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Concise Oxford English Dictionary - Pearsall Judy Reviews

vikashc95MouthShut Verified Member
Sidhi India
Perfect dictionary for all
Apr 10, 2018 09:00 AM 830 Views (via Android App)

If you are learning english then you have to know the vocabulary more and more to control and command on english in writing as well as talking , then in other hand if you dont know the many words and you have to improve your english within a month then , I suggest you to go with oxford dictionary because it contains more than sufficient words to command on english and most imoprtant thing is that, there is a pictorial representation of many words so that you can learn very quickly and you can not forgot easly.

sometimes you habe to learn things like story wise then some of the words in this dictionary are also related with story for the betterment of your knowledge and to improve your skill, by the help of this dictionary you can also teach your cousins or any else.

The vocab provided by this dictionary is superb and this will hepl to growth of english in future too.

pleasantsomMouthShut Verified Member
Bhawanigarh India
Best dictionary
Sep 03, 2017 09:57 AM 1645 Views (via Android App)

IN A market you can find out so many dictionaries from various companies but this is the best dictionary you can find out from the market. You can also buy this dictionary from online website. This dictionary is a very useful for those who really want to improve their English. Does not a matter a student choose this dictionary does not matter a person who want to prepare for the Ielts, Pte exam that use this dictionary. Oxford dictionary is for everyone. Example if you prepare for the ilets exam and you doing a reading in Alice exam then you will find out some formal English words if you want to know their meaning you will not a find out those meanings in normal dictionary for that you really need Oxford English short we can say oxford dictionary is the best dictionary.

Quite Good But Not For Advanced English Learners.
Jul 04, 2017 03:57 AM 1634 Views (via Android App)

I've been using this dictionary for over ten years. It is a quite good dictionary of English, considering it's an Oxford. I would like to list out its pros and cons which are as following:


1) The name says it all. It's an Oxford dictionary, so you could trust the definitions given for each entry completely.

2) A thumb-index has been provided so that one could quickly navigate to entries beginning with the desired letter.

3) Simple explanations in easy language for each word are given.

4) Word formation lists( also called wordbuilder sections) are given, compiling together words formed from the same root, which is an aid to vocabulary. A well thought out concept which is well received.

5) Usage tabs for certain tricky words are given, alerting the reader as to when and how to use the word and prevent confusion between almost similar spelled or sounding words, which is really good.

6) It comes in hardback, is of a decent thickness, not too thick so as to make it difficult to carry.

7) It is not heavy, can be easily lifted with one hand and carried.


1) It is not adequate for people already having a solid command of English vocabulary. Many a time I did not find the word I was looking for.

2) It tries to explain every word in simple English. And there lies a major drawback. Easy explanations might be good to understand the meaning, but they do not help the reader to form links in the language and links are very important; several words are linked together through common or close meanings like synonyms, and the dictionary fails to add them to the explained meanings.

3) The appendices are missing from the dictionary.

4) A detailed pronunciation table or chart is missing from the dictionary. The Chambers Dictionary provides it, but not the Concise Oxford English Dictionary by Judy Pearsall. There is only a small unit in the beginning given under the heading of pronunciation, and that spans hardly half a page. The dictionary makes up for the lack of a table by providing a pronunciation-list at the bottom of every page though which many will find convenient.

5) A list of phrases and quotations from Latin, Greek and modern foreign languages is not provided. The reader comes in contact with them through newspapers and other sources and usually would not like to buy another book only for that.

In conclusion, I would like to add that The Concise Oxford English Dictionary is a very reliable dictionary perfectly suited for your ready reference.


Concise Oxford English Dictionary - Pearsall Judy
King in Dictionary world
Jun 12, 2015 08:27 AM 2300 Views

Concise Oxford English Dictionary is a very handy Instrument for writeing in English language, and requires English spelling and meaning to check time to time .

Oxford is a very great and ancient name in dictionary, while you fail in finding meaning of English from other dictionary Oxford dictionary is right  thing to use because you will mostly found your answer.

Oxford handling staff are always in touch with advance researchers and inventor of new words, and adding  it in dictionary.

So, at the end if you are looking for a Dictionary where you can get mostly solution of your question concisely go for Concise Oxford Dictionary.

Book about success
May 07, 2015 03:08 PM 1942 Views (via Mobile)

I love this dictionary. This dictionary make my English better than before.from this dictionary any doubt can be clear and all meanings are in this book.

It help me a lot in English subject because if dont under stand any word I found that meaning in this book and then I understand whole story or paragraph and in this book meanings are in simple sentence. This book help me to improve English and finding new words and there meaning.

I would recommended you to atleast try this book .because this book is very helpful it can give any meaning of any word and it is not so expensive and it will change your English.

Best in class
Mar 24, 2013 03:40 PM 976 Views

I have referred to oxford since childhood. My mother used it, I've also used it. Wren and martin and oxford were the two dictionaries that I think have many references, examples and easy to understand explanation.

Improve your diction.
Jun 30, 2004 12:15 AM 3354 Views

Choosing a good dictionary is as important as clothes you wear, or the books you read. It?s more than a style statement; something closer to a want of increasing your vocabulary, and also believing that dictionary is an indispensable part of reading books.

Almost all of us encounter that occasional word, which doesn?t make any sense, and then consulting a dictionary becomes important.

However most of us tend to overlook this point, and go ahead with just any dictionary which is available nearby. It?s not wrong to do that, but the knowledge of the availability of a good dictionary will be elemental if you are to develop a serious attitude towards the direction of language, vocabulary and pronunciation building practices.

Here I am writing about the concise version of oxford dictionaries.

A good dictionary must have (which this one has):

. Readable font:

Now this is the most important aspect, since we encounter it almost every time we open the dictionary to look for a word, and it would be nice if the font were to be soothing to the eyes.

. Format:

the way in which a word is written, along with all the necessary elements for the words, which namely, in the order of appearance

Word, part of speech, pronunciation, alternate meanings (and the context in which they are used), other forms, origin.

. Coverage:

including all the words is near about impossible for any dictionary, but even then an extensive coverage of the mostly used words is very important so that the words we encounter normally (in reading books, newspapers) should be there. No need for medical or technical jargon.

. Definitions:

should be sharp and crisp, to the point, and also revealing the meaning of the word after all.

From the time I started reading, I have been using dictionaries, of all types. My first was the 8th edition of Oxford concise dictionary, then penguin?s, then again 9th edition, and now the 10th edition.

This 10th edition is given birth by Judy Pearsall, is further improvement to the already established reputation of Oxford in giving out good dictionaries. This time, the improvements have been done in the form of increase of words and other features.

Some of the impressive points about this dictionary are:

#. List of consonants and vowels at the bottom of every page, essential to understand the pronunciation of words, I have found this feature only in oxford dictionaries. On all the pages, the list of consonants on 2 facing pages, and then list of vowels on the next 2 facing pages, alternative have been provided. You won?t have to look back each time to the first page if you don?t get the pronunciation.

#. Way of presentation of words is quite user-friendly, with different font sizes, arrow heads, Bold, and other means provided to differentiate between different aspects of the word.

#. Origin of the word at the last of meaning, which provides useful insight and a way to remember the word. Also helps in understanding other such words for future.

#. Small paragraphs about usage of certain words.

E.g. ?Queer, the word queer was first used to mean ?homosexual? in the early 20th century: it was originally, and usually still is, a deliberately derogatory term when used by heterosexual people. In recent years, however, gay people have taken the word queer and deliberately used it in place of gay or homosexual, in an attempt, by using the word positively, to deprive it of its negative power?

Now I didn?t know THAT.

Apart from the usual stuff, the dictionary has a trove of information at the end pages, in form of short pastime information.

Appendix 1: Countries of the world

Appendix 2: Alphabets, accents, and punctuation marks

Appendix 3: weights and measures

Appendix 4: Groups of animals etc.

Appendix 5: Proofreading marks

Appendix 6: Games and puzzles word builder

Appendix 7: SMS (electronic text messaging)

Appendix 8: Guide to good English.

In particular I found appendices 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 to be terribly irrefutable and overtly important in the information contained in them.

It shows how oxford keeps up with the emerging trends of English language.

All in all, an extremely indispensable collection of words, over 240,000 in number, this dictionary is all anyone can ask for, for a long time to come to supplement all the needs of finding, understanding and spelling words beyond our reach.

Happy browsing.

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