My father is a diabetic patient. He had an injury on his leg and it was bleeding with pus. We are at Mumbai at my uncle's house. He suggested about this cooper hospital and took him to there.
I have been to this hospital along with my father and uncle. We consulted a diagnostician about my father's injury. He examined the condition of my father and gave a prescription for his wound.
Doctor advised to take urine and blood tests for the next day so, that he would give medicines according to his levels.
The next day we went to another departments as blood and urine tests were at different spots. Despite, the wait we have received both the tests. He had to take both of the tests before and after taking his breakfast.
Later we took those urine and blood reports near diagnologist.
My father blood group was o+ve. regarding the urine test the sugar levels were less 247 before taking his breakfast but after taking tiffin his levels increased from 274 to 394. This was very bad report.
Even-though report was poor diagnologist was friendly he checked of my father's BP levels and gave prescription according to the urine and blood reports.
He called him back after 15 days to check the condition of my father.
Within a week my father was recovered and got normal again. His wound was totally recuperated.
He went for his check-up after 15 days and got some more tablets from the market.
Really I am pleased with their service. The staff was cooperative and caring especially I am grateful to the compounder who had cleaned my father's wound.
The front desk of the hospital were concerned. But the hospital toilets condition was not good. They should take proper steps to maintain cleanliness.
The fees was expecting. so, a common man can afford to their treatments.
As it is multi specialty hospital there are professionals in every field.
so, check their website before getting into hospital.
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