Not worth it. They promise free holidays, but make u pay utility charges. Just book outside, u will save ur money without membership fee and AMC fees. Don't fall for free 2N3D, free Bangkok stay. If you calculate their utility charges, its same as hotel price if you book without membership of 80k or a Lakh. Properties in Bangalore r badly maintained.
They have some good properties, no doubt. But u can get similar properties much cheaper today with all websites like Goibibo, MMT. Save you 80k, 1 Lakh today and use that to book your holidays.
Charges that make you spend extra - utility charges, AMC, compulsory food in some resorts. On top of this add the membership fees of 80k or a Lakh. U will spend about 1.5 lakhs. U can easily plan 2 trips a year, 3 star hotel (avg 3800 per night, 4N a year). For 10 years u spend that much only. They'll will say lifetime, but what's the use, u have to keep paying AMC whether u use or not.
Remember, they give u only free 2N per year for 5 years or 10 years. But u pay utility charges.
They have very few own properties, for tie-up properties u need to pay 1500 per night. Best is book outside without any membership.
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