents are opposite. They have told us that this membership can be cancelled at any time but it is given exactly the opposite in the customer care email Dt. 26 Jun 2021, 16:58 / provided agreement clause. Cool period only 10 days.
4.Now I feel the country club is totally a fraud company due to some fraud promise given by your employee and I am unhappy with your service and I will not suggest anyone take the membership. If I do not get my money back within 10 days, I will take legal action against the Country club and your employee.
Under The Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Protection from unfair or restrictive trade practices.
Payment Amount of Rs.35,000, WWW DOT COUNTRY CLUB WORLD DOT COM, Associate Sr. consultant Mr. Janardan Kaushal, Emp ID:- CVPUFC3139 By HDFC Credit Card Dt. 24th June 2021.
I want to refund the amount the membership in a country club because at the time of providing membership they said some services to us. but until now they did not confirm any of those services. We asked the country club employee & Customer care so many times about that service. but they are not responding properly. so we want to refund that membership amount.
Now due to finance issue I want to refund of my membership amount, please do the needful.
Now I completely understand that these guys have made us fool by offering them many benefits against their membership.
I started calling customer care & putting mails to refund my payment due to their false commitment but they are not responding over mails or calls for a refund.
So I request you to help me to get my payment refund. I have found lots of complaints about the country club for the same commitment done with the other customers by the country club but not fulfilled & not return the payment.
I hope you will concur with the grievances stated above. Please call me for any clarification you need on this @7050699699.
Below are the details:
Membership No:- CVPU1IP5LB272688
contact no:- 9028273295/7050599599
Mail ID:-
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.